
769 53 16

Y/N Pov

"Are we seriously going to go to that tower though?"
I voiced my slight concern for the idea to him.

He nodded his head in finality.
"Yes. I have a feeling it's something important."

I just glanced at him as he spoke, after my strange dream from earlier I couldn't shake the feeling that something was majorly off with the main tower.

I wanted to ask about six again but didn't know how to. Even if her behavior was off I still would like to know what happened. After all I like having all the details on things.

The viewers had long since passed the alleyway we were still bunched in as we finally stepped out. A quick glance to the left and right showed the pathway was clear.

Mono had a rather tight grip on my hand as he began to lead us through the cleared path area.
I glanced around at the slick buildings from all the heavy rain.

Finally after a few minutes of travel he spoke up.
"I went separate ways from six."

My eyes widened in genuine surprise at his words.
"..why exactly? Is it because I left?"

At my mentioning of my disappearance his face sharply snapped towards me to face me, a look of displeasure was drawn on his face. He still hadn't put his bag back on yet.

"That's the main reason yes."

I wanted to know more but thought it would be unwise to pester him about more information on the matter.

He sort of gave me a look that he thought I was being a bit stupid. "You're not the only one that was becoming a but uncomfortable with the way she was steadily acting."

I wasn't really surprised at his words, just nodding. "Well let's begin heading towards the main tower I guess." I was still weary of going to it. But I had a feeling he would drag me with him either way.

I watched as he silently slid his baggy back on over his head, I pondered if he was still mad that I had left him or just putting in the back of his mind for now.

I couldn't tell if he body language was just tense because he thought I would bolt away again or if he had encountered something along his way here. Perhaps both of those statements could be true though.

I glanced at our surroundings as the buildings were leaning more and more. The rain ever present. The buzz of something growing louder the further we went.

My head was faintly throbbing in pain the more we walked, I felt dizzy with each step we took. It was like I could sense something off the more we ventured further into the city, the ominous tower become larger and larger.

Not watching where I was stepping I accidentally tripped over some cluttered belongings, specifically a random shoe. I tumbled forward but was quickly caught in the arms of mono.

"Are you okay?? You need to pay attention to your surroundings better."

I huffed slightly as I shifted in his grasp, peering up into his eyeholes through the bag. "I was paying attention, just not to the ground I guess." I snapped back at him.

He looked mildly surprised at my quick response before putting me back onto my feet.
"Right sure you were.. at this rate I might have to carry you."

My eyebrows widened at his words as I faintly blushed to myself
"absolutely not. I can walk on my own"

He said nothing and tugged on my hand to get us back on track walking. Now more aware of the ground I glanced down just now really noticing the amount of clutter there was.

Thrown suitcases, clothes that were damp and probably moldy, lots of shoes, bags with god knows what inside them. And weirdly enough a ton of sprawled out TVs in places you would never expect them to be.

The more we walked the more dull thuds I started to hear in the distance, I looked towards mono to see if he cared or knew what was happening. Like he felt my gaze he sighed and tugged me towards an open area.

I looked around for a second confused and still slightly in pain from the throbbing in my head, I started to look back to him to either ask why we stopped when all of the sudden a heard a thud again much closer.

My body quickly turned around to see what happened when I spotted a body laying limp in the distance, I stumbled forward a bit to get a better look through the rain when I was tugged back by mono.

He was staring up and I immediately looked up as well. It was a grim sight. I peered up though the rain and my eyelashes as I spotted blurry figures standing at the top of the buildings.

They were all in a line staring ahead mostly towards the main tower, my eyebrows furrowed in shock as one by one they just.. jumped off.

A thud was heard when each body fell to the ground. I was slightly disturbed, but intrigued nonetheless. I wasn't aware these people, viewers had any sort of control over themselves besides watching the screens.

I vaguely wondered if this had anything do with the louder hum from the top of tower where a signal light was. Or if they really just were giving up.

I was grabbed again and looked away from the display of bodies on the ground.
"Come on, we are almost there"
He spoke quietly as if he was feeling a tad unnerved as well.

I grimaced and just nodded as we walked away. Up ahead I side-eyed a lone bench where clothes were sat in the middle of it. As if there was once someone waiting.

Feeling more perturbed I quickly moved closer towards mono's side, he held my hand a bit tighter and gave it a slight squeeze as if to reassure me everything was okay.

Nothing was okay.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now