Dog Fight

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We just left the atmosphere of Coruscant flying out into space. I was ready to share my plan with Bossk and IG, I put the ship on auto pilot and went to the cargo area where Bossk and IG were resting, I climbed down the ladder and saw Bossk working on IG's droid brain, Bossk looked at me and asked "what's the plan" I replied "Solo told me that Caraerian has been gathering her Imperial forces somewhere in the outer rim. We can start looking for systems that were under imperial control. Bossk laughed sarcastically and said "there are over 200 Imperial controlled systems in the outer rim" I responded "we'll check out the nearest one and make our way after that let's get into hyperspace soon so we can make good time." Bossk answered "alright captain" as he went to the cockpit to set the ship to hyperspace.
        I sat on one of the beds on the ship while Bossk and IG were steering the ship I wanted to check out the rest of the ship, it had been so long since I had last been in here, I laid in the bed that I haven't used in over five years, I checked under and saw the sacred texts, I had never opened them since the day I first found them, I blew the dust off the cover and opened the Mandalorian book it was entirely made of beskar.

          The book spoke of the history of the first Mandalorians and beyond along with guides on their culture, instructions for weapons and much more

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The book spoke of the history of the first Mandalorians and beyond along with guides on their culture, instructions for weapons and much more. The opening page had signatures of different mandalorians, they would write about their history, and the Mandalore, whoever was the Mandalore would lead the Mandalorian people, to be one you must have popularity among the clans and to be the strongest. I looked through the lists of them and there were many, but there was on that really got my attention Jaster Mereel, my Father's mentor, my father fought with him in the Mandalorian civil war against the Deathwatch over the future of the Mandalorian culture Jaster wanted the Mandalorians to become honorable mercenaries, the deathwatch wanted to be conquering war mongers. I read through the many clans of the Mandalorians and finally found the clan Jaster belonged to, the True Mandalorians. I found a drawing of their symbol and it looked familiar

        I realized I had seen it before, I looked through some old boxes of my Father's and found some scraps I dug through the box until I found an old shoulder plate, it had the symbol of the True Mandalorians, I realized it was because of Jaste...

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        I realized I had seen it before, I looked through some old boxes of my Father's and found some scraps I dug through the box until I found an old shoulder plate, it had the symbol of the True Mandalorians, I realized it was because of Jaster I owe my entire existence to, my father created me to carry on his legacy, that is what I must do the ideals of the true Mandalorians were to be honorable mercenaries and that was what I intend to become, I put the shoulder plait on my armor and realized I was now finally doing what I was meant to do. I put the plate on me because now I realize I must continue the legacy, but before I do that I must kill Caraerian. I checked on the data files of Caraerian is said she was the daughter of Grand Moff Tarkin, when he died after the battle of Yavin she inherited his fortune. Her records at the imperial academy showed how she majored in weapons design and Galactic history. A year after the battle of Yavin she oversaw a small imperial mining operation of the ore beskar on the planet Mandalore Caraerian used the beskar in attempt to create weapons similar to the ones used by the Mandalorian warriors to be used for military applications for the Empire the project was code named project Iron heart where she used Mandalorian Gar Saxon as security for the project. But due to the announcement of the construction for second Death Star it demanded more resources so the Emporer cut off funding for most obscure imperial projects so project Iron heart was terminated. She then was tasked by the emporer to find and excavate ancient historical sites, where she collected artifacts like holocrons, ancient scrolls and any other ancient relic she could find. The Emporer was pleased with the findings she gave him so he gave her the title of Grand Moff and she was tasked in conquering systems in the outer rim. Nothing else appeared in her records so I decided to check Lumiya's records. Most files on her were classified including her medical files which I wanted to read to find out why she heals so quickly and maybe if she has a weakness but I couldn't read them. what was left was a record of her taking part in project Iron heart. Another document showed she revived the inquisitor program where she trained a group of force sensitive people, but any other records of her were classified.

