welcome my jedi knight

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"Welcome my jedi Knight, might I introduce myself. I'm Mace Windu, I will now go by as Master Windu to you from now on," He shook hands with you.

You grinned "I am most honored to be your Jedi Knight Master Windu" he gave you a soft firm pat on the back, walking you towards your new quarters "the Force welcomes you young one." He said, with no eye contact.

Master Windu gave you a short tour of your new quarters, training center and showers specifically for Jedi Knights.

He turned to face his figure towards you, the shine on his bald spot moving in a different direction "now, you know how the rules are set up here. No attachments, no sex, no alcohol, no drugs, and you have to be by your quarters after Curfew by 10 pm."

He hands you a clipboard, which consisted a list of missions "please don't look at it" you looked up at him "my apologies Master."

He grinned, squinting his eyes at you "transfer this clipboard to Yoda in the Jedi Archives. He'll be waiting for you in a couple moments right now."

You bowed to him, the bottom of your thick robe dancing with the air "thank you for the tour Master Windu."

He bowed down to you as you turned your back, walking out of the halls and into the Jedi Archives. Giant but tall bookshelves alined with specific types of books were lined up in rows, and a few glossy round tables sat in the center of the wide room.

You saw Yoda standing next to the one up front, tapping his cane on the ground to keep him from getting impatient.

He then noticed your presence through the Force, flinching as his eyes opened wide, turning his head as you walked up to his small figure.

You put your hand out, holding onto the clipboard "I believe you've been looking for this" you smiled.

He grunted, giving you a welcoming grin, taking the clipboard from your hands "I give my thanks to you, my old padawan."

You chuckled, saying goodbye to him, you began to walk back to the door.

You paused to notice a book leaning out to drop on the ground. But there was something about this book, you felt a sudden pull through the Force from this book.

You approached up to it, taking the book from the shelf opening it up, noticing that it was flipping the pages on its own as it landed on a certain page.

You leaned in to realize that the page it led you to was about the Sith, but before you could dip deeper into the page, you felt a presence watching you through the Force.

You turned your back, noticing a handsome face leaning his back on the shelves. His curly voluminous hair was thrown back, with only two strands sticking out over his face. His mischievous eyes reaching up to yours from his open book.

He smoothly closed it using one hand, placing it on the shelf "hello there" he said softly.

You stuttered in confusion, furrowing your eyebrows "hi?"

He stood his back up straight, walking up to you, his tone was polite and calm "we haven't officially met, I'm Lucas" he took his hand to shake yours welcomingly "and I'm a Jedi Knight just like you" he sighed, giving you a short sweet smile.

You blushed at how adorable his smile was as you chuckled "well I'm y/n l/n, I became a Jedi Knight just this morning" you looked around the giant bookshelves standing around the room "and as far as I can tell, everything feels huge."

He chuckled, nudging you on your shoulder "you're funny" you caressed your hair, as your cheeks turned red from laughing too hard.

Your wavy hair hid a fourth of your face from both sides, with your eyes glistening from the neon blue light coming from under the ground.

"And you're absolutely stunning" you slightly gasped, lightly chuckling "thank you" you responded.

"You're pretty handsome yourself" you lightly punched his shoulder grinning, which turned into a light chuckle.

He gave you a short wink, as you felt your heart drop from embarrassment "wanna go out sometime?"

You began to stutter, looking around the room to see if anyone else heard you "but we might get in trouble. What if somebody finds out—"

"Who said we were telling anyone?" He asked, you were about to say something but then you stopped to think, now getting silent.

He began to caress is finger around your soft cheek, batting his eyes at you "meet me in room 357, 8 pm" he leaned near your ear "don't be late" he gave your back a soft rub as you felt a rush of heat down your spine.

You turned your back to see him a distance away from you, close to the entrance door as he closed it behind him.

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