𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗶𝗱 𝗗𝗼𝗹𝗹𝘀

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Omg an update (O_O)

Y/N Pov

I continued to crouch forward pausing slightly when something particularly heavy sounded like it was sliding across the table above us, I could feel mono grab onto my shoulder as we both waited

Just as I was about to peek my head out from under the table a huge bowl of potatoes came falling off of the edge I gasped and almost lost grip of my fake porcelain head

'Stupid ass doll!'  Cursing to myself I reluctantly started to move forward once more, looking over my should I reached one hand out and grabbed onto mono's hand. He didn't have any objections to it

We both stayed as quiet as possible, stepping past the fallen bowl that was knocked over I discreetly peeked over at the doll sitting ontop of the table, thinking I hummed 'im gonna teach this brat a lesson!'

Feeling a nudge at my foot I spotted a lone potato and a smirk slowly formed from under my fake head, giggling darkly I let go of mono's hand and picked up the potato

Leaning my arm back I launched the potato over watching it soar and hit the doll effectively pushing it off of the table. Before it could figure out who caused the problem I turned back and marched away like I hadn't done a single thing

Mono caught up to me quickly he seemed sort of proud from what I did, sneaking my hand back towards his I intertwined our fingers has we went through the new doorway

The whole place was a bloody mess, black goop smeared across the walls, knocked over dishes and plenty of annoying dolls

Peering over I quickly frowned seeing a group of dolls bullying another doll 'seriously? Could this be any more like actual school?' I forced myself to look away and continue on

Glancing to the left I spotted a doll sitting on some pile of books, all of the sudden a doll sprinted right past us almost knocking me over 'where are their manners?!'

A Strange sound entered my ears.. it was like some of the dolls were humming some ominous tune that they knew, my eyes darted over seeing the humming dolls playing jumprope

Shivering a feeling of deja vu washed over me, I could feel mono's hand gripping onto mine more protectively when he noticed my demeanor slightly off

He started walking faster pulling me along, my eyes trailed upward trying to drown out the eerie sound of the tune that was still drifting into my ears

The light above us started to shake and I finally realized that a doll was hanging onto it while swinging its feet back and forth, rolling my eyes mono carefully guided us around the swinging light

Gulping I winced when I heard the music get louder.. I could just feel the familiarity of the haunting tune 'why is it so familiar..' I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't see some more dolls bullying another doll

Mono tugged me forward has he slid through a crack that was lined up against the wall, Quickly doing the same I pulled the fake head off of me while taking a large gulp of air

"Man I took fresh air for granted.." I was so busy Breathing in the air that I didn't even notice a vital detail, squinting for a second I looked over to see why mono was so quiet

My mouth opened in surprise as I caught a glimpse of dark hair and dark eyes just before he slipped another bag over onto his face once more 'wow he's handsome-'

He tilted his head back at me and lifted his arms up pulling them behind his head and acting nonchalant.. like I didn't just almost see his face or anything "whats up n/n?"

"Did you just give me a nickname?" I asked in surprise "yeah I did n/n catch up slowpoke" feeling a familiar warmth seep into my chest I looked down hiding my flushed expression 'damn.. why does he have to be so.. trusting.'

I knew I had to leave eventually but being with him just made me become more and more attached, I already had so many options to leave but I couldn't bring myself to do it during any of the times

Shaking my head I hummed and lightly slapped his head with my hand which became something I would do to him quite a lot "come on baggy lets keep going..." with great hesitation I continued "..we have to get six back."

The relaxed mood seemed to die down after I spoke and he nodded, I could feel his stare examining my face for an explanation but I just shrugged him off and moved forward

Getting just a glance around the room I could tell we had to push the button that was too far from our reach "we have to throw something" mono spoke up after a minute

Humming I immediately headed to the left and started to climb up some drawers 'the quicker we get this over with.. the quicker I can finally pull myself together.'

With this thought lingering in my mind I pulled myself up and jumped over a gap feeling like I was a skilled parkour person, stepping over some books I saw a fan right in my eyesight

I carefully stepped onto it and when I noticed that it could support my weight without collapsing I kept going, making another quick jump I almost lost my grip hearing a small gasp from underneath me

Holding on tighter I continued to climb up ignoring my almost fatale mistake, realizing I had to jump again I cursed and used more force, pushing off I turned my body and held onto the noose for dear life

Swinging my body I stayed focused and jumped when I swayed close enough, groaning I got to my feet and walked over to my destination 'a brain.. I suppose this will do'

I pushed it off making sure that mono wasn't near its falling area and sighed hearing the glass that had enclosed it break into millions of tiny pieces

Rubbing my face I groaned once again when I saw that I had to go all the way back down, looking around me I thought for a second seeing a hook 'maybe.. just maybe that could be a shortcut'

It was like mono sensed my thoughts somehow yet again because I heard him whisper yelling "hey! I can tell you are being risky!" I scoffed and decided that I could at least try it

Leaping ahead I grabbed onto it tightly wincing I shut both of my eyes closed waiting for something to happen, slowly I felt myself glide down as a noise emitted from the hook

Letting out a breath of relief I relaxed and opened my eyes when my feet touched the wooden drawers once again 'thank god I didn't have to do all that bullshit again'

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