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Y/N Pov

We all looked ahead and noticed more crows 'of course there's gonna be more of those damn things' I sighed and prepared myself for what was to come

Looking to my side they both nodded at me, we all jumped down and started to run for the lone crate just as we passed the birds they flew off not forgetting to let out their loud caws

The hunter shone his light over and aimed his gun towards the crate without any hesitation he shot at the crate and the bullet narrowly missed my head I breathed out and sprinted after mono and six gaining cover behind another random crate

The hunter reloaded his gun with a click and shot that crate aswell, I stumbled forward after mono and ran toward the shack barely slipping through the doorway before six closed it and locked it

I was busy looking towards the door because of the hunters banging on the door harshly 'shit what are we gonna do-' I looked back to see mono holding another shotgun "what the hell-"

The hunter broke through the door as pieces of wood sprawled out and fell, just has he peeked his head with one eye hole inside the frame, mono pulled the trigger and a loud bang emitted throughout the small area

I groaned getting shot backwards from the force of the shot, my head was ringing in pain and I couldn't hear anything, I held onto my head and stumbled standing up carefully

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and carefully stroke my hair, six emerged into my view it looked like she was trying to say something but all I could see was her mouth moving, no words were coming out

Finally after a good minute I could hear a low hum and six asking me something "are you okay?" Her voice gradually got louder until you could hear her like normal again "yeah I think so.." I mumbled holding my head

I brushed off some dirt and stood still looking at mono I raised an eyebrow at him and gestured to the window behind him "lets just keep going" he sighed from under his bag and grabbed my hand gently helping me out of the window

Looking forward I saw water 'oh thank god!' I already knew I didn't smell the best this water would definitely feel nice I practically ran towards it, Crouching into the water I ignored the slight chill that ran through me

I washed off my face and rubbed away all the mud and any other form of dirt, eventually when I was finished which didn't take long I sighed in relief feeling clean and way better

Six had only washed her hands clean and mono seemed clean already, I walked over to them while water dripped down my body making me shiver when the wind blew by 'maybe I should have thought more before running straight into the water..'

I ringed some water out of my h/l hair and shook of some stray droplets, mono just shook his head at me I could hear him laugh slightly from under his bag, I rolled my eyes smiling a bit

Six pointed over to a large door that was leaning against the sand and halfway floating in the water, we all walked over "do you think it will carry all of our weight?" I asked after a second

Mono nodded "yeah I think it will be fine" I hummed in thought and we pushed it out hopping onto it before it drifted away

Settling down I rubbed my eyes tiredly All of the adrenaline I had was wearing off and I felt myself feel tired and droopy, I laid down on my little end of the boat and scrunched up so I didn't take up a lot of space

Closing my eyes I shivered coldly and hoped to fall asleep fast, I felt something get placed on top of me covering up my shaking form it felt nice and warm

With all the warmth now surrounding me I felt myself get pulled into a dreamless sleep focusing on the small sway of the door and all the tiny water noises

Somebody was shaking me awake, yawning I sat up and forced my eyes open, wincing at the brightness, letting my eyes adjust I saw mono before me he reached out and pulled off what was covering me

It was his coat 'oh wow he must have been cold.. wait where are we?' I thought finally noticing my surroundings I recognized that we had entered the pale city 'why are they heading towards the signal? Shouldn't they want to head the opposite way?' I thought in confusion

My confusion must have been evident on my face because mono tilted his head at me "are you okay?" I hummed "yeah.. just tired still" I stood up and stretched out my limbs yawning once more

Walking out onto the sand the first thing that was noticeable was the TV just abandoned and laying on its side, I looked away from it and waved at six slightly she nodded back in recognition

I already just wanted to curl up into a ball and go back to sleep, but knowing these two for even just a bit I knew that once they were determined to head somewhere there was no stopping them

I looked up at the ominous buildings that were leaning over as if they were about to fall and flatten us to pieces I sighed, glancing backwards I saw mono heading my way "lets keep going we still aren't in a safe area exactly"

'Yep thought so' when he looked away I rolled my eyes with attitude, I shook my tiredness away and quickly followed behind the two as they walked through a doorway

In the very middle of the room there was a broken TV hanging with some clothes just hanging out of it 'well you don't see that everyday'

Finally done with the hunters part of this story ‼️

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