𝗔 𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗦𝗼 𝗙𝘂𝗻 𝗘𝗻𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿

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Y/N Pov

We walked to the knocked over locker and hopped over it just as an abnormal sound entered the area "what the-" mono covered my mouth quickly shutting me up, suddenly we all heard the tap of high heels walking down the hallowing echoing around us dauntingly

Finally a door could be heard closing when the heels had faded away, I looked over at mono and spoke muffled "you can take your hand away now" he stared "what?" Sighing I licked his hand and he pulled it away in shock

I laughed watching him wipe his hand onto his pants "should have moved your hand away quicker" I could hear six laughing a bit as well, he looked over and I presumed he was giving me a glare from under his bag, I just stuck my tongue out at him

Turning away from him I stepped forward and tripped over a couple of books that were sprawled across the hallway "oh you are joking me!" Just as I was falling I felt mono tug me up "man.. falling for me again?" I shot a glare at him "no im falling for education apparently" I spoke pointing to the books and smirking

He shook his head and laughed, six spoke up "no you were definitely falling for him y/n" a pink blush dusted my cheeks and I looked away "no! Lets keep moving!" I marched away from them

Six turned to mono and smirked at him "y/n is in denial" he laughed and they both followed after me catching up effectively, I was peering at a bucket that was hanging from the ceiling by some rope 'well isn't that strange?'

Six walked forwards and we both followed after her, entering through the doorway the first thing we noticed was a ball laying down on the floor, mono seemed to like the ball as he headed towards it quickly "wait no don't-" I tugged him away just as he placed his foot onto a trap floorboard

A big bucket just like the one from earlier swung out and missed the both of us by a hare, I stumbled back and turned around checking to see if six was alright, seeing her fine I brushed my clothes off and looked down at mono "haha look who is at MY feet"

He grumbled incoherent words and stood up quickly I smacked his head a bit "also watch where you are walking dumbass" he sighed "they tricked me with a toy!" I laughed at his words as we walked on

There was a lamplight hanging down by some more rope just inches away from the floor, we all ducked under it and saw more lockers, spotting a little hole to the left I leaned near mono getting all close to his baggy head "over there" I pointed and he nodded

One by one we all crouched through it and emerged from the other end peeking out from under a desk like table, there were strange noises all around the area

Tilting my head we walked past more lockers just as I was about to place my foot down mono yanked me backwards and I collided with his warm chest "hey!" Sighing he shook his head "you didn't look at the floor silly theres a trap"

I looked down in embarrassment, covering it up quickly I moved away from his chest refusing eye contact 'whoops' this time six triggered the trap floor and not one.. but two piles of junk like buckets zoomed by hanging from more rope

We all walked forward and heard little taps of somethings feet running away from the area, I leaned my head over and looked down the hallway spotting some doll looking thing peeking over a locker "ew stalkers.." I guided six and mono to where it was

Six rolled her eyes at it and mono shrugged "I mean.. I would watch you too" he spoke slyly I looked over at him as surprise crossed my facial expression 'when did he get so flirty.. or am I just oblivious?'

Shaking off what he said I walked into the door ahead of us instead of heading towards the weird porcelain doll, slipping past the doorway I yelped and stepped back when a bucket fell from the door slamming onto the floor where I was previously standing 'I regret coming in here' mono stumbled inside "are you okay?"

Looking away from the bucket I saw and open vent and ran towards it ignoring mono but just as I was near it a creepy doll leaned up and shut the latch without hesitation "y/n don't ignore me" I heard him whine

Sighing I looked over at him "yes im okay" he nodded and grabbed onto my hand pulling me out of the room quickly, six whispered and we headed down the hallway to where the stalker doll was

Creeping down the hallway quickly we stepped onto another trap, looking up a huge locker slammed down from the ceiling landed onto the floor in front of us harshly, it caused dust to fly up making me cough and swat at the air

"Shit that was close" mono spoke out staring dumbfounded at the fallen locker I agreed, lifting myself up onto the locker I jumped over onto the sideways locker

Plopping down onto the floor I saw a duck like toy laying in the perfect spot I nudged mono and he spotted it too "its a trap" I could feel him roll his eyes at my words reminiscing the earlier events "yes im aware now"

I chuckled to myself and we triggered it carefully, a lamp swung over our heads as we crouched breathing heavily "what the hell? These dolls are sadistic!" Six nodded her head

Mono just grabbed the ducky and held it, I smiled at his figure before remembering my plan.. 'Thats right.. I can't get too comfortable..' I hummed and looked away from him when I felt my nerves get fuzzy from staring for too long

We hopped onto the lamp and jumped onto the desk that had a picture and crayons abandoned that were sprawled about.

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