The Slave Won

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We came out of hyperspace about to enter the atmosphere of Coruscant. Bossk said "since this is an imperial cruiser we can't just simply land on a planet controlled by the New Republic." I told him "right, we'll land at the works district it's full of abandoned factories, no one goes there. Bossk said "alright" as he lowered the ship and flew towards the works district. We landed in an old factory and went to look for a speeder. After walking closer toward the city we found an unattended speeder and rode it toward the city. I saw a small computer in one of the seats, so I took out the computer inside and plugged it into my helmet connecting me to the holonet allowing me to see records of any person in the galaxy. I scanned Bossk and it showed he was declared dead. I also searched myself and it said, that I am dead as well. I searched more and found that both me and Bossk were wanted in over 200 systems including Coruscant so we need to lay low. I checked the holonet to find if Lazrin was still in business and said he was, then did some digging on a personal target. We then flew down into the many levels of the planet, I could see that the inhabitants were still extremely poor, so nothing's really changed. We reached the area where Lazrin's junkyard is, it looks still in shape but with even more junk scattered around it and still had the same horrible smell. I walked through the entrance and saw the Toyderian lazrin fixing a droid. I knew lazrin at the start of my bounty hunting career he gave me small bounty's that I completed, I trusted him with the ship. He walked over to and said "what can I help you with" I don't think he recognized me due to me wearing my dad's armor so I took off my helmet. He looked in shock and said "Boba it's good to see you are you lookin for a bounty" I shook his hand and said "you know why I'm here" Lazrin looked nervous then he said "yeah, the ship. I don't have It anymore, I had no choice Imperials stole it from me 3 days ago a woman leading them was a Sith she had a light whip she cut my wing off now I can never fly again" I said out loud in anger "Lumiya, how do I find the ship" Lazrin picked up a box and took out a small chip, he said "here is the tracker and the key to disarm the lock on the ship good luck the new republic has been cracking down on imperials so I doubt they have left the planet so there is a good chance they're still here." I told him "thanks" just as I walked away Lazrin said "wait, there is something I want to give you, you need all the help you can get" he clapped his hands and then I heard footsteps, A droid came out of the shadows and it was an IG-88 model. Lazrin added "I found it in a scrap pile I've been fixing him and I think he can help you. He's not as good as he used to be but he can still put up a fight but he's a droid that speaks his mind" The droid walked to me and said "I will help you Boba" I shook Lazrin's hand and said goodbye as I hopped into the speeder with the droid and left. I get nervous with the droid in the back seat due to me being responsible for killing two of his kind. But  I scanned his droid brain with my helmet and found that most of its original programming is gone except its combat skills. The droid looked at me and said "I know your taking a scan of my brain I mean no harm towards you" Bossk chuckled and said "he can speak now to, I remember when both of you barely spoke a word" I check the tracker and said "I traced the ship somewhere on level 1313" Bossk was loading his gun and said "you'd think after winning a war this planet would be in better shape" I answered "after the battle of Endor the galaxy is still picking up the pieces even after six years the New Republic doesn't have the same grip on the galaxy the way the Emperor did. Imperials still do operations on the planet but the Republic has pushed them down to the lower levels. But enough of that we're getting closer" The signal was coming from a small warehouse in the distance so we landed the speeder at a building a block away due to the fact the entire level was crawling with probe droids. We were on a roof watching through the window as a group of Imperials were scanning my ship I hacked the com links of one of the storm troopers inside. He said as he was walking toward Lumiya "we've been trying to access the ship but the security system is harder to crack then we thought, it won't even turn on" Lumiya looked at him in anger and said "then we'll have to use brute force to get inside get an ion razor and break in" the trooper nodded and ran into another room. Lumiya then took out a holodisc and turned it on the person she was calling was Caraerian she showed up on the hologram and said "have you gained access to the ship yet" Lumiya looked with anger and said "no" Caraerian answered "I want that ship, as soon as you get the ship out of there you can kill him"  I then looked at Lumiya from out the window she looked unsettled the next thing she said was "I sense we're being watched" Caraerian looked with confusion