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Y/N Pov

I watched him jumped up onto the chess piece and swing forward grabbing the door handle and opening the door, walking through the open door I looked around see a big chess area in the new room

A good few of the pieces were missing their head parts and in the very middle there was a porcelain boy doll tied to the kind chess piece "some king he is" I scoffed

Gazing over I spotted a head piece sitting upon the table unfortunately I couldn't reach it yet I stepped away and went down the hallway passing a creepy drawing of an eye painted in red

Gripping onto the handle I pulled on it and released watching it spring up to reveal the places where we were suppose to place the head pieces, calling out to mono I pointed at it "here's the map for us" he hummed in acknowledgment

Looking past the map for the pieces I saw a rather ugly looking painting of some dude with a mustache 'well he definitely didn't have a glow up' I continued moving along the hallway

Seeing another chess piece I walked ahead and pulled myself up looking at the chess in confusion for a good minute before finally pulling the head part off of it "I got one!" I yelled out "me too" he responded

Carrying the piece over I placed it where I knew it was suppose to go and watched him drop down with the last piece held in his arms he placed it in the correct place

a lamp flickered on we both shared a look of suspicion "well go on its still ladies first" I said looking at him he shook his head in annoyance but went ahead anyways

I peered up and watched him jumped pulling the lamp down which happened to be a secret doorknob, it opened two doors that slide apart to reveal the key we need, I ran over and grabbed the key with a smirk

"Hey I did the work now you get to hold the key?" He pretended to feign some annoyance and I laughed "come get it" He stood still then suddenly sprinted over with some unknown speed and toppled over me

I sat up on my elbows and glared at him he looked down at me and pinned me down reaching over and grabbing the key that was in my hand "uh yeah who's under who?" He started laughing and stood up

I crossed my arms and stood up ignoring him and walking past him, I felt a finger start to poke my side but I kept my facade of ignoring him up

Suddenly I could feel hot breath against my neck I gasp and moved away just to see him pull his bag back over his head while laughing at my reaction

'That cheeky son of a bitch' I stepped over to him and went to smack his head when he gripped my wrist pulling me forward "yeah I wouldn't try that again sweetheart"


After a few seconds of silence I opened my mouth squirming against him "oh come on lets just go!" He let go only to grab my hand pulling me with him has we walked out of the chess room and heading down the big staircase

We walked past what seemed to be a pile of burning books? I didn't know or really care I just wanted to leave, I let go of his hand so that he could open the door

The lock fell and the door creaked open slowly the first thing we both heard was a bunch of clanging sounds 'what is going on? Some food fight?' I thought seeing a huge stack of plates piled up, also a trash bag filled with something unknown

Walking down the staircase I followed him which scratching my head, looking to my left I saw a big rolling metal stack I helped him tug it over to the other side of the wall where a medium sized hole was

We both started to climb up it, reaching the top and crouching down moving through the opening I landed inside a kitchen area and mono plopped in falling against me

I held him up "falling for me now?" I started laughing at the irony 'how do we keep getting into these kind of situations!' I dropped down and grimaced at all the dirty plates

The noises got slightly louder and we both got up onto a shelf spying over I observed a porcelain doll messing around on the floor with some goopy stuff

He fell down and grabbed onto a ladle that was abandoned on the floor I was about to do that say when he help up an arm stopping me "stay" was all he said

'Wow im not a dog!' I stayed anyways and watched him smash the doll into pieces, suddenly another one fell down and he smashed the one too

After a few more they stopped coming and I slid down and walked over to him "damn pretty action packed" he handed me a dolls head and I shivered watching him pick one up too "we have to" I winced "of course we do"

We both placed them over our heads and started to walk over to a hole with holding onto our fake heads, crouching through the hole I sighed in shock seeing a bunch of dolls just messing around or breaking shit

I wanted to turn around but mono was behind me 'oh my god I hate it here' I moved forward reluctantly and walked through the huge ass crowd of them

Some were even dancing weirdly with unusual movements, I just continued on while staying out of their grasps

Plates could be heard breaking and seen flying through the air towards who knows where, we both walked a bit faster when some dolls turned their heads over watching us closely

We both crouched under a table, I could here a bunch of stuff moving around and happening above us

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