are you there?

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Y/N pov

Awaking with a start my eyes blinked open tiredly. Sitting up on the chair and stretching my back up straight I sighed and stood up.

It's always a bit hard to tell what time of day it is here. Looking out a broken window I noted it was maybe a bit brighter out. So perhaps early morning. Who knows.

I took off my coat and tied it around my waist and brushed the hair out my face. Opening the door I walked outside and stared at my surroundings.

Turing I faced the huge tower that could be seen in the distance past a great amount of apartment buildings and such. It was ominously standing there yet seeming to beckon me closer.

I had already come so far from my safe place back in the woods, it seemed like everything I had gone through would be a waste if I were to turn back around and head back.

Patting where my notebook was from under my shirt I slipped it out and wrote down some things about the people I had seen staring at the TV. Also making a quick note about the ringing noise which seemed to get louder the closer to the tower I'd get.

Shutting it and putting it back away I patted down my clothes until it felt comfortable again. In the back of my mind I wondered if mono or six missed me. But I quickly shrugged the thought away.

Focusing ahead of me I continued on my way towards the tower. Almost slipping a couple of times on the stairs downwards because of the heavy rainfall from the night before. It was just sprinkling lightly now.

Vaguely I could feel my stomach getting hungrier but it wasn't too urgent at the moment. Best to use the daylight to continue further at this time.

Starting at a brisk pace I walked down an alleyway past more apartments and a trainstop. Looking around I noticed not many 'viewers' or whatever around these areas.

It must have to do with the lack of TVs. This momentary peace definitely would not last long. Best make the most of it.

After few minutes of walking forward in the same direction I finally left the ally and went into a more open space. Not sure if that was a good thing or not.

Untying my jacket from my waist I slipped it back on and over my head. Turning over slightly I peeked around the corner and noticed just a few of the people.

They were surrounding a TV naturally, this made it much easier for me to slip past them. As long as I stayed quiet and didn't do anything drastic.*Ahem* Like throw a rock at them or something.

Yeah who in the right mind would throw something at them. Couldn't be me of course. Already across from them and on my way I could feel my head start to subtly pound.

The ringing which was slightly louder and more annoying leaving me to feel irritated and the urge to turn away briefly crossed my mind.

It's times like these that make you realize being alone is not all that great. For one companionship is safer. But oh well. I glanced around wishing I had a pet with me or something. Definitely not a person. Not someone I chose to run from.

Shaking my head I started to lightly jog forward. Huffing a bit I came to a halt when out of the corner of my eye I saw an old shop that looked promising.

I quickly turned my direction that a way and hoped there would be something edible inside. First I jiggled the doorknob to see if it was locked or not. It slowly creaked open.

Feeling a bit hesitant I took a step back before leaning my foot forward and kicking the door in on itself so I could peer inside quickly and scan the new surroundings.

It lacked any life form which I was grateful for. Shuffling inside I rubbed my hands together and started to looked through some random boxes for anything useful.

Sighing I stood back up when nothing seemed to be of any use. My hope was starting to drain a bit. But seeing a counter I hadn't checked behind yet made me a little excited.

Walking over I slid a little hatch open and looked inside it. Seeing a couple of small granola bars, probably anyways. I quickly snatched them up and put them into my pockets.

I could probably head back out and continue on for a few more hours or so. At least I now had a form of food and energy. Taking one last glance around I left the small shop and went back outside.

Sliding the hood from my jacket onto my head I walked on. Heading past more screens with viewers in front of them.

I had no complications as of yet. Pretty smooth traveling for the day at least. I found food and avoided my urge to throw rocks. Definitely improvement in myself.

I still felt lonely though. That feeling was most likely just gonna stick around for a while.

An hour or so had past of me walking still towards my goal of the tower before I finally decided to hunker down and find a safe place for the night.

Spotting a seemingly fine area I went over and scoped out the place rather quickly deciding it was fine and good enough.

I took my jacket off and placed it over the small oval coffee table in the middle of the room, stretching out I reached into the pocket and grabbed out one of the bars I had found earlier.

Walking over to the couch across from the coffee table I sat down and opened the bar from its crinkled packaging. It didn't have any expiration date that I could find unfortunately.

Desperate times call for desperate measures though. With that in mind I opened my mouth and took a bite off of it. Chewing down it tasted a bit stale but other than that not too terrible.

Taking my time eating I savored it and was glad I was lucky enough to find it. Eating the last bite I placed the wrapper down on to the table before laying down on my side.

Tomorrow was inevitable and time was of the essence, my eyes slowly shut has I focused on my breathing and drifted off to sleep.

What I didnt hear was the sound of something distantly breaking from outside. Or the panicked breathing. 

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