Bo Katan

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The tractor beam transported us inside the cargo hold of a giant battle ship.The ship went into hyperspace by what we could tell on the scanners so there is no hope in escaping. Who could have taken us, pirates, smugglers, the new republic? But all I knew was we were probably in for a fight I took out my dad's pistols and yelled at Bossk "get cover whatever comes through the slave 1 fire, Bossk nodded his head as he took out his rifle and IG-88 said "I'll activate my instant kill programming". We had our guns pointed to the door until the windows on the ship broke and group of people rushed in and had their guns drawn us then the door to the ship cracked open and huge void of smoke came in then a group of soldiers ran in Bossk yelled in anger "I just fixed the ship" One of the soldiers yelled "drop your weapons" I was about to try and shoot my way out until the smoke cleared and saw the people who had their guns on us were Mandaloriands.

 We had our guns pointed to the door until the windows on the ship broke and group of people rushed in and had their guns drawn us then the door to the ship cracked open and huge void of smoke came in then a group of soldiers ran in Bossk yelled i...

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Their armor had different colors shapes and were more advanced than mine and they held very large and dangerous weapons, I didn't want to hurt them so I yelled at IG and Bossk "stand down"  the two lowered there weapons and then were confiscated a Mandalorian in black armor ripped off my necklace of the Mythosaur. The mandaorian in black armor who pointed a at me yelled "search the ship". While they were tearing the ship apart IG said out loud in disappointment "I was looking forward to using instant kill"  Bossk turned to look at him in shock he replied "he definitely still has that old programming in him" IG replied "its my favorite program". The Mandalorians were tearing part my ship looking for something until I realized what they wanted, I yelled "it's in a box under the bottom bunk bed" the Mandalorians rush towards it and finds the Mandalorian and Jedi sacred texts they stared in awe at the historic book of their culture. I knew it was what they wanted and it was the least I could to for the Mandalorian people. One Mando in blue armor yelled "who are you, and where did you find this" I answered "my name is Boba Fett and if you want more answers you will take me to your leader" he grunted and replied "come with me pretender" I could see why they would think I'm a pretender I'm not in a clan and I am a clone of a Mandalorian but I felt that this was the only way I could be let in. We walked out of the ship and into the hangar with Bossk and Ig behind us. I could see the large numbers of the mando people , but there were some children running around it reminded me of the children on Jartio. with what I could tell they were living here some wore helmets and some were unmasked it all depends on which clan you belong to. They kept my helmet on, even if they thought I was a pretender they didn't want to humiliate me by removing my own helmet. The ship looked new old but looked like it went through some major repairs new and old equipment lying around everywhere based on what I saw when we were in the tractor beam and now seeing the interior I figured out what ship we are on. We were on the Keldabe class battle ship.

           The ship was designed for war, but the Mando people remodeled it as a small village with  homes, but that's not to forget the giant arsenal of weapons and ships in the main hangar

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The ship was designed for war, but the Mando people remodeled it as a small village with  homes, but that's not to forget the giant arsenal of weapons and ships in the main hangar. We were escorted to a small interrogation room and were forced to sit down, me Bossk and IG were cuffed to our seats while Bossk wore a giant muzzle on his face. while the Mandalorians went outside the room Bossk looked to me and asked "your wearing the Mandalorian armor why don't they trust you" I looked to him and said "they know I'm not a real one they probably won't listen to me" IG turned his head and asked sincerely "I can break us out of here quickly all you have to do is activate my kill program" Bossk looked towards me in shock and said "he's more cold blooded than I am". A woman in light Blue mando armor walked though the door along with two other mandos  she bared a clan symbol I couldn't recognize so I couldn't tell who she was. The woman sat down and nodded at the two Mandalorians as they took Bossk and Ig away out of the room they tried to struggle but the restraints were to great for them to escape. The Mandalorians closed the door so it was now between me and the woman in blue armor. She took out the Mandalorian and Jedi texts and placed them on the table. She pressed a button on her wrist gauntlets and my restraints unlocked falling on the floor making a loud noise hitting the metal ground. For a brief moment we stared at each other giving emotionless looks at eachother but it was hard to tell since we were both wearing helmets. Until finally, she took off her helmet and placed it on a wall with a beautiful mural with Mandalorian art she turned around to look at me revealing she is Bo Katan

 Until finally, she took off her helmet and placed it on a wall with a beautiful mural with Mandalorian art she turned around to look at me revealing she is Bo Katan

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the former deathwatch member during the Clone wars and now the current Mandalore. She revealed to me her face  asked in a serious tone pointing at the texts "Now tell me how does the great Boba Fett find one of the oldest Mandalorian books in existence, but the real question is why?" I answered "for my father's people" she looked at me with suspicion and replied "I know a person who hides behind a mask, I do it as well, but I need full honesty from you but first, would you like your helmet off or kept on through this conversation" I knew she was testing me, she wanted to see my real face so we could be on eachothers level. I politely replied "I'll take it off" I  took a deep breath and calmly lifted my helmet off of my head, I felt my hands shake nervously, because I haven't really taken it off since I was on Kamino. I placed it on the table, the helmet was faced directly at Bo Katan's it's like they were locked into a battle.

But it would be hard to show complete honest because I haven't really revealed my true face to anyone not since Geena and Emma back then I could show the love and the pain, but after they died to be strong I hid the pain, anger, and sadness I hid ...

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But it would be hard to show complete honest because I haven't really revealed my true face to anyone not since Geena and Emma back then I could show the love and the pain, but after they died to be strong I hid the pain, anger, and sadness I hid it in the prison, I hid it in the presence of my peers to look strong in front of them and in front of my enemies. Even though for a long time I didn't wear a helmet I hid behind a mask to hide my emotion but this time, I needed to be honest. I answered "my father was a true Mandalorian and left his armor, I had always wanted to be a Mandalorian in honor of him, after I stole the books I went into hiding and then Caraerian came looking for it and slaughtered my family, I hid the books in the slave one so she couldn't find it, but she sent me to an Imperial prison, I escaped got the ship your rescued me and here we are I want to help you restore the Mandalorian people to their former glory and for me to be considered a real Mandalorian ." She then looked at me with disgust and said "the true Mandalorians, your father Jango Fett belonged to a clan of fools and if you claim to be a Mandalorian of that clan then I will not consider you a real Mandalorian pretender" I grew angry, and she could see the look on my face like we were both about to engage in a fist fight, I calmed down and said "the true Mandalorians wanted to help the Mandalorian way of life trying to steal them away from the old ways of being war mongers. But the other clans didn't listen so they had to fight the deathwatch lead by psychopathic Vizslas, whom you use to follow, I never had an allegiance to the Empire I worked for the highest bidder but that doesn't mean I liked them. As well as you, you singlehandedly helped Darth maul rise to power and take over Mandalore, I know you fixed your mistakes and that's what I'm trying to do will you accept my help or not."

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