𝗔 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲

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Y/N pov

I was calmly walking down the little path that I had made over my years of exploring this certain area, the TV's which were of course a strange sight to see, they are sprawled out everywhere.. I had little mind notes from inside the pale city where a strange signal was always present

The signal couldn't reach this forest area, which was the main reason for why I stayed here the most, I already knew about the monster of this area I called him the hunter because of his nonstop chase to kill whatever crosses his path, I however had never been caught by him or his handy shotgun

I suppose you could say im a lucky person, but to be honest IM always searching and observing I get myself into dangerous situations simply because I was curious and wanted to know everything that I could possibly figure out or learn

Never once in my whole time of being an observer had I ever been caught or seen, there were of course rare moments where I had maybe accidentally knocked over a book.. or maybe made too much noise, but whenever that unfortunate event happens I would always be gone in a split second

As I walked past my little shelter area setting down my notebook for where I kept my observations, placing it into my bag I heard a strange humming sound that lasted for a second 'what was that? Im nowhere near the city the signal shouldn't be near here!'    I knew for sure that something was wrong

Picking my bag up I made sure that my notebook had found its way back into my hand incase I needed to jot something down quickly, slowly walking away from my shelter I leaned over a tree and held back a gasp that desperately wanted to escape my mouth, there was... a boy laying on the ground.. with a paper looking bag over his head, he moved a tiny bit on the forest ground

I immediately starting to observe him trying to understand how this boy had teleported out of one of the many TV's. I had seen many strange things but never this kind of.. power? Slowly gripping onto my pencil I started to write down quickly naming my new page 'the boy with the paper bag' 

I scribbled down my thoughts on him already having thousands of questions running through my mind, I quickly leaned back behind the tree when I noticed him sit up and glance around his surroundings

'I wonder if he even knows what he just did?' I thought to myself, peeking my eyes back over I noticed that he had started to walk forward 'he is heading towards the hunters shack.. interesting.' Now he had really caught my attention I noticed he looked around 16 or 17 I was only 16

Now I was silently watching him from afar following exactly where he was going except I was just inside the forest to his left, he was actually quite smart.. I quickly scribbled that down onto my page

The house was now coming up, I had only stole food from him before I didn't exactly care for viewing the hunters.. well interesting home, The boy jumped up and through the open window of the house

I waited for a minute before making my way out of the forest and past the cages onto the porch, stepping onto the porch it creaked a tiny bit and I quickly hoisted myself up and into the window

My feet quietly dropped into the kitchen touching the floor, I looked around and slowly crouched down concealing my presence from him, I went over to the doorway and peeked out noticing him slip through a door that led to a basement of sorts

I waited again and slipped through after him But instead of following him down the stairs I just peeked down and watched his movements and what he did curiously

Hearing a new music sound drift into my ears My eyes widened 'another person to observe? Boy I wondered what I did to get such a gift!' I now leaned over the staircase more trying desperately to get a peek at who else was inside this basement

Sighing when I couldn't spot them.. suddenly the boy came out of the doorway to the left while dragging something behind him 'is that... an axe?!' I gripped onto the railing in excitement eager to see what would happen

He peeked through some wood that had tiny cracks and holes in it, after a second of watching he pulled his arm back and swung the axe over his shoulder breaking down the wood planks he continued to do the same action until he successfully had broken down it all

He entered the room and I strained over to get even just a peek at who he was trying to communicate with I sighed as it seemed to be taking a while for him to talk to the mystery person 'oh hurry up would you' suddenly someone bolted out of the big hole and started running in my direction

Not being able to get a glance I quickly slipped out of the doorway and hid in the kitchen so that I wouldn't be seen I could hear both of their footsteps pounding up the stairs and heading away

'I need to figure out both of them.'

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now