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Once we landed Dengar and I saw in the distance four inquisitors slaughtering some of the villagers. So me and Dengar rallied together a handful of villagers and we charged at the inquisitors. One jumped into the air as I flew above to meet him. He kicked me and I fell on the ground the inquisitor had his lightsaber out and threw his lightsaber at me. I rolled over and took out my blaster and aimed at him but he kicked the blaster out of my hand since his large size he put his large foot on my chest to crush my body. I took out my Sarlacc knife and continuously stabbed him in the foot causing him to take his foot off my body while I fired my flamethrower at him. As he ran away in pain I took out my special bullet originally created by my father but improved by me, loaded it into my wrist launcher and fired it on the flaming inquisitor disintegrating him. I picked up my gun and the red lightsaber, and ran towards the other two inquisitors with Dengar and shot at them. Since they were inquisitors and not real Sith they don't have real skill with a lightsaber so they couldn't really block a laser blast so they retreated. Just as we thought the fight was over, we get someone on the com saying "there are too many of them, they took down the shield generator. We looked back at the village and saw the shield generator go down and more troopers land from the mountainside running toward the village. We ran into the jungle and saw as the trees began to burn on both sides of the jungle. Me and Dengar split up the remaining troops I headed to the east side of the village jungle and Dengar  headed toward the west. As I was going through the jungle I saw right where the fire originated there was four death troopers setting fire to the jungle and Lady Lumiya I told the the villagers behind me as we were hiding "I'll take care of the Sith Lord, you take care of the death troopers". The villagers began to shoot at the troopers in, luring them deeper into the dark jungle. While the troopers were occupied I flew above Lumiya shooting my blaster at her while she took out her light whip and slashed my gun in half. I flew onto the ground to fight her. She proceeded to strike at my legs with her whip so I hovered over her and fired my flamethrower at her her armor but it didn't work. I told her "your armor is impressive" she then strikes me with her whip wrapping it around my waist and pulled me down. She then looks at me with her yellow eyes and says "I was about to say the same thing. Usually when the whip attacks someone's body it slices them in half" as she was talking I took out the red lightsaber and sliced her hand off. She took a step back screaming and dropped her light whip. She then looked at me with a much more angered look and pushed me into a tree with the force chocking my throat. I tried to shoot her to finish her off  but I felt the pain in my waist again and fell on the ground. Then some of the villagers including dengar came into the area with their hands behind their heads and behind them were death troopers pointing guns at them. I tried to get up but couldn't because of the pain, Lumiya yelled at me "stand down or they die." I didn't want them to die so I did what she said. One of the death troopers got behind me and hit his blaster behind my head causing me to be disoriented as two more troopers dragged me. As I was being dragged I saw the burning jungle around me and watched as some tie bombers were dropping explosives in the jungle. They dragged me to the center of town and dropped me on the floor I saw all of the soldiers on their knees and all of the other villagers from the bunker on their knees to. I looked up and saw Caraerian, she took off my helmet, and yelled out "have his wife and child along with dengar brought before me, I want them to watch what I'm about to do to him" I watched as my best friend and my wife and daughter were brought in front of me and told to kneel. Emma began to cry while Geena was holding her. Caraerian walked up to the Emma and I yelled out in anger "don't touch her" Caraerian waved a hand gesture at the death trooper behind me and the trooper removed my helmet took out his blaster and clubbed me in the eye with it I could still see with my other and I saw Dengar look at me with an emotionless face, Caraerian looked at dengar and gave another hand gesture and Lumiya went behind Dengar she looked at me with a dark smile and took out her light whip and sliced his head off. I cried and thought how my best friend is dead my mentor who guided me throughout my life is now laying in front of me dead. Caraerian walked up to Emma and took the Mandalorian necklace and held it in the air she looked at Emma and said "this symbolizes strength, but I must ask you is this strength" she waved another hand gesture and more death troopers walked up to me and beat me up, kicking me, punching me hitting me with bats, stabbing me, but the only thing I focused on is how my wife and daughter has to watch me get tortured, to hear my screams. Caraerian said "round these two up with the others" a death trooper walked Emma and Geena to where the other villagers were and I was staring directly at them. Caraerian said "on my signal you will open fire" I yelled out "no!" As death troopers stood behind the villagers and turned on their blasters. Lumiya took out her light whip and wrapped it around my neck, knowing my neck armor is made of beskar she pulled the whip up , causing my chin to raise she then yelled at me "you will watch" Caraerian then gave a hand gesture at the death troopers and they shot and killed them all, I screamed out in terror watching all of these people I have known for years get killed in front of me the very few people still screaming were shot again and again till the screaming completely stopped. I watched as my wife and daughter fell to the ground and die. The woman I loved gone, the baby who we were just expecting next month gone, the 5 year old daughter who was just learning about this cruel galaxy gone, the family that I didn't deserve but always wanted who didn't even get to learn the truth about me gone. I cried in agony on the ground and watched some storm troopers walk in just coming from the village that was now being torched to ashes, carrying the crate from my shed one of the troopers said "we found this in his house" Caraerian opened the crate and pulled out my Father's armor and helmet. She looked at me and said "this is mine now" she walked up to me and lifted my chin saying "those deaths are on you I gave you an easy way out long ago I wouldn't have come here if it were not for you" she dropped the Mandalorian necklace on the ground and said "keep it, let it remind you of your greatest failure" she walked away and said "you will be imprisoned on a space station for the rest of your miserable life, troopers take him away" I was dragged onto a ship and taken away from the home I always wanted and taken to the thing I had always wanted to escape.

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