
517 45 12

Y/N Pov

Turning a corner my face dropped in confusion, there in the middle of the street was the tower it seemed so close yet somehow far, like this road was the final stretch.

I tilted my head and looked away from the tower to look at mono when suddenly he let go of my hand and shoved me backwards behind him.

His actions happened within a short few seconds as I let out a noise of shock when my body fell to the rainy street behind him. I opened my mouth to berate him for pushing me when I saw what he was staring at.

Or who he was staring at. From glancing out from behind mono I saw an unnaturally tall.. man? He was slowly but steadily heading towards the both of us.

I quickly started to get up off the gravely road stumbling a bit before standing on my feet, I went to walk forward but mono quickly turned and glared at me.

"Stay. There."

I looked at him in disbelief, why the hell would I do nothing and just watch as whatever was about to go down happen? I stayed still though to appease him for the time being.

The tall man was closer.. I squinted as I realized he was appearing through thin air supernaturally. He seemed to be teleporting closer, his gangly limbs were unsettling.

I watched with bated breath as the man grew closer and mono grew tenser.

I glanced around for a weapon or something to use to defend us with. A sharp pain prodded at my head as I groaned in pain holding onto my head with my hands.

Get away from here now.

My eyebrows furrowed as I heard a voice so similar to mine it was uncanny. I looked behind me in fear and confusion.

The tension in the air was palpable seeing as my attention was stolen from mono by that voice I quickly shot my head over my shoulder to see what was happening while I was out of it.

I squinted in surprise when I realized I was somehow further away from mono then before, I tried to move towards him but I was stuck in place like something was holding me still.

I grunted trying to get a grip and move but I just couldn't do anything apparently.

I watched as mono's hand shot out in front of him as he did something I had never noticed him do before against another living being not just a tv.

The thin mans stance wavered slightly before he retaliated and also used... the same sort of power that mono was using. My head was spinning as I tried to differ why what I was seeing was somehow familiar.

It was almost like watching a father and son have an argument. Just rather silent and much more aggressive.

Mono faltered a bit and I lost my breath anxiously, my I huffed as I struggled and tried more viciously to get out of the hold against me, I stumbled forward a bit.

The thin man was towering over him a shadow cast across the area as I fell forward and quickly gained my bearings as I started to quickly move towards mono's direction.

Having probably heard my footsteps getting closer mono's hand thrust towards the thin man's looming form once again, his body shot back unnaturally as static like particles surrounded his body.

They went back and forth before suddenly his form was completely gone dispersed through the air, mono crumpled slightly towards the street ground in exhaustion.

He Shakily stood up and within a blink of an eye we were in front of the tower that we had been heading towards. My brain struggled to comprehend all that had went down within a few minutes even though it seemed much longer.

I hesitantly placed a hand onto his shoulder "...are you alright?" He nodded as he glanced over my form his eyes glued towards my scrapes that were covering my legs from the struggle to break free earlier.

"I'm good. But what about-" a low creak interrupted us as the huge door in front of us slowly opened and a dim glow of light expanded from it as if to beckon us inside.

I was silent as I pondered the meaning behind everything. I was tugged out of my thoughts as mono moved us both towards the door.

There was an unshakable feeling of deja vu when we crossed into the door. I rubbed my head slowly as we walked towards a lone door with the symbol of an eye on it.

The door also opened on its own once we had gotten close enough to it. My eyebrows furrowed in shock and confusion as I stared at the area ahead of me.

There was a bunch of staircases leading seemingly towards and endless abyss upwards. Multiple doors some already open with that same glow from before. It seemed to be a puzzle or maze of sorts.

Random objects were floating in the air, I glanced towards mono "what is all this?" He looked back at me with the same sort of confusion but he seemed to be more confident then I felt.

"I've seen that door before. Multiple times. I think this is our way out.. to a better place hopefully."
I sincerely doubted that there would be a better place anywhere else. Even if we somehow got out of this city.

I just looked at him unsure then faced the first bright door ahead of us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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