the old memories

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After months had passed, and you and Anakin started to become more and more closer as the weeks went by.

The council noticed that Lucas had been flirting with you and declared that as something against the Order and highly inappropriate, removing you from his supervision.

They all finally came to an agreement that Anakin should be the only person to supervise you and sleep in your room for sometime, to make sure if you felt the need to urinate or get dressed he would be there to help you and make sure you would get it done as soon as possible.

Today, as you went back to the training center in the hospital, you started to finally be able to walk again after many months of practice.

Once you were able to walk through the bar without the bar's help or even Anakin's, you turned to let Anakin see your jaw dropping.

He was also surprised as well "you did it" he said chuckling.

You ran up to him, jumping onto him to give him a squeezable hug "thank you so much Anakin."

You felt a slight pat on the back as he slowly put you on your feet "you're welcome y/n" he said, holding your hair behind your ear "I don't think right now is a good time to start running before we walk."

You sighed, grinning up at him "I'm glad I met you Anakin, this has been a really long journey and I finally got the hang of it."

"I'm glad to have met you too" he slightly whispered, you began leaning your head towards his, feeling his warm breath mix with yours.

You slowly put your hands around his neck, as you felt his hands slowly wrap around your waist, getting up onto your toes to lean in to find his lips.

Once you felt his brush onto yours, you felt a sudden stop, releasing yourself from the moment as you stuttered.

"What's wrong" you asked, flipping your hair back, your mouth staying slightly opened, worried for Anakin "I know that it's only been a couple of months since we last kissed but, did I do something wrong?"

You saw his head hang low, sighing as you felt a rush of anxiety in him, in which you didn't know how to cope with.

"I'm sorry, I think I should go" you said, rushing your way out of the hospital, standing outside in the rain, blurring out the sound of the hard drops hitting the ground, taking a moment to noticing weird visions of past events.

Events of the same guy you've known as Anakin. Meeting him up with Obi Wan and artoo for the first time, calling you pretty for the first time, helping you heal the cut on your arm, having your first kiss with him, going on your first fun date with him, going on your first vacation with him.

And finally, him being the first person you notice when you woke up from your seven-month coma.

In many ways you could describe, it was all of the sudden coming together, the pieces connecting to the puzzle, waiting for the finishing touch to happen.

You then noticed your finishing touch, standing right behind you, with damped hair from entering outside in the rain hitting against the hard cement.

You turned around, seeing him standing from a distance away, slowly approaching up to you.

You felt butterflies hitting against your stomach "I'm starting to remember things again. The old memories. Things I never knew I experienced."

You paused, your eyes slowly reaching up to look at his tall height as he approached up to you "things I never knew I experienced with you."

He titled his head, as you went on "and because of those experiences—the vacation, the date, and—"

"The kiss, yes that's right. We kissed, and we both liked it. That was where it—"

"All started" you said, finishing up his sentence. "But there's something else I've remembered that you've hidden from me. The anxiety. I could feel it inside you, and even after being in a coma I still can, it's still happening. But it feels very intense, as if it's only been that intense recently."

You noticed the rain fell harder than you expected, noticing the lighting striking through the bad weather, "every time we had a moment alone to ourselves you'd feel the need to tell me something, something that has been the reason for your anxiety."

"It's true, there is something that's been making me feel anxious, and I have hidden that from you."

You breathed out your response, raising it as the rain loudly hit the ground "so tell me then. What could possibly stop you from telling me anything?"

His voice became sensitive, apprehensive to the tone "it's because at a time like this, if I told you what I've been meaning to tell you, you'd have a possible chance of having no memory of it."

"But I now can remember the fun times we've had in only just the past few days. Teaching me how to walk, sleeping right next to me every night, being around me at all times even when around other Jedi Knights—even when I'm around Lucas who doesn't seem to be interested in being with me anymore."

You both chuckled as you began to slowly finish "and making me feel safe when no one else could. And right now, I'm starting to remember who you are again."

He pursed his lips, walking closer to you barely a few inches away "well then try to remember this" he paused, as the moment became silent, the only loud movement being the rain hitting against the ground.

You felt his breath shuddering, noticing his anxiety increasing through the Force, his muscles tying to knots, his teeth clenching, his heart racing in fear.

"Remember what?" you asked softly, trying to make him feel more comfortable around you.

His lips began to tremble "try to remember, that the reason I felt anxious around you was because—"

He then did it again, the anxiety rose within him as he finally ignored it for the first "it's because I love you, y/n."

You gave him a curious stare for some time, noticing that he had something else to say "I love you so much princess."

You saw a tear shedding down his cheek, turning his back to shield the look on his face.

You instantly turned him back, pulling his cheeks close to yours as you slammed your lips onto his, feeling your back arch as he held onto your waist, taking in the sweet sensation of your soft lips pressed onto his.

You slowly released yourself, but not your grip on his cheeks, resting your forehead against each other, feeling the tips of your noses brush against each other.

You perceived the sound of your hot breaths panting, panting from the sweet first kiss in a long time you both expressed for each other.

You slightly gasped, moving your head back as you looked deep into his eyes, blue and deep, but attractive and love-craving, getting ahold of his cheeks.

"Don't forger that I love you too, Anakin Skywalker."

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