Anakin's been acting strange

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Lucas flew your ship to Alderaan, and on the way there you happily sat next to Lucas who was giving you seductive smirks.

Anakin sat beside Obi Wan, scrunching up his nose as he folded his arms together, slouching in his chair, looking at the laughs and smiles you were expressing towards Lucas.

You were still wondering why he felt so much negativity towards Lucas, ever since Lucas joined in on the mission all he ever did was feel frustrated around him with you, so much as you being around Lucas was making Anakin sick to his stomach.

Once the ship landed you tried calming yourself down, sniffling as you saw Lucas turning his back to talk to Obi Wan and Anakin, his long wavy hair brushed the air behind his back "you guys know what to do right?"

Anakin scoffed "of course we do" he snapped at him. "It's not like this is the first mission we've been on—"

Obi Wan talked over him "Anakin learn how to be polite around certain people" he looked down at him in all seriousness.

You titled your head, wondering why Anakin was being so rude to Lucas, wondering what he has done to make Anakin so infuriated with such anger— and a surprising amount of jealousy.

What is wrong with Anakin?

Anakin sighed louder than he should have, giving him a nasty grin "we will be by the back of the ship."

As they both headed to the back of the ship, Lucas turned his back around to get a closer look at one of the droids, informing the ship to take a close up picture at one of them.

"What's his problem anyway?" Lucas frowned.

"I don't know. Ever since we were assigned on the mission he's been acting strange. He seems frustrated" you said worryingly.

Lucas shrugged "maybe something blew him off this morning."

Luckily, after Lucas got the photos of a few of the droids, noticing that they had some differences in their features.

He put them in a folder, walking up to a certain scanner in the ship to get some sort of identification of what the droids were and if they did come from Count Dooku.

As he was starting to do so, it was the time for Obi Wan, Anakin, and you to leave the ship and hide behind the ship, noticing that there were more droids than you thought there were.

"There are so many of them" you exclaimed whisperingly.

"Oh don't worry my dear, we'll make sure they'll be gone in no time" he said.

You heard Anakin murmur something as Obi Wan told him to shush, noticing the droids coming closer to the three of you. What Anakin said sounded something like 'I'll make sure Lucas will.'

You rolled your eyes, now becoming annoyed by Anakin.

"On three" Obi Wan said. "One....two...three-" he, you, and Anakin ran up to the droids, as Obi Wan used the Force on the few that were getting close to the ship, as they fell onto the ground.

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