𝗗𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽?

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Y/N Pov

The clanging of swinging metal entered my ears as mono and six both got into a defensive stance, glancing towards where I heard the noise I stepped backwards carefully

Mono looked down near his feet and spotted a motionless pipe, he grabbed onto it and held it out infront of him, all at once a hand came charging towards us

Mono swung with ease slamming the pipe down onto it, I watched as It shriveled a bit before crawling back into the darkness

The same pattern continued until suddenly another hand appeared "shit mono there is more of them!" I noticed six pulling on some wood so I ran over and started to help her tug it off

Mono grunted in annoyance, I looked over at my shoulder seeing him kill one of the hands "these hands are such pests"

Pulling the final wood plank off mono walked over to six and I as he breathed heavily giving off and aura of annoyance

We all crept into the know open hole on the door taking a look around the dim area, in the very middle of the room against the wall there was a bunch of masks of some sort

I could feel a hand slide into my palm, looking over I saw mono holding my hand while looking away, walking forward I could hear the small clang of something hitting against an object

The shelves that surrounded us were filled with medical bandages with very dim lighting, as we headed closer to the noise I almost let out a gasp seeing a large deformed looking person crawling on the ceiling

I gripped onto monos hand tightly 'shit I should have never let my curiosity get the best of me.. I could be in the forest safe right now'

We all stayed still and held our breath letting our eyes follow its every move, I grimaced as it leaned down and hung from the ceiling slightly peering around for something

When we heard it finally scramble away we slowly crouched further ahead, there was a lone table that the thing was leaning down at. Taking a closer look at it 'damn it is so ugly.. like a slug or something'

It started to mess around with a mannequin like it was a doctor, his breathing was loud and rather wheezy sounding. Whenever he crawled back onto the ceiling we would take the opportunity to get further away

From behind me I could hear him making weird noises now too, mono moved closer to me as we eventually crept out of the room

We crawled underneath some beds that were pretty convenient cover, hearing metal swing and heavy breathing I cursed under my breath 'of course the slug just has to follow us'

He began to crawl around and over beds examining them as if they were his 'patients' the whole thing felt rather dark and sinister just like everything else in the god forsaken nightmare

We used the beds to our advantage staying out of mind and out of sight, seeing a few blocks scattered on the floor I realized what they were for

Six snuck out of the cover rather boldly has she gripped onto the block taking it with her back to us, in a way the doctor seemed to almost follow near wherever we were hiding

Reaching the barred doors six threw the block as it hit the button effectively opening them up, but of course with a price of there being a loud noise to alert the slug

We hid again and watched as the doctor climbed immediately to the area he stayed still for a bit while searching around for the cause

After what felt like an eternity he finally left the new room, we all walked into the room seeing a filing cabinet ahead of us. I started to climb up it first followed by mono and six

'He's always behind me and super close' I hummed in thought as I could feel the warmth of him pressed against my back slightly, we slid up into a vent crouching down as we moved forward once more

There were spaces of the ceiling that were open 'so thats how the slug crawls on these walls.' We narrowly dodged one of his pudgy hands as I held back a shiver

After a bit we could finally stand up again, I groaned and stretched out my body as I felt eyes staring at me, I looked and saw mono staring as he didn't even try to hide it

I narrowed my eyes "whats up baggy? Got a staring problem?" He stepped forward a bit "a staring problem? For you? Yes of course." I rolled my eyes with a small blush

"Cmon lets get the hell out of this stupid hospital" moving ahead I peered down one of the holes and saw a cloth draped down it like someone else had done this before

One by one we all dropped down onto the tiled floor beneath us, spotting a faint light coming for a tiny door sort of cabinet we walked over

I crawled in feeling mono's usually warmth up against me as usual, peering through the light I noticed that it was a morgue room that most likely had bodies everywhere

I backed up and bumped into mono "psst move" I whispered but he just let out a laugh "oh come on mono not right now!" I spoke a bit louder and he finally scooted out giving me room

With a sigh Six and I started to pull against one of the morgue trays that was open, but instead of a body being on it there was a wooden box

"Well who wants to go in first? Because I sure as hell am not eager too." I shook my head slowly

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿 (Mono X reader)Where stories live. Discover now