𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀... 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀

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Y/N Pov

The hunter had started to walk into the field nearby, he was keeping an eye out for any form of movement

I looked back towards the hunters house 'I need to go back to my shelter..' while in deep thought I was ready to bolt back to his shack and towards safety when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me too them they felt warm

I tried tugging my hand away but they had a strong grip 'oh you have got to be joking me' the grip wasn't so tight that it would hurt but it definitely wasn't planning on letting me go

I looked away from the shack and down at my hand, I followed the persons arm with my gaze and noticed it was the boy with his bag head, he was running into the field and dragging me with him 'oh man-'

Looking ahead I saw the other girl already in the field and crouching, if I could break Out of his strong hold I would just barely make it away without the hunter noticing

'I can't get my hand free- how does he have such a strong grip?' I had to stay still and crouch now 'there is no turning back...' moving forward I glared at the boys head in front of me, the grass was tickling my face

All of the sudden a crow flew up scaring me and alerting the hunter, he moved his light over to the spot with unnatural speed, I froze still and so did they, my heartbeat was slowly starting to go erratic has he continued to look at the spot, finally he moved his beam light away looking elsewhere

We all were waiting at the edge of the grass as the hunter continued his primitive watching, just as his light beam was shone away from us we all ran and dropped into a little hole, somehow everyone fit inside

Just as the hunter was alerted he ran to the hole and stuck his gun inside, I was yanked forward right as the gunshot went off 'god.. I definitely would have died.' I thought while staring at the spot where I was previously at

Looking behind me I saw both of them just staring at me, All of the sudden I felt kind of threatened 'there's two of them and only one of me...' I wanted to just be back at my shelter

The girl spoke in a whisper "come on mono we have to keep going" I tilted my head waiting for them to move on 'mono?? Is that the boys name? ill have to remember that' I looked around the hole seeing all the roots and rocks protruding out of the dirt

I sighed and looked back over to see if they had gone yet only to scoot back in shock when I was met face to bag with the boy "you should come with us" he stated, I slowly shook my head glad that fabric was hiding my face

He stubbornly continued to try and persuade me "just come with us, I promise we wont let anything bad happen to you" he spoke gently trying again 'I have no other choice then to follow where they go.. I know I can't get back out of that hole.'

He held his hand out and I looked down at it not seeing why we would need to hold hands, sighing I slowly reached my own hand out and carefully held onto his, I couldn't see his expression because of the bag though... oh well

We both started to move forward through the winding underground tunnel 'his hand is pretty warm, feels nice- no shut up.' I shook my thoughts away and followed behind him

Seeing light up ahead I knew we were close to the opening, he let go of my hand and I almost frowned at the loss of contact, Watching him emerge out, he stuck his hand back to me offering to help me up, I grabbed on again and moved through some of the thick roots wincing at the brightness compared to the darker tunnel

He held onto my hand and I looked at the back of his head still refusing to say anything 'where did the girl go??' I hummed in thought as we both walked forward

Walking past a big looking hill I spotted the girl waiting by a broken looking bridge, I slowly let go of the boys hand feeling uncertain, all of us silently stared at the bridge

I watched the boy- or well mono head towards a rope puller.. looking thing that was conveniently placed on the bridges left side, he started to pull it backwards and a stretching sound emitted has the bridge started to lift up

There was still a large hole missing in the middle but the girl had no trouble gaining a running head start, she jumped and landed successfully on the other half, mono let go of the rope and the part that was lifted up slammed back down

I watched curiously wondering what he would do now, I looked back to the girl and noticed that she got into a position and held out her arm holding onto the fence with her other hand "jump I will pull you up" she stated

He also took a running head start, I watched slightly nervous for him.. he leaped off of the bridge and into the air barley reaching her hand, she gripped on and pulled him up

Now they both turned towards me and looked expectantly, I slowly took a step back 'they are crazy if they think im going to do what they just did!' Mono stepped down and reached his hand out peering at me through his bag "its okay I will catch you" he said calmly

For some reason I felt a light fluttery feeling in my chest telling me that he could be trusted, sighing I took a running start just like how they both did and leaped off taking a bold chance

My eyes were closed in fear of falling down into the depths of nothing, my eyes shot open when I felt his hand grab onto my wrist securely, time felt slowed down as I peered up at him in a kind of admiration.. a strong gust of wind came and my makeshift fabric mask slowly slipped off

He had just pulled me up, and the girl grabbed both of us away from the edge, 'why are they staring at me like that..? My- my mask!' I must have not noticed when I was busy staring at mono, I felt around my face and sighed at my bad luck

The girl spoke up slowly "what is your name?" She looked at me strangely feeling like she saw me earlier, I sneakily tried to look around me for an escape route "... my name.. is Y/N"

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