𝗢𝗹𝗱 𝗛𝗮𝗯𝗶𝘁𝘀

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Y/N Pov

After six stood up and reassured us that she was okay we started to move once again, huffing I helped mono pull up the window for us to go through

Finally budging it upwards I groaned and rubbed my head walking through the opening, gasping in shock I almost slipped off of the board I had just stepped onto

Someone grabbed onto my arm and held me steady, recognizing the hold on me I avoided eye contact with him

Trying to tug my hand back carefully without falling downwards was a hard task. Especially when some certain someone is being stubborn "mono let go im fine"

Expecting to finally be free of his grasp I turned to look at him only to get further annoyed, he was not letting go.

Deciding it was useless to persist against him I groaned and started to inch along the wood, suddenly I heard six speak up after seconds of silence "lovers quarrel?" She hummed

Rolling my eyes to myself I stayed quiet not really knowing what to say, mono spoke quickly "yeah you could say that." He sounded pretty serious.

Reaching the next open window we slipped through it, he still had a strong hold on my arm 'can't he just let go!' My patience was slimming down

Glancing around the new room My eyes spotted a large grand piano in the middle of the room tied by some rope for an unknown reason

Sneakily I tried tugging my arm out but only failed with him tugging me closer, being right against his side was well.. distracting to say the least

Noticing six start to climb up the piano I smirked "looks that you have to climb up..!" Laughing I lifted my arm away "well come on let go" I shook my arm lightly in annoyance

He just chuckled grabbing my other arm he pulled my against his back, momentarily letting go of my arm only to hold onto my thighs tightly

Not wanting to fall I held onto him aswell "really?" He just seemed proud of himself "yes n/n" he got onto the piano with the both of us somehow 'he sure is strong for looking so skinny'

Six jumped up and down as mono started to do the same, a low sound started to come from the piano and I winced "what the hell are you guys doing?" Six smiled "you'll see."

With one finally intertwined jump the piano started to plummet down crashing into the room below it with ease, I was holding onto mono so tight I was surprised he wasn't choking to death

But his grip on my thighs said otherwise, I blushed pink when his hand slowly skimmed over my inner thigh rubbing it slowly with his hand

I smacked his head in shock and all I heard from him was a low chuckle, I looked over to six and mouthed help she smirked and tip toed over tripping mono

Giggling I hopped off of his shoulders landing onto my feet, he sat up and through his baggy holes I spotted a glare, it diminished when six called him over

She knelt down and was ready to help him into the new hole "are you sure you feel ready to do that?" I asked slowly she nodded and mono hesitantly walked over letting her help him up

I watched his form slowly disappear, six and I both watched as he spotted a key she looked at me and I nodded knowing what we needed to do

Running over we climbed onto the piano and started to make a ruckus, jumping on it and making loud noises, the doll that was blocking the key ran to the gate and tried reaching out to us

I watched with a hidden smile has mono smashed it into pieces with a pipe he had found, breathing out I slid off of the piano

We all started to pull up the gate with effort, we successfully opened it up a few inches, running inside he laughed "I got the key easily" six raised an eyebrow "sureee you did allll alone"

Sharing a laugh we ran towards the locked door, mono pulled the key out and slid it inside unlocking it as the door opened with a creak

Music started to drift into the area and confusion morphed onto my features, it was a piano. Looking to the left I spotted a doll drawing onto the floor with chalk

Six crept towards the doll while mono went towards his usually weapon that was laying on the floor in front of him 'how does he always find a weapon so easy?!'

Looking back to six I held back a shocked noise when she leaped over and pounced onto the doll strangling it with pent up frustration "holy shit" I whispered to myself in awe

Mono seemed to be surprised but not as much as I was, the piano continued to play making the whole scene seem rather twisted and dark 'why do I feel like she has done that before..?'

She was still staring at it slowly rising up to her feet, mono dropped the weapon and slowly went towards her "six.. come on" it seemed like she snapped out of her strange mood and nodded being quiet once more

I quickly turned away when they walked over, heading over to the drawer I saw and pulling it open I climbed up and waited for the two of them

The piano gradually got louder has we all walked into the new large room with a staircase, suddenly it stopped for a second before continuing on

We all headed up the stairs, walking past a ton of filing cabinets, I grabbed onto one and started to climb up it slowly taking my time

They both were doing the same, a huge box was in the way so I scooted it out of the way and pulled myself up watching them arrive aswell.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now