Sarlacc Pit

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When I fell into the pit I could see nothing but darkness, I felt something slither around my body then wrap around my chest and squeeze extremely tight, I then turned on my night vision on my helmet and saw about ten tentacles moving towards me and one big tentacle wrapped around my waist. I used my flamethrower to fend off the ten tentacles but as I was doing that I saw Jabba's guards wrapped in tentacles as well but I saw how some of the tentacles wrapped around them were covered in a slime that I assume was making the terrible smell, but was burning the skin of Jabba's men while they were screaming helplessly but the guards couldn't die, what a Sarlacc does is that it covers you with its slime that slowly sucks the energy out of your body while still preserving your body so it can slowly suck your life force and then your organic body. But luckily my Mandalorian armor which mostly consisted of beskar, was keeping the slime from melting my body. But then I saw some Sarlacc tentacles that had sharp teeth were slithering towards me, my flamethrower was running low on fuel and I couldn't use any of my explosive weapons because I would very likely blow up myself, so I took out my dual knives and began to slash the tentacles I then saw one of the tentacles with fangs stab my stomach and my leg. I screamed very loudly, and for a moment I felt that there was no escape. But I quickly noticed how my fuel tank on my suit was running low, but I remembered how Sarlacc stomach fluid is very flammable, so I quickly took the fuel tank out of my suit and collected some Sarlacc fluid and put it back into my suit I watched on my scanner as the fuel sells went up. I then Used my flamethrower to fire at the  Sarlacc tentacles again causing them to let go of me, I then turned on my jet pack and flew upward I turned on my sharp blades in my wrist armor, slicing the blades into the throat of the Sarlacc causing it's mouth to open along with firing some of my missiles and weapons into the belly of the beast, I then put my thrusters on full blast and shot right out of the Sarlacc's mouth.  I was flying high into the air, but then I lost control because I had never flown that fast ever in my life, I then fell face first onto the desert sand, I lifted my head out of the sand in time to watch the sun set.

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