Bossk climbed down the ladder yelled "boba, we've come out of hyperspace but we've got something coming out as well." I rushed up the ladder joining Bossk and IG in the cockpit IG was checking the nava computer and he said "scanners show it appears to be an imperial star destroyer" I looked to Bossk and said "Caraerian, but how?" Bossk looked a me with a guilty look and said "they must have placed a tracker on our hub. I should have placed a deep scan on the ship while we were making repairs." We looked out the window and saw the star destroyer come out of hyperspace, then a squadron of tie fighters came out of the ship and were flying towards us. We used evasive maneuvers to dodge the incoming ties shooting at us. Bossk looked to me and yelled "what's your plan!" I scrolled through the weapons arsenal on the ship's computer and found the ion canon, the battery on it was low so I asked Bossk  "how long until you can fully charge the Ion canon!" Bossk checked his data pad and yelled "about 15 minutes" I checked the rest of the arsenal on the ship and it showed we had enough amo for this dog fight, it also showed out new weapons, a rear turret I asked Bossk "we have a rear turret?" he yelled "I added it on Coruscant, you needed a better rear defense, I'll man the rear guns, what can this hunk of metal do?" As he pointed at IG who was sitting next to me, the droid replied calmly "this hunk of metal can hack into the Empire's tie fighters and turn them against each other. All you need to do is plug me into the the ship's communications computer so I can hack into the ties control's" I was skeptic on if he could do it but Bossk was too busy at the rear guns for him to talk me out of it but we had no choice, at least twenty more ties appeared on my radar, so I plugged him into the ship's computer.

The ties were flying in a triangular pattern shooting behind us, but once IG stared hacking some of the Tie fighters broke off from the triangle formation and began attacking each other, IG had orchestrated confusion in the tie squadron and made me ask "what about the pilots, what if they override the hack?" Ig turned his head looking at me with his lifeless expression and said "I activated the emergency ejection seat in the fighters, no one will override my hack" I watched as a handful of ties opened the top hatch of their ships and the seat just flew out with the pilot just floating in the cold vacuum of space, the ties that ejected the pilots were still flying and were doing a pretty good job defending the Slave one. I checked the Ion canon and it was halfway charged, more ties were coming, but IG managed to hack a good portion of them, the star destroyer just stood still from the distance deploying more and more tie squadrons, until they stopped and one last squadron flew into the fight it contained five tie interceptors and one tie defender I yelled at IG "jam their control system" Bossk looked to me and said "I cannot, the system coding is encrypted, the pilot of the tie defender isn't entirely human it's half machine there aren't even any controls the schematics of the ship show the pilot is controlling the ship with her cybernetic brain. Right when he said that I knew who it was I said out loud in anger "Lumiya"  Bossk yelled yelled all the way from the gunner seat in the back "she survived" while he was still shooting at the tie interceptor. I yelled "her cybernetics give her super healing abilities". The Defender was destroying all of IG's ties while the interceptor squadron were extremely fast and out maneuvered our missiles, just when I thought things couldn't get worse the rear gun was shot down along with any gun on the ship, Bossk got out of his seat ran back into the cockpit and said in a frustrated tone "got anymore bright ideas" I checked the Ion canon and the Ion canon was now completely charged it was now or never, I flew right at the star destroyer, the tie squadron behind was firing like crazy and more fighter appeared behind us but I just kept flying, Bossk yelled at me "the canon can't fully fake down the shield it will only be disabled for a few seconds." As I was loading the canon it I answered "I know, we'll only have a brief moment to deploy a seismic charge on the destroyer I need you to load it in the ship there is one next to the engine." Bossk ran toward the engine and loaded it into the Arsenal. I proceeded to fire the ion canon at the star destroyer disabling its shield I flew towards it's command station and fired the seismic charge. I hit the booster engine to fly away before the shield closes again and made it while a handful of ties were trapped inside attempting to pursue us. I detonated the charge and watched the explosion crush the ship from the inside. Just as I thought we were safe more star destroyers came out of hyperspace. We were out gunned and out numbered, me and Bossk were scared thinking we'd probably get taken back into an Imperial prison or killed right there , just as the star destroyer flew towards us, it was blown up by a torpedo coming from a giant battleship , I see this distraction to try and fly away but just as we were about to leave the battle we were caught in a tractor beam.

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