Sacred texts

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I was standing above the crates watching the remaining stormtroopers search the area. I saw  one person walking an isle getting very close to the huge crate I stuffed the body in, so I fired my cable attaching it to the box and tugging it knocking the crate onto the stormtrooper pushing on the floor while he is being crushed the crate crushing the trooper holding him opened having the dead man falling on the trooper and a lot of scraps falling on the floor. The sound of the scraps hitting the floor and the trooper's screaming attracted the others and four more troopers came into the room. I watched as the other troopers were trying to lift the giant crate to free the screaming trooper while he was screaming very loudly because of how his dead friend is on top of him.They finally freed the trooper but during the time it took for them to do that I found the control panel of the room. One of the troopers said in a terrified tone "this guy is a monster we need to get out of here before we end up like 2394, dead." The troopers were walking toward the exit but I locked the exit and the front entrance so they couldn't leave. One of them yelled out "what's going on?", and then I turned off the lights and the entire room went pitch black and turned off the speakers so the mysterious woman couldn't try to communicate with the troopers. A trooper yelled out "who is this guy" then another trooper said "someone who likes playing games, everybody turn on flashlights and watch your six, sweep the room to find this guy and smoke him out" the others all said "yes sir". Everyone turned on the flashlights for their blaster's. They all split up which made it easier for me  to pick them off. I wanted to give my father's dual pistols a try. Two troopers were turning into the isle I was above hiding in so I decided to jump down in front of there flash light view. Their guns we're originally pointed at the ground but they were now pointed at my face. One yelled out "freeze" I grabbed the closet trooper in front of me by the arm exposing him and breaking his bone with my elbow I then had my arm around the neck of the trooper and had his body in front of me so if the troopers fired at me they'd be shooting the man instead of me. I then took out my Father's pistol and shot the trooper in front of me in the chest. I then started walking towards the center of the room with the trooper still in my arm, the trooper was trying so hard for me to let go but with that broken arm of his he couldn't get me to let go. The remaining troopers all huddled up down the hall and had their guns pointed at me, the trooper I was holding used his good arm to reach his hand out to the other troopers and yelled out in a terrified voice "don't shoot, don't shoot" one trooper yelled out " open fire", so I pushed the trooper in my arm to the side and jumped behind a crate. The troopers were firing endlessly at the crate I was behind, I took out my other pistol and threw a flash grenade at the troopers, the grenade let out a bright flash of light temporarily blinding the troopers while I got out of my cover and shot at them with the pistols, the pistol was lighter than I imagined but it was a fast firing weapon that gave a hard hitting blast to whomever took a hit by it. After killing a few troopers, the surviving one refined there sight and started shooting again by then I had already turned my flamethrower on and burned the remaining troopers to a charred crisp. I then walked up to the control panel opened the door and left the room. As I entered the main hallway a group of storm troopers came running down the hall carrying riot gear and blasters. They all huddled up with their shield in the front and gunners behind them. They began firing at me so I rolled a thermal detonator to the troopers and shot at the control panel for the door close. I then heard a loud explosion as I ran down the hallway coming from the door I locked. As I ran down the hallway looking for an exit there were storm troopers in every room so I had to shoot the control panels on all of the doors, until I had to shoot the control panel on both sides of the hallway to block the incoming storm troopers. I was trapped  in the middle of the hallway with no way out and no plan. There was no way I was going to rot in an imperial cell so I turned on all my weapons and my targeting scope to try and fend off any incoming storm troopers. Until I saw some gas coming from the pipes entering a large crack in the wall in front of me I looked through the crack and saw some light. I used my scanner on my helmet to see the structure on the wall and found that it is no ordinary wall but a gateway to a secret room in the palace. I took out a sticky mine from my utility belt and attached it to the wall, I walked a short distance from the device and triggered the bomb. I quickly walked into the room, inside there was a single candle that illuminated the entire room along with a large banner showing the symbol of the Hutt clan. There was also a shelf with five books one with the Mandalorian symbol on the cover another book with the Symbol of the Jedi order and another with the symbol of the Hutt clan along with a book with the symbol of the old Republic and Finally a book of the Sith. In all the years I spent working for Jabba he had a vast knowledge of the history of the galaxy which he probably got from these ancient texts, I decided to keep the books because of the value it has to everyone affected by it and to gain more knowledge of the vast history of the galaxy I live in. Before I could read them the storm troopers were trying to break through the door. I then put the books in the suitcase full of credits and tried to make my own exit but as I put the books in the case the candle went out. I opened a vent in the ceiling and climbed inside. I closed the vent hiding my escape, turned on my flashlight on my helmet and crawled through the ventilation. It was dark and  and dusty filled with cob webs, I was getting close to seeing light from a nearby vent and opened it, I jumped down and landed directly into the throne room of the palace. A woman came in from behind the room and stood on the throne, she was wearing a white imperial tunic with a cape, she said in a surprised tone "this is the the legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett, come here to raid the palace of your former employer I see." I then asked her in a serious tone "and you are" she then elaborated "My name is Grand Moff Carareian, daughter of the late Grand Moff Tarkin, graduated with honors in the Imperial academy with a major in Galaxy history and combat. I have been tasked by the Emporer to claim the outer rim for the Empire and to find valuable historic artifacts for the Emporer. My mission has been made easier to do now that Jabba is out of the picture this sector in the galaxy will be easier to claim". Bib Fortuna and some more storm troopers ran into the room, Bib walked up to Carareian and whispered in her ear, she then looked at me and said "Bib here tells me that you found Jabba's hidden room and stole his sacred texts that you are probably hiding in the briefcase attached to your belt. I wish to take those books off of your  hands so I can take them to my Emperor" I then told her " I am inclined to give you the texts being that they belong to my Father's people and the Jedi as well and maybe I'll give you the Sith texts if you let me go" Carareian then snapped her fingers and a battalion of Storm troopers came in from the main hall and 6 death troopers came in from the side doors blocking off any escape. Carareian then said "give me all of the books and you can walk away or I will pry the books from your dead hands because I cannot simply walk away after stealing priceless artifacts and killing almost 20 of my men. While she was saying this I realized I am standing above the trap door of the Rancor pit and the manual control for the pit is located on top of the Hookah Jabba smoked with. I then told Carareian "I don't think so" I quickly rolled a flash grenade behind me to the storm troopers on the side blinding them for a few seconds as I used my targeting rangefinder on my helmet to shoot Carareian in the chest not giving her a fatal wound with my Dad's pistol, I then shot Manual button on the hookah opening the trap door with me falling in as the throne covered the trap door so no one could open it again.

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