𝗡𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲

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Who wants hugs?( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Y/N Pov

I lifted open the latch and stumbled backwards feeling an arm wrap around my waist to stop me from plummeting back downwards, steadying myself I muttered a thanks and crouched into the vent

I climbed up a small ladder hearing the piano grow louder and more prominent as we all inched closer 'im so damn tired of this teacher! Nobody cares about your lessons!'

I was the first to plop out of the opening landing onto a wooden ledge just barely staying steady, the rest jumped down as well when the music from the piano came to a halt we all stayed still

Has soon as it started back up mono climbed down a large book pile wasting no time he continued downwards, six however stayed on the ledge staring at the teacher with some unknown emotion

I thought for a second and decided to be useful following after mono with speed to catch up, I arrived by his side shortly before the music stopped and he pulled me behind him with caution

The teacher scrawled something down and threw her pencil back onto its spot resuming her piano playing, he moved forwards and held me with him as we advanced to the other side of the room

Has we were moving there were strange unusual stretching sounds that would happen every few seconds when we passed by the giraffe, he reached a small lever and the music started to sound dark and twisted as the teachers hit the piano keys with more force

Suddenly she stopped when he almost had grabbed the lever to pull it, my eyes darted to the teacher in slight panic hoping she hadn't heard either of us 'just continue your music giraffe!'

After a second of my heart beating in fear she finally picked up her pencil and scrawled away writing down what was most likely just gibberish garbage, the piano started up again and mono started to turn the lever quickly taking the precious time to his use

Something right above the piano began to lower down right near the teachers head, a low dark smirk overcame my face 'oh I hope it crushes her..'

Sadly the large metal above her did not fall down and kill her. 'Darn it' My eyes followed as six jumped up onto it carefully maneuvering her way across it to the other side

Mono let go of the lever and grabbed my hand tugging me away to the other end of the room I pulled back when I realized we were not tall enough to reach back up the bookcase

Once the music began after its pause I grabbed onto a moving cabinet with wheels 'thank god this thing is here phew..' mono seemed to understand has he helped me drag it to our destination

Once we finally got it over he made me hop up first, we both started to climb up the books that were stacked when the music stopped

Mono was stuck Right. Against. My. Back. 'Always these situations!!' I could feel his body heat right against me, has soon as the music started I moved quickly, I almost swear I heard a groan

Six gestured for us to move quickly and we did jumping across onto the metal ledge we carefully walked forwards being as quiet as possible in this situation

Six moved towards the hatch and started to open it pulling onto its latch mono joined in and it flung opened, a loud screech emitted from the left of us and all I saw was a head stretching towards me

With a loud curse I started to crouch quickly staying behind mono has he frantically helped six push against a barricade, just as the teacher squeezed her head inside the vent I was pulled rather harshly away from her open waiting mouth

Her dead eyes were burning holes into the back of my head has we all were struck with fear moving fast, she screeched more and the vent started to stretch opened to her heads size

Stumbling forward mono yanked me in front of him and helped me move quickly putting me out of dangers way, I climbed up the ladder with determination not wanting him to be stuck with the teacher

She continued her pursuit but it seemed like she became more aggressive when we started to inch away from her eyesight, with a loud screech her head stretched upwards hitting the vents sides

I could hear her mouth opening and shutting has she tried to bite at mono, seeing light and a opening I jumped without thought turning over immediately when I reached the open hole

I stuck my hand out for mono as he jumped across gripping my hand tightly I pulled him up as the teachers head barely missed the tip of his shoes

Turning around I fell out of the hole and slid down a wet sloped roof falling down into a bin, mono fell as well pulling me under him when the teachers head poked out and stretched

She was still searching for us. With an angry grunt I heard the vent get hit against and her noises faded away, when I was sure she finally had left I lifted my head up and away from mono's chest in a bit of embarrassment

I heard a low chuckle before six scooted over quickly "are you guys okay?" She spoke cautiously but with concern I nodded staying silent, mono spoke "yeah just a little scarred from school."

In the short moment of amusement all three of us made eye contact each of us bursting into laughter, the moment was short lived when we realized that we should continue moving to somewhere safer

I hoisted myself out of the bin and let them talk among each other about their plans, with a sigh I stretched in exhaustion has my bones let out a few noises

Humming I walked through the dim foggy area just a bit, looking down to my left I saw something.. I felt it calling to me with a confused face I knelt down and picked the object up it was a... notebook.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now