and said "Fett he escaped from the prison and now he is after the Slave 1 you can't let him get it" the hologram turned off and Lumiya yelled "Fett is here I want people on watch of the entire building don't let him in here your lives depend on it" all of the troopers nodded their heads and split up. Bossk looked at me and asked "what's the plan Boba" I told him "you stay on the roof and cover us with your sniper. I'll take out some of the troopers outside when I get inside you cover me" Ig looked at me with his red eyes and asked "what about me" I answered "you will help me take out the troopers outside and then meet me inside the building" i handed the droid a knife and a blaster, then climbed off the roof. I used the grapple cable on my wrist launcher and climbed onto the ledge of the imperial building. I slowly crept behind a storm trooper doing a patrol and stabbed him in the throat. I saw on the other side of the building IG snapping the neck of a trooper. I climbed down to the entrance and shot the two guards at the door. IG jumped down from the ledge above and we kicked open the door. I saw a trooper about to take a ion razor to my ship and shot him in the head with my blaster. I quickly said "Get your hands off my ship" Lumiya looked directly in my eyes with anger. She then yelled out "Boba I knew you'd come" she proceeded to clutch her fist and I felt my body  freeze, I couldn't move my body she proceeded to lift me off the ground and flat me towards her, I tried to fire my gun at her but I was completely paralyzed. She then turned on her light whip but suddenly Bossk shot her in the head with his sniper causing Lumiya to fall to the ground freeing me from her grasps. I landed on the ground and pointed my blasters at her she proceeded to press a button causing a low frequency pitch, I then heard buzzing then swiftly, a giant horde of probe droids came crashing through the windows and through the roof. They began to swarm around me and IG. I grabbed the closest probe droid and took out my knife, it began to grab at me with it's claws until I stabbed it in the center eye and jumped on top of it. It began swarming around with me grabbing on to it, I took out my blaster and shot at the other droids. IG copies me and grabbed on to one to. Bossk kicked open the door carrying a machine gun and began shooting at the giant horde of droids as a distraction for me and IG to get to the ship. As we rushed towards it Lumiya jumped down on the ground and ignited her light whip, I looked at her and saw on the side of her head a large wound that healed extremely fast, as she did this IG took out his two blasters and began firing at her Lumiya began trying to slash IG but he was too quick. I rushed in on my rocket boots firing at her, she then flung her whip at me and I caught it in mid air. I then flew across the room dragging Lumiya around watching her hit objects across the warehouse. I was about to shoot her until she used the force to take my blaster out of my hands I then felt a tight strangle on my neck I was stuck in the air trying to catch a breath I let go of Lumiya's light whip she landed on the ground with the blaster aiming at my head until IG fired his dual pistols at Lumiya, just as Lumiya took cover, she shot me in the shoulderI fell out of the air hitting the metal balcony, finally falling on the ground. I fired my missiles at her and it knocked her unconscious, I yelled at IG and Bossk as they were firing at the probe droids, "come on" they ran towards me, I turned the security lock off of the ship turning it on, I opened the loading ramp and we ran inside, I rushed toward the cockpit and turned on the engine, we flew off the ground and I saw a group of storm troopers rush out of buildings and began firing at us, I turned on the turbo lasers and began firing at them, I saw Lumiya get up from the wreckage caused by the missiles and try to grab my ship with the force, I couldn't fly away. I yelled at Bossk "load a torpedo" I then watched Bossk and IG pick up the torpedo  and loaded into the back of the ship I then fired  it into the building and watched all of the troopers try to run away and so did Lumiya, I then turned on the thrusters and flew away and saw on the scanners as the enitre warehouse along with a couple of buildings within its vicinity exploded. I got what I wanted The Slave 1 I now understand why my father called it that. He meant to call it the slave won after my father escaped slavery his life got better he became the greatest bounty hunter in the Galaxy the slave did win for a long time he did. I had a great life that was then taken from me when my father died and then when my family did. When Caraerian sent me to that prison she made me a slave to work in imperial factories that had me tortured when they thought I worked too slow. She tried so hard to break me, she almost did but I had hope and that hope got me out of there she tried to take everything and I am going to get revenge. Soon the Slave  will win but he needs to do something first.

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