let's be civil for once

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Once you woke up, Anakin helped you get dressed, putting you in your wheelchair as he rolled you out the door and through the hallways, reaching for the Jedi Chambers.

You both arrived inside the room, you noticed a tall figure turn to see you, Lucas was busy taking in the beauty he got back from you.

Anakin, who was still holding onto the handle of your chair, had to stand next to Lucas. He slightly huffed, looking away from him with no eye contact throughout the entire meeting.

Master Windu began to speak "thank you for coming with l/n, Skywalker."

Anakin nodded "you're welcome Master Windu."

"The Council has been starting to feel worried that you might have been put under pressure for taking care of y/n. So we've decided that we should let Lucas join in with you on the help."

Anakin put his hand up "thank you for the suggestion but y/n has been very comfortable with me being her bodyguard. She has no problem with me whatsoever."

"We've started to notice that you've been moving in a very slow pace with y/n's recovery. The Council and Lucas have all noticed that the only place she's been able to move around in is the training center in the hospital—"

Anakin interrupted "wait a minute" he paused, furrowing his eyebrows at Lucas "what do you mean Lucas has noticed? He noticed she was in a coma just yesterday morning."

Lucas gave him a slight smirk, Anakin became bitter knowing that Lucas lied to the Council just to get near you in which he was not having one bit.

Now glaring at him as Anakin looked back at Master Windu, who murmured 'gentlemen' to catch their attention.

"We respect the physical therapy she is being given by you Skywalker but if you keep this up, she may not be able to keep up with her trainings. We believe that Lucas could be her bodyguard for 12 hours of the day and you could be her bodyguard for the other 12 hours with only 24 hours of the day, just to make things in a much faster pace."

Lucas nodded, looking at Anakin "yeah Skywalker, let's be civil for once—"

"Like I need your help for everything that I do-" he snapped, glaring at Lucas who then huffed at him.

"As if she wants help from you anyways."

"How would she know what she wants you're pretending that you still have feelings for her even though you know you don't and she barely even remembers what happened to the both of you-"

He then paused, regretting what he said as the entire Council had all eyes on Lucas, who clenched his jaw as Anakin in fury.

Anakin felt Master Windu's glare at him in question, wondering what he meant by that.

"And does she know who you are? No, she doesn't, not one memory comes to mind when she thinks of you. To her you're just an overprotective bodyguard."

Anakin turned his head back to Master Windu who couldn't stand the argument the both of them were having.

Master Windu stood up, looking at the both of them in all bitterness "alright that's enough gentlemen! By the end of this meeting you two shall come up with an agreement and end this monstrosity of an argument."

You inhaled sharply "wouldn't it make more sense if I made the decision? Considering I'm the one that's in the process of recovery?"

Anakin closed his eyes shut, sighing as he looked down in frustration, worried that you might choose Lucas. Master Windu then sat back down "I guess that would logically make more sense."

Anakin took you around the building in order for you to get use to being able to move around a lot more often than you did.

Lucas, standing on your right as Anakin was on your left, was taking care of impressing you with his wit as you began chuckling so much you'd forgotten that Anakin had still been talking about the training center.

"I'm sorry can you repeat that?" You asked, trying to control yourself from giggling.

"Let's just go inside, come on" he said, softly patting your back as Lucas helped him move you inside the room.

Anakin then left Lucas with his grip holding onto you, moving on to taking off his robes and igniting his lightsaber to try and help you get use to your training.

"Master Windu wouldn't want you to lose track of your training, so prepare yourself y/n" he said, turning his back to seeing Lucas holding onto you by your waist, caressing your hair behind your ear, whispering sweet compliments in your ear.

"You're a precious one princess."

You chuckled at his compliment as you heard Anakin's growl through the Force 'only I call her princess' you heard him say, ignoring his disturbance from a distance.

"Lucas" Anakin spoke as he turned his back to look at him "oh right of course" he said, clearing his throat as he helped you ignite your lightsaber.

Once you finished with your training session, it was time for you to go to bed as both Anakin and Lucas helped you out of the room, putting both of your arms over their shoulders, exiting out of the door and into your quarters.

As soon as you arrived to your quarters, Lucas gave you a soft peck on the hand "goodnight" he said as he waved goodbye to you, trying to wave back at him.

Anakin then helped you out inside by dressing you in your nightclothes and putting you to bed, completely frustrated and stressed out by what happened today "is there something wrong" you curiously asked, turning your back to meet with Anakin's head once he was done dressing you up for bed.

You heard him sigh "nothing, it's nothing now go get some rest."

"Are you sure" you asked "because if it's about Lucas you can tell me about it."

You felt Anakin's hands massage through your hair as he began "it's just that, I too have a strange feeling about Lucas. He's not the one for you y/n. I mean, before you were in a coma you weren't with him for that long."

"Why? Why wasn't I with him" you asked.

There was a slight pause as he responded "because you were with me" he began;

"We were starting to build a romantic relationship with each other, going on dates, going out on vacation and expressing our feelings in secret. It was all so fun and so thrilling and it just hurts to see you fall down the same path you did before, and I hate how I'm letting it happen."

You slightly tried reaching to rest your hand over his bulky arm, feeling it softly wrap around your waist again for the night "and I just wish you would be able to remember those memories. Remembering how only I deserved you, and no one else."

You felt his head rest next to yours on the pillows, shakily leaning in your ear "can I only ask for you to just please, for Force sake's y/n" he whimpered as his tone began to tremble "remember how much I cared about you, and that I still do even when you don't remember who I am. The least you could do is try for me, just for me."

You heard his sniffle a couple of times from behind as you began to frown, feeling bad for Anakin as though he lost someone he loved and cared for.

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