The arrival

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Once I left the armory Bo met me in the hallway and said
"Armor looks good, you made this by yourself"
"Had some help" I replied as I handed her back the Mandalorian texts.
"I see you don't have a vambrace" as she looked at my wrists"
"Didn't have much beskar on me"
"Here take these I found them in storage" as she handed me some vambraces made of pure beskar"

They felt very light, I hooked them up to my targeting range finder and found  so many different weapon options"Thankyou" I said with joyBo nodded at me and replied      "It's equipped with a lazer, whistling birds, and a  small rocket launcher to...

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They felt very light, I hooked them up to my targeting range finder and found  so many different weapon options
"Thankyou" I said with joy
Bo nodded at me and replied
      "It's equipped with a lazer, whistling birds, and a  small rocket launcher to name a few"
          "Remember when it was just wrist cables and flame throwers"
She gave a small chuckle while looking at me in annoyance
"You should get with the times, hook up you're new gear the clans meet in an hour in the main bridge"
I hooked up the wrist gauntlets to my helmet and gathered my arsenal

An Hour passed and I went to the main bridge the clans gathered around in the room and looked at the holoprojector with Bo Katan explaining the battle plan

       "I'd like to thank everyone for coming I come baring a matter of urgency for the Mandalorian for decades our people have been under attack by the empire, but now they threaten the entire planet of Mandalore, thanks to the information provided by clan Wren stationed undercover on the planet as well as Boba Fett" she pointed at me most of the clans looked upon me with scrutiny but they digressed and looked back at Bo
"We have discovered the empire has developed a drill larger than the second Death Star, designed to strip the entire planet of beskar, has been developed on Mandalore, our simulations have determined that if that drill were to breach the core it could compromise the planet's core and destroy it" whispers in crowd popped up as wells as looks of uncertainty appeared. Bo continued "we cannot let our home be destroyed we must disable the drill"

"How?" Asked one of the Mandos in the crowd

       "As far as we know the planet is not shielded, but is guarded by a massive blockade of imp Star destroyers, as well as being protected on the ground by dreadnoughts that can blast a shuttle in space. We plan to send a small attack team of twenty people in a stolen zeta class shuttle to land on the planet.  Once we're on the planet we will free our people from the mining bases  leading a revolt.While they distract the main security we can disable the dreadnoughts or any other defenses they might have welcoming in the air support to break through the blockade, welcoming in more ground support. Once we have enough troops we can seize the capitol of Sundari and capture Caraerian, once we have her the imps will go into full surrender and Mandalore will finally be ours"

      "Who will be on the assault ground team?" Asked a clan leader in the crowd

         "The zeta team will consist of me, two memebers of my clan and clan Rook. But if any clan wish to volunteer I would welcome any".
The views fell silent until a young man quickly rose from the crowd
          "Yorin Rau of the Mandalorian protectors would wish to volunteer"
            "The protectors will join us" Bo Katan continued "as well as Boba Fett, that will be our beginning assault team"

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