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Y/N Pov

Looking away from the floating clothes I rubbed my shoulders feeling a chill creep up my spine, there was rubble everywhere and tons of hanging TV's that looked like they were ready to fall at any given moment

Without thinking I reached my hand out towards mono when he looked at me, he quickly held onto my hand 'why did I do that?' I blinked away my thoughts and walked forwards seeing an open hole that six was already waiting at

First six climbed out of the hole and then we both followed after her, I slipped over the ledge and right away noticed how abandoned everything looked, boxes strewn around and articles of clothing thrown out of windows

The place was very intimidating, especially since I knew the terrible fate that happened here, I tried to fake a look of shock at my surroundings to avoid questions from either of them

Mono seemed to look at me for a second examining me 'he can't possibly know that im hiding myself..? Right?' I looked away from him quickly and walked over to six

She was looking at yet another open big square window "we should go this way" she spoke turning towards me I nodded "yeah I agree... but why are you two.. heading towards the city?" Six looked at me for a moment "why not?" I didn't pry her any further

Mono joined us and we all jumped through the square window, the first thing I noticed was that we appeared to be inside a restaurant I hummed and walked forward touching this tip of one stool looking at all the pots and pans 'it sure is messy..'

I felt someones arm wrap around my shoulder I glanced over seeing mono "its almost like we could make a whole meal in here!" He said amusement lacing his tone, I laughed for the first time in a while "yeah you aren't wrong"

After a couple minutes of the two of us just giggling we finally were interrupted by six "come on guys" I walked over to her first feeling monos arm slip off of my shoulder I almost frowned- but held it in

We walked through an open doorway heading out to a hallway with tiled floors, there was a partly broken wooden door that we all squeezed through 'I better not get any splinters, I hate those'

Arriving into the next room the first thing I noticed was of course more TV's just piled up a few of them were smashed or broken 'to be honest its a good thing they are broken.. no signal reception through them.'

We all walked forward seeing another small opening placed higher up on the wall to the right 'why are there so many strangely placed holes and windows?' Of course my curious side deciding to peek out

'If only I had my notebook! Years of work and writings just wasted' I sighed quietly and frowned missing the feeling when I held my pencil and book, mono walked towards me sensing my down mood he lifted my chin up "hey.. no negative feelings, you are gonna be okay!"

I smiled slightly 'always trying to make me feel better.. it always worked, I already feel lighter' looking at him I wished that I could just see his expression, I wanted to know exactly what he was thinking when he saw me

Six whispered and we both looked over, mono heading there first six leaned down and told him to come over "you know the deal, ill give you a boost" she said as he walked over and she boosted him up

Once he pulled himself up he turned over to six "how are you gonna get up-" I took the same position that six did and motioned for her to jump "ill boost you.." she watched me for a moment trying to figure out something, nonetheless she walked to me and I boosted her upwards

'This could be my escape.. I can leave they are both busy on the other side-'

I had just turned away from them when I heard mono's frantic whisper "y/n?! Stay where you are!" Its almost like he had sensed my thoughts.. sighing I was conflicted on what to do "y/n!" I heard him speak louder sounding on the verge of panic

Sighing I called out to him feeling guilty for almost leaving "yeah im still here." 'But for how long?'

I had no idea what was happening on his side at the moment all I could hear was a few loud thumps and some footsteps running from above me "get on the TV and hold on, im gonna get you up here!" I listened gripping onto the rope tightly

All of the sudden a TV tipped over and I was zooming upwards I let out a quiet gasp not expecting it to have been so quick, it reached the top and I quickly jumped off and landed onto the roof above him

I walked around and started to run, moving quicker heading down the staircase I had noticed, stepping near the edge I glanced across and saw mono standing there, something told me he was relieved to see me

I knelt over and stuck my hand out for him to leap over onto my end "ive got you this time" I spoke with a smile, he didn't hesitate to jump I made sure to keep a strong grip on his hand, pulling him over

Suddenly the wind was knocked out of me when he hugged me tightly speaking quietly "I had this horrible feeling that you weren't gonna be here.." I slowly rubbed his back comfortingly 'how in the world could he tell?'

Six whispered "guys not to break you up or anything but im still over here" she stated bluntly but I could hear the small humor in her voice, nodding I reached my hand out to her and pulled her over to us when she had jumped

We all ran back up the stairs seeing two planks with a space open in the middle of them, "well lets go guys" mono said looking right at us.. I slowly smiled

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