𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻.. 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻.

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Y/N Pov

Jumping down off of the cabinet I wiped away some sweat and peeked over at mono, he was looking down at the brain that had broken out of its jar from the fall

"Well it's all that was up there.." I spoke with a grimace as I stepped over some.. brain liquid. "Yeah im not surprised this school is full of surprises" he responded

Seeing him hesitantly step near it I held back an eye roll and walked over to him picking the brain up myself, it was squishy and smelled like stale bleach

Disregarding the nasty fumes it was ejecting I threw it at the button with force, we both immediately walked inside the door that slid open

Wiping my hands off on my hoodie I scrunched my nose up in disgust when my eyes spotted more unknown items inside of glass jars, seeing a small hole in front of us I knew that was where we would have to go

Whispering I tugged on mono's coat "ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴀᴄʜᴇʀ ɪs ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ.." looking at me he nodded and reached for my hand.. but I moved away and brushed past him going through the hole without glancing back at his shocked expression

Seeing two black heeled shoes I held back a groan of annoyance 'of course she is everywhere.' I could hear her shuffling around with something up above my head

A gross squelching sound happened and I raised my eyebrow wondering what exactly she was doing, after a minute or so her heels started to head away from the counter as she walked across the room with her back facing us

I knew mono was just behind me because I could feel his stare on my back, moving forward quickly when the teachers back was turned I hid underneath the next drawers

Mono slid in besides me and continued to try and make some sort of eye contact with me but I refused to meet his stare with my own, I kept my gaze upon the teacher as she opened a cabinet door

My eyes widened gradually when she pulled a knife out, she set it down and opened a drawer reaching her hand inside of it she pulled out an even larger kitchen knife 'what the other one wasn't big enough for you?'

Suddenly her head turned over her shoulder peering around almost spotting me observing her, I was yanked further into our hiding spot by mono who seemed kind of pissed at my mistake

I could hear the teachers heels clank has she finally moved away still most likely gripping onto her large ass knife, letting out a breath of relief I turned to follow where she had left

But mono's hand gripped onto me as he pulled me down beneath him "what is your deal?" He spoke quietly I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow "what? Stop speaking nonsense! We have to keep moving." With that I pushed myself up and moved away

Slipping through a half open door My eyes darted to the new surroundings, finally it dawned on me 'im in a human biology room..' the glass jars were filled with organs and other things

Feeling sick to my stomach I peered around for any type of exit, seeing none I started to climb up near the glass jars with reluctance

Looking down I saw mono heading up as well following my lead even though he seemed rather down 'he's fine..'

Waiting for him to reach me I looked behind the jars to see what she was doing only to feel sicker when she was holding bits and pieces of organs of some sort

When she turned her back we both took our chance speeding forward to the next area of cover I knew my heart was beating in my chest with anxiety and exhaustion but I had to ignore it

The teacher continued her little task of placing the organs into the mannequin, we continued to hide and move only when her back was turned to us

She started to write on the chalkboard with some pent up aggression, probably from getting her head hit with a flying vase.. no regrets.

We both saw an open space the we needed to jump through, as the teacher continued to scribble unreadable things onto the board we jumped through the space landing quietly

Seeing a bookshelf in front of me I started to quietly pull myself up, reaching the top I went through another hole 'so many random spaces'

There was a small drop but it was no problem, landing on my feet I moved away just incase mono would say something cheeky like he usually would when I was beneath him

Pushing through a vent I saw a ton of dolls each doing their own sort of thing, mono stood by my side and picked up a hammer that was laying by his feet

I watched him drag it over to the first doll that was drawing an eyeball of some sort with her chalk he swung his hammer onto her head smashing her to pieces

The other doll which heard the commotion started to run over while making strange sounds mono started to head towards it but I nudged him over and lifted my foot up kicking the doll straight in the head

Watching its face break and fall off I smirked at my accomplishment, mono looked at me in surprise but continued to move on while dragging his handy hammer

The wood creaked beneath him has he moved along smashing any of the dolls that he encountered into pieces of nothing 'he looks really hot doing that- no.' Blushing pink I groaned at my thoughts

An unfortunate doll popped out of a locker right next to me, thinking quick I grabbed a nearby book and smashed it over the dolls head "hope you learned something from this!" I chuckled dropping the book over its unmoving body

We moved forward walking through a new doorway, spotting two toilets and a sink I knew it was a bathroom, trailing my gaze over I saw two dolls stringing something up with a rope

Hearing a gasp come from mono I looked up quickly also opening my mouth in shock when I saw six hanging from the ceiling, the dolls started to dance immaturely and mono broke them quickly

I stared up at six still in shock mono broke the board that was holding her up, she started to fall but before she hit the ground I caught her 'that was close' I carefully set her down

Watching her twitch slightly before sitting up, staying quiet I saw mono reach a hand out to her helping her stand upon her feet after a few seconds I spoke up "are you okay..?"

She looked at me and nodded "yeah.. just a little dizzy"

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now