𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁.. 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁?

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Y/N Pov

Plopping down and landing on a single book I waved my hand around a bit because of how dusty it was, mono landed besides me and laughed "can't handle some dust?" I rolled my eyes "well genius if I still had my mask like you have your bag I would be fine!"

He raised both hands in surrender "alright alright" I smirked and jumped down landing onto the floor gazing at all the books that were piled up, he jumped as well and we both started to walk forward

I heard a familiar clank of heels walking by and I groaned in annoyance "so that vase didn't knock her out? Man.." mono chuckled shaking his head "I guess not" I hummed in slight disappointment before stepping onto the carpet in front of me

"Psst hey over here" glancing up I saw mono waiting by a ladder that seemed like it could move 'well isn't that convenient' walking over to him I gestured for him to go "well go on ladies first" I smiled cheekily at him he huffed and grabbed my hand pulling me over towards him

I raised my eyebrows and started to climb up the ladder as he followed behind me, peeking down at him I laughed "enjoying the view?" He almost slipped off of the ladder so I stopped teasing him 'whoops'

Lifting myself up onto one of the shelfs I waited until mono appeared at my feet "you seem to be at my feet a lot lately hmm?" I spoke quietly with an edge of humor lacing my tone

Mono looked up at me and pulled himself up standing right in front of me "actually im looking down at you right now" I huffed "being taller doesn't count" he leaned over and ruffled my hair

This time he went first hopping down onto the lower bookcase I slipped down with him but as soon as we landed two random books fell off from our impact 'oh of course'

I started running behind mono gasping out in shock when the teacher yelled out and bursted her head out from a bookshelf, her neck stretching towards us in an endless pursuit

Mono pulled himself up and turned around grabbing my hand to pull me up as well, the teachers head snapped as she tried to catch me narrowly missing I started to run again sliding after mono into a tiny opening

The teacher gave up seeing that her head would not fit apparently, I leaned over and caught my breath as mono pulled me towards him and softly stroked my hair

I bit back my blush and focused regaining my stolen air and sighing "well lets go" I spoke slowly an itching desire to leave this stupid school

Emerging out of the safe spot we both spotted two large book pillars that were held together by some rope "that does not look sturdy" he spoke but slowly jumped onto it, I leaped over and latched onto it following his movement

But of course when we both jumped over to the next book pillar a couple of books came falling down making noise 'its not cloudy with a chance of meatballs its cloudy with a chance of books'

The sound of the teacher stretching her neck out from her shoulders was heard once more and I shivered 'maybe a random book will hit her' I silently prayed to the book gods but nothing happened

I shifted over hiding from her view while she searched for us, we continued to sneakily stay out of her sight when her head came around the corner just barely peeking over at us

I held my breath and stayed still my heartbeat slowed when she finally left, I let out a breath and quickly watched as her heels clanked when she walked over opening a door she left

I jumped onto the ledge and rubbed my eyes, feeling a hand snake around my shoulders and tug me over "yes mono?" I said sarcastically He pretended to be offended "wow princess that wasn't very nice!"

"Im far from a princess" I spoke raising one eyebrow at him watching, he lifted up his hands and pulled his bag up just enough so that I could see his lips my eyes widened in shock blushing pink

His lips formed into a smirk "maybe not.. but you're my princess" huffing I pulled his bag back over his face not liking the feelings that started to sprout when I saw his lips

He leaned towards me "can't handle seeing my lips? Wait till you see my face" I smacked his head with a book "shut up!" I ran away from him and started to pull a bin full of books towards the door that the teacher had entered to keep myself busy from my rather unholy thoughts

Mono finally started to help and we both stood onto the bin, I jumped up and pulled the door handle opening it successfully, walking through the doorway I looked around

I started to walk more comfortably when I couldn't hear any suspicious noises around, mono appeared beside me and wrapped his hand around mine so that we were walking together

The room gradually got bigger until we both saw a huge staircase that led two ways and well of course more random books, I slowly let go of his hand and started to explore

I found myself once again wishing that I had any sort of notebook to write down all of my findings, I frowned when I saw a door that had a keylock on it

Walking back to mono "We need a key" he hummed and nodded "lets search upstairs now" I thought for a second before grabbing onto his hand again and running up the stairs he stumbled a bit before going fast as well

I laughed when he almost tripped "yeah see im faster than you obviously" I chose to go right and he had no choice but to come with me

I tilted my head to the side and walked slower when I noticed a chess looking piece and a missing top, mono grabbed onto the top that he found at his feet and placed it onto its head making it whole again "here we go"

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now