Lucas use to be a pilot

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You approached up to room 357, slowly opening it up as it made a creaking sound. You walked inside to notice that there was a small table in the center of the room. Candles were placed across from the table at its sides, and there on the table were a few plates of food.

You approached up to the chair standing right behind it, widening your eyes at how neat everything was placed.

The red napkins under the arrangement of the utensils, the food placed into the center of the white plates, the wine glasses filled with water, and the sweet velvety fragrance that aroused the moment.

You could just stop but stare at how beautiful everything was, Lucas sure was something to you.

"I expected you to be here a bit earlier" he said, you quickly turned to see him wearing a black buttoned up shirt, tucked in with his black dress pants, his sleeves were scrunched up by just a few inches above his wrist.

He folded his hands behind his back, you began to slightly stutter "oh no I wouldn't want to miss anything special" you chuckled.

You turned around as you saw him open up his seat for you and you sat down, seeing him sit down on his seat as well.

You both began talking with one another about each other's past. You came from a family that was captured by the Sith, but as a baby, they noticed a strong Force inside of you. The Jedi knew about you and decided that you should be trained as a Jedi rather than a Sith.

But the Sith willingly disagreed, they demanded that you should be used to overpower the Jedi. They fought as the Jedi took you as a baby and began to raise you through the Order, and they never bothered to hide your past. They felt that it was right for you to know the truth.

And ever since you've been training to become a Jedi Master they've always wanted you to become.

Lucas use to be a pilot, he was put on a mission to defeat the Sith starships that we're trying to attack his planet, Alderaan. He was assigned to destroy one starship, General Grievous. After all of the other starships were destroyed by his team, he prepared himself to defeat General Grievous.

As he flew towards the ship he became scared and anxious that he might die, he closed his eyes so that he wouldn't be able to bare seeing himself catch his last breath. After he blasted the ship, he felt a sudden pull, his team felt it too. They all noticed that the Force was strong with him too.

After the mission his captain flew him to the Jedi Headquarters, and ever since he was put into the Jedi Order the same way you were, to become strong with the Force and use it wisely as a form of defense.

After the date was over, you walked past the hallway to your quarters for the night, noticing a droid willing around.

You knitted your eyebrows in worry as you heard it's screams "what's wrong?"

As you got closer to it it moved back making a beeping noise that sounded like it said 'stay back'. You slowly took your hand out "no it's ok. I'll be gentle" you said, you took slow steps towards the droid as you got ahold of it's round figure.

"Are you okay" you asked it. It made a sad beeping noise, you looked down noticing a chip had fallen off, no wonder why it's so scared. It's lost a chip!

You picked it up and got on your knees and softly stuck it where it needed to be. You had a lot of experiences with droids in the past, cleaning and putting them back up after missions and multiple wars ever since you were a toddler.

But you always hated the black gunk that was left onto your hands.

"He always gets scared when he loses a chip" a masculine soft voice spoke. You turned around and saw a tall handsome man looking down at you from above.

He folded his arms together as you got up from your knees, noticing his golden brown wavy locks and his scar that rested on his eyebrows, but left with no connection.

"I figured he was scared because of that" you nervously chuckled.

You pointed at the droid still looking at the man "is this your droid?"

"Yeah" he said softly, approaching up to it "this is artoo. What's your name?" He smiled.

You chuckled "oh I'm y/n l/n, I'm a Jedi Knight" you took out your hand shaking his.

"Oh really" he asked boldly. "I never knew you existed, are you from here?"

You nervously chuckled at his surprising response "Yeah I was a padawan learner but I became a Jedi Knight just this morning."

He nodded "ohhh ok."

You asked what his name was "uh- what's your name? I've never heard of someone like you before?"

He chuckled, turning his head for a slight moment "you don't know who I am? Wow isn't that something." He smiled at you as you tilted your head.

"No I'm serious, who are you?" You asked politely.

"He's Anakin Skywalker" another voice responded, you turned to see a man with dirty blonde hair, walking up to you with a bushy beard "or what he likes to call 'the chosen one' because he's so full of himself" he rolled his eyes.

He and Anakin began to chuckle as he walked up to him, patting him on the back "and this is Obi Wan Kenobi, my Jedi Master" he grinned.

You widened your eyes, recognizing the name from somewhere "no way, the Obi Wan Kenobi?"

Obi Wan began to bend his back away from you as he wheezes hysterically, Anakin looked down at you in shock "wait" he paused chuckling "you know him but not me?"

You nodded "yeah he's the one that killed off Darth Maul in the battle of Naboo."

You walked up to Obi Wan, who was calming himself down from all the wheezing "is it true that you sliced Darth Maul in half?"

Obi Wan cleared his throat "yes you are most certainly correct young one."

You heard Anakin pout from behind "hey I was there too?"

You turned your back to seeing him put his hands on his hips dramatically "you forgot to mention."

You chuckled as you gave him a cute smile. You started to blush, thinking of how cute his eyes were through the Force.

There's no way I think he's cute when I barely know who he is.

He noticed your thoughts as he chuckled with you, "oh well, it's time to get some rest now shall we?" Obi Wan asked.

You turned your back at Anakin "of course, see you both tomorrow."

You got on your knees to give artoo a kiss on the head as he beeped "you're welcome artoo" you said softly.

You noticed Anakin's grin at you from the corner of your eye, you stood on your feet and walked back inside your quarters.

Thinking about who Anakin Skywalker was.

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