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Y/N pov

I sighed staring up at the broken glass pieces before turning back towards six "Yeah okay.. sounds good." Six nodded her head and knelt down helping mono up through the shattered window first

Turning around I gave a few glances around the room full off mannequin parts. Feeling a nudge on my arm I faced forward again meeting sixes gaze "Your turn y/n"

Watching as she knelt back down I walked over and let her help me up, my fingers grasped at the ledge of the window getting a few tiny cuts, nothing too serious.

My feet landed on the floor of the new room as I glanced up seeing mono standing there with his arms crossed slightly "Took your time?" I smiled at him "Missed me?"

Slowly I moved my gaze from him upwards, I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance 'great more mannequin bullshit.' I grabbed onto mono's hand and pointed to the ceiling where he saw the parts as well "Yeah I know, Nothing surprising about that."

I sighed in agreement starting to walk ahead wanting to get out as soon as possible. A dim light was over a mannequin body on top of a table, it was strapped down and headless.

Mono grabbed onto my waist and moved me behind him a bit when we walked past it, using his hand that wasn't holding onto mine he turned on his flashlight and started to get a good look around the room.

Following the bright beam of light as it revealed boxes and boxes of mannequin parts mostly hands and feet, huffing I nudged him a bit "lets just keep moving"

Seeing a box in front of a hole we both moved forward and started to pull moving it out of the way, a creaking noise filled the dull air sounding like something was squirming desperately, with a gasp I heard a thud of something hitting the floor.

Mono quickly turned his flashlight behind us seeing the strapped mannequins hand fall down and start crawling away towards some of the boxes, quickly we both crouched through the hole.

Starting to run I followed mono as he shined the flashlight in front of us, hearing a faint tumble of movement made us run faster.

A clacking noise erupted from the left of us as we climbed up onto the shelf in front of us, peering down at the area mono looked around using his light, there were more mannequin parts.

Suspiciously the noise of the hand had stopped, turning over I faced mono "Somethings wrong.. I know it didn't just leave us. We have to be more careful from now on okay?" I could feel his stare as he chuckled "Man you beat me to this conversation, Don't go stealing my role now n/n!"

With a roll of my eyes I faintly smiled at his sense of humor during these strange encounters. Sighing I grabbed onto his hand has he gave it a squeeze of confirmation to calm me down.

We both jumped down, as soon has our feet hit the floor immediately the sound returned, snapping my head forward I spotted the hand crawling towards us 'what an ugly hand. No way im letting that thing touch either of us.'

It lunged forward trying grab either one of us, dodging we ran ahead seeing another counter to climb upon forced us to stop holding hands unfortunately.

Listening Closely I waited for the perfect time before jumping down once more as mono followed behind me rather closely, seeing a metal wall that we could climb on up ahead made me run quicker.

Jumping up we both started to frantically climb up as the sounds of the hand got louder, peeking over my shoulder I could see it start to climb up aswell "what the fu-" mono cut me off by pulling me up into him.

He held me close and pushed us forward through a rather small vent, shoving my hands forward I opened the end of the vent quickly, slipping out mono steady my fall a bit.

Hearing thumps from above from the hand made us quickly start walking down the hallway, running left and entering a new room the first thing I heard was loud crashing noises.

Following mono's flashlight beam we almost reached the end of the hallway when the hand dropped down right in front of us making us both halt quickly and turn running the opposite way "Stupid hand!" I heard a laugh from mono as we jumped onto a wooden counter right as the hand lunged again.

Slipping through another opening we both jumped below onto a box full of mannequin hands, almost stumbling off I gripped onto mono steadying myself.

Taking a breather I glanced in the middle seeing a hammer mono's seemingly favorite weapon, nudging him he looked away from the hand seeing it aswell.

I smirked watching as he jumped down grabbing the hammer and dragging it towards the hand that was crouched down, lifting it over his shoulder he slammed it down onto the hand as a crack sound emitted.

Glancing around my feet I found a small chunk of wood with a laugh I picked it up and threw it over watching as it hit the hand making it stumble slightly allowing mono to slam the hammer down onto it once more.

Mono carefully waited has it circled around him trying to lunge, slamming the hammer over one more time it cracked and stopped moving dead.

Sliding off of the table I grabbed onto the light we needed and walked over by mono's side watching has his shoulders lifted up and down breathing heavily, looking down at the limp hand I raised my eyebrow "Hit it again."

With no objections he slammed the hammer down once more for good measure. feeling satisfied I glanced around the room seeing a small box in front of a door.

Pulling it away I gestured for mono to come over, the hammer dragged behind him as he saw the small glass panel, smashing it and watching as the pieces of glass shattered and fell.

Still holding onto the light I stood by his side and looked up at him when he slowly dropped the hammer.

Looking down at me he started to slide the bag up and off slowly..

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