of course i will

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Surprisingly today, you woke up at such an early time, 4:32 am to be exact. You quickly got dressed and began to meditate in your room.

Once you got in a comfortable cross-cross position, your mind had slowly begun the process of erasing all of your sins. First you focused on your breathing, acting out as a deep cleanse.

After a few moments, you felt a sudden strong lift, noticing your hairs standing from your arms. You felt the Force now stronger than ever, you felt your muscles rearranging it's strength within you, increasing the strength of peace you felt within your heart. Once you felt complete, your thoughts had other thoughts in mind.

It was a slight distraction, but you didn't mind. You tried to remain as calm as possible, not expressing the wrong emotions that could destroy your perception of the Force, leading you to the Dark Side.

You noticed a trail of grass, sprinkled with daisies and flowers all around, the Sun expressing its love for them as it enhanced it in saturation.

You saw a boy, he obviously looked familiar to you as though you had seen him before. You noticed his gaze at you, lying down next to you as you were sitting in the same position you were in right now.

You saw his hand from the corner of your eye, feeling a slow rush of heat from his hand in contact with your right cheek, lightly moving his thumb on your cheek to move away the strand of hair that was close to your eye.

You gave him a slight grin, feeling his other hand fold around yours, moving it up in the air close to his lips, feeling the warm peck on it fade away in seconds.

His lips grew a smirk on your hand as you began chuckling, smiling down at him. Your mind had fully processed the meaning behind this moment, understanding the meaning of love you've never experienced before, even without literally gripping onto it.

You couldn't touch it, but you sure could feel it.

It felt like a place you could call home, where everything wasn't just calm and civil. But was happy and livid, and painted with beautiful colors.

You noticed a monarch butterfly, flying towards Anakin who was still and calm as it came by, standing on the tip of his nose. He stretched his lower lip upward, touching both of the butterfly's wings as it happily flew away, noticing his cheeks turning red.

Before you could spend more time experiencing the love you had not only seen, but mentally breathed in, your alarm clock loudly blared.

You noticed that you hadn't turned it off the night before, assuming that you'd head to the training center instead of waking up earlier than you thought.

You felt your heart sink, blurring out the sound of the alarm. The blanket covered over your heart was suddenly getting colder, it wasn't as warm as what you had imagined.

You sighed, using your hand to get up on your two own feet, turning on the off switch on the clock.

"It's 5 am" you said to yourself, turning your back to walk out of your quarters, closing the door behind.

You walked down the hallway, heading towards the training center to meet up with Master Windu "hello y/n, I've noticed you've been up early today."

"I have" you asked curiously as you chuckled "must've felt wide awake."

Master Windu took his lightsaber from his pocket, approaching up towards you, just standing right across from you by only a few feet away.

"Training will be short today" he announced.

"Why is that so" you asked, igniting your lightsaber.

•𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now