𝗘𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲

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Y/N Pov

We walked through yet another doorway entering a rather messy area, paper balls and little shoes were just spewed across the room I sighed and mumbled "shouldn't they have a janitor?" I laughed a bit

Strange whispering entered my ears and I cringed 'more porcelain dolls im guessing' walked past all the lockers and piled up books I hummed as the noises got louder

Mono arrived right beside me and we walked forward with six lagging behind a bit, suddenly a locker came falling from the wall trapping us underneath it, I stumbled over landing onto mono as we were stuck

I tried peering through the dark But I could barely see a thing, I heard noises from outside of the locker and so did mono "six is still out there!" He stated in a panic

We both started to bump our sides against the locker frantically, after struggling for a few seconds we had it lifted up enough to slip out from the tiny little crack

Mono ran in the direction where he had heard six last, I stayed behind and slid over the locker that had trapped us, spotting a doll just peeking over the doorframe into the next room

I hummed in thought and picked up a paper ball that was laying at my feet, I leaned my arm back and threw it at the dolls head, sadly it didn't react in any way

Mono came back and spoke "the dolls took her somewhere.. we have to get her back" I just nodded silently thinking to myself on what I should do in the meantime

Looking back at him I raised my eyebrow seeing him pick up a hammer and drag it over towards the leaning doll 'he must be really worried for six' for some unknown reason I felt annoyed that he missed her presence that much

I watched him swing back and break the dolls head smashing it to pieces, he continued to drag the hammer behind him while I just followed him quietly

There was a huge pile of desks toppled over eachother, he stepped onto a trap and it smashed an unfortunate doll that was running for us, I scoffed at its broken pieces

Stepping forward I looked at what the doll was doing, immediately scrunching my nose up in disgust as I spotted a dead frog with its intestines and guts just laying on the floor beneath it, not to mention the horrible smell

Mono snapped me out of it and dropped his hammer whispering over to me "oiii come on" I walked over and jumped onto the chair following after him

We both stood still hearing some loud noises, almost like somebody was writing on something I stayed quiet and walked on carefully

I saw that an elevator had a lock over it, mono walked over and spotted the lock as well nodding his head, I sighed knowing that something bad was most likely going to happen 'I mean its school, nothing good happens here'

The noises gradually got louder, definitely somebody jotting something down the writing didn't sound like a pencil though

I leaned over the doorway and saw a bunch of desks with.. dolls sitting upon them, looking away from them I spotted a women writing on a chalkboard with aggression 'well isn't that nice'

Suddenly she turned around and I winced feeling my face go pale, she was extremely creepy it looked like she hadn't blinked in over years and a permeant smile etched upon her face

I could feel my heart start to pound in my chest as she overlooked the classroom before turning back to her chalkboard, I slowly started to back away from the room but I bumped into a chest

Glancing back mono was there with crossed arms seeming to be looking at me expectantly, sighing I moved back to the classroom once more

I crouched forward when her back was turned crawling just behind the first desk I spotted, mono pressed up against me and we both waited before repeating the actions until we reached the edge

We both quickly went through the cracked open door, I looked around the area for a key of any sort I checked near some of the file cabinets but spotted no keys of any sort

Looking over I saw him climbing up a bookshelf but without warning the shelf started to fall over I called out for him to jump off, hopping away the shelf slammed onto the ground making a loud ass noise

He yanked me towards him holding me to his chest as we slid and hid inside of an empty file cabinet with books just laying ontop of it

My heartbeat picked up as her heels walked over to the room she opening the door and mono gripped onto me tightly trying to keep me safe from her clutches

A loud sound emitted that was like stretching, I peered up and almost gasped out seeing her neck stretch out from her shoulders and move around the whole room looking for what made the noise

She was right above us and I winced pushing myself further into monos chest hiding my face in his jacket, I could feel his heartbeat too, it just wasnt as frantic as mine

Finally she left shutting the door and returning to her classroom, I let out a huge sigh of relief and looked at mono not really wanting to move from the hiding spot.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now