old faces

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You groaned waking up, Anakin hummed in response to you being awake.

You then started to feel a soft but warm feeling surrounding around your waist, you felt it pull you against Anakin as you looked down, noticing his veiny bulky arms wrapped around you, now noticing his nose stuffed inside your hair.

You slightly hit Anakin with your hand on his shoulder, asking him to wake up "Anakin—Anakin" you said loudly.

"Mmmm" he hummed questionably. You then felt his eyelashes brush up against your hair, noticing the mattress shake as he tried to make himself feel comfortable "what" he asked tiredly.

You tried to pull away from his touch "can you um—let go of me" you asked politely.

"Oh right!" He responded loudly as you chuckled, feeling his warm touch being removed by you "we should probably get out of bed" he suggested, moving his heavy figure out of the bed.

You hid your lips inside your mouth, "yeah we should" you agreed, feeling his arms helping your legs flip over the mattress to get you on your feet.

Once you were done walking around the room in the training center of the hospital, you felt tired of being so bored of walking, wanting to be around the Jedi building more often.

"I wanna go inside the building instead of this hospital" you groaned, throwing your head back.

You felt Anakin pat your back "it'll only be a matter of time before you can go back to how things were."

You shrugged "but maybe right now is the time but I just don't know it yet."

You heard the sound of a droid beeping as you turned your back, noticing Anakin approach up to it from the entrance door "is that artoo" you asked.

Anakin looked up at you from crouching down to the droid's height "wait you remember him too?"

You wobbled up to the droid, still struggling to walk "yeah, he was that handsome guy's droid—he looks a lot like you by the way" you said, slapping your head to forcefully remember, Anakin helping you to get on your knees as you began looking at the droid.

"I forgot what his name was, I only just remembered how cute he was towards me with his wit and his smile" you complimented, looking up to the ceiling "I can't forget how precious that smile was."

You slightly knitted your eyebrows to feeling Anakin blushing through the Force, looking back down at the droid, you shrugged "but I just can't remember his name—Force it sounded so much like yours but I just can't quite put my finger on it" you said, caressing your hair behind your ear.

You then heard footsteps approach up to you as you looked up to another tall figure, who you thought was the same guy you were talking about "Lucas" you exclaimed, using your strength to get up to tour feet "how have you been?"

He flipped his wavy hair to the side as he looked down, "I've been okay" he said, looking back up at you, putting his hands around your arms "what I should be asking is how are you? I heard about what happened to you and I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

You smiled at him "I'm fine" wrapping your arms around him as he gave you a confused look "the only thing I could remember besides everyone else was the date we had before I was in a coma."

He rose his eyebrows, looking at Anakin as Lucas looked down at your lustful expression "woah isn't this surprising" he chuckled, snaking his hands around your waist, slightly making you float in the air.

You chuckled naughtily, "don't worry" you said, leaning nearer towards him "there will be more 'surprises' to choose from" connecting your lips onto his, feeling his hands gently massage your hair.

You felt Anakin pull away from the both of you as you pouted "except she'll be needing to walk by then" he said out of the blue, getting you on your feet as you wobbled, helping you walk properly.

He sighed, looking up at Lucas "so get lost bud" he said, plastering a fake smile on his face.

Lucas growled looking down at him irritated 'fuck off Skyguy' he murmured, turning his back to walk out the door as it closed behind him.

You looked up at Anakin as he looked down at you "come on let's go outside to help you get use to things" he said.

You frowned "alright I guess", as he helped you walk you out the door.

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