𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲

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Y/N Pov

Mono shrugged and stepped into the box without a second thought, sighing I followed him sliding right against the back of his coat. Turning my head to the side I nodded towards six and shoved monos head down "duck idiot we are going in"

He swatted playfully at my hand as we both ducked our heads down, a low screeching sound filled the air as six pushed the tray forwards. With a thud the moving came to a stop, pulling my head back upwards I nudged mono and took in the new surroundings

It was a dim and desolate morgue. Some of the trays had been left unattended and slid outwards. Standing up I quickly hopped out of the small box and stepped down onto the cold tiles of the floor.

"Well come on mono its best we get this over with sooner rather than later." A fee seconds passed and he arrived at my side. I watched his face as he took a glance around, "it looks like we need to get the key from that cabinet over there" nodding in agreement we both got to work silently

Walking over I started to pull out one of the trays while keeping my eyes from lingering at the cold body placed upon it. 'Definitely don't wanna know what happened here.' Both of us jumped up onto the tray while moving to the other tray that was sticking out

'All this running has made me more flexible than ever' mono leapt and grabbed onto the handle of a morgue door dropping rather gracefully onto a sliding stand. He turned and held his hand out towards me with a cheeky smile. "Come on ive got you"

With a small smile of my own I jumped and gripped onto his hand "yeah I don't doubt you for a second" pulling me closer with our intertwined hands he smirk before moving ahead once more, the table was grotesque and it seemed to have dried blood splattered all over it

I tried to avoid stepping on any of it but that was a rather difficult task seeing as the blood was everywhere. 'Oh hell no what is in that sink??' My nose scrunched up in disgust as we both balanced around the edge of it

Jumping onto a few more trays we finally made it to the key which was lying rather suspiciously right on a white cloth. Mono yanked it up and placed it in his coat, "race you back to the box!" I gasped watching him run right passed me

"Oh you little-" I started running after him but he had already hopped up into the box "Ha you were too slow now you owe me something~" rolling my eyes I replied "yeah okay sure" settling down next to him we both ducked back down as the tray moved back out to where six was pulling us out

Both of us jumped out happy to be out of the creepy morgue, I waved to six and we all ran to the double locked doors. Mono slid the key out of his jacket and unlocked the door. We all used our combined strength to push the door open, a filing cabinet was against the wall right near what I assumed was more bodies laying under some blankets

We all started to climb up the cabinet like it was natural, which well it was by this point. I followed after mono as he jumped from the tops of the metal stacks, gasping I almost tripped off of the edge when I felt him grab onto my waist and steady me

"Cmon n/n focus" I shook my head with a groan "that lack of good sleep is getting to me I think" he hummed in agreement "yeah well we all could use some sleep I believe" crouching I moved into the hole with mono behind me

Climbing up the small ladder I slipped out and held the latch open for the both of them. Glancing to the right I saw a familiar red light with hole for a bulb, in the distance I could hear some creaking coming from the ceiling. "Shit mono, six hurry the hell up that wannabe doctor is heading our way!"

We all scrambled under a lone sink being all squished in together. The ceiling had lots of dust falling from the mans heavy weight, he leaned downwards and turned on the sink he was hovering over. When his back was turned we took our chance to hide under the table he was just occupied at

As we moved out of the corner of my eye I could see him place a limp looking mannequin onto one of the morgue trays. Dismissing him I turned back as six helped mono up into an opening to another room, she helped me up as soon as his figure disappeared into the other side

Slipping down I felt arms catch me before I touched the ground "ah my savior" I whispered and watched as he tipped his head with amusement "yes yours"
A red hue filled my cheeks as he spoke, I nudged myself out of his hold before he could tease me about my blush

Spotting movement my face paled immediately at the sight before me "m-mono theres a... its.. its.. breathing-" he looked towards the body laying behind a curtain watching as its chest rose and fell with each shaky sounding breath. I looked up and saw a lifeline steadily going.

Without saying a word we both descended up the bars along the wall. My heavy pounding drowned out all of the noise around me, I followed closely behind mono faintly hearing him say something with an ounce of regret. He slipped out of the ceiling and grabbed onto a lever pulling it down with his weight

Barely processing what happened I jumped down into his arms, no longer could I hear any breathing coming from the form we both hid under some towels and bandages on a rack. The doctor bustled into the room seeming to be in a panicked and agitated mood, Mono slipped out still dragging me with him

Six waved us over and we all climbed more of the trays, I vaguely knew we had limited time before the doctor would come searching for what caused his distress. Six snatched the bulb and we raced back to where we had came from

She slid the bulb into its hole and the door made a loud buzzing sound alerting the doctor of our whereabouts has panicked noises started to come closer. I sprinted like my life depended on it sliding under racks and jumping over shelves as the sounds of crashing and breaking happened behind me

Bandages and glass narrowly missed my head as I turned a sharp corner yelping and running after mono, running up a ramp and jumping after his fast form. My chest heaved has I slid down the stairs and fell falling unconscious.

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