goodbye old friend

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Anakin's face became innocent in patience, his lips move shakily as he responds "what do you mean?" He holds onto your hands, sitting on the side of the bed to get close to you "do you know who I am?"

You shook your head sideways "no, but you sound like someone I'm familiar with. Someone I felt comfortably close with, wonder who it was anyways" you shrugged as if it were an everyday thing to wonder about.

Anakin slightly opened his mouth as his eyes hung low, feeling the bruise in his heart enlarging, turning to an ugly gray.

You heard a knock on the door, seeing a golden blonde middle-aged man walking slowly walking through the door "don't try to waste your time Master she's not gonna remember—"

"Obi Wan Kenobi" you exclaimed. Anakin quickly looking up at Obi Wan that only shrugged at him in confusion, approach up towards you.

"Oh my it's a pleasure to see you!" You put your hands together. "Where's Master Windu and the Council? Are they here to see me?"

You gasped, putting your hands over your mouth widening your eyes, lowering your tone down to a whisper "does Lucas even know that I'm here?"

He chuckled, putting it finger out "I'll get to that in just a moment. But after months of waiting, I'm glad that you're awake y/n, all of us are." He grinned, switching his expression to a now serious one "but the council will need to make sure that you'll be stable enough to get use to training again by two weeks from now."

"Why two weeks?" You asked curiously "what will I be doing for these weeks right now" you titled your head.

You heard Obi Wan nervously chuckle as he began explaining "Anakin—" he said, face and taking his hand to point to the man that sat next to you, the one you couldn't recognize from even taking in a glance at.

He cleared his throat "—Anakin will be helping you with getting use to being around people again, including going outside every now and then since you've been quarantined in this hospital for too many months to count."

You grinned at Obi Wan "of course, I'm glad I'll be able to walk around and get use to this building again." You grinned, turning your head towards him

"And I'll be looking forward to getting to know you too Anakin" he looked at you with a faint grin, turning his head away from you.

Obi Wan excused himself to leave the both of you behind "I suppose I'll leave you too alone for now."

You took your hand up in the air, waving goodbye "goodbye old friend" you yelled softly.

"Goodbye y/n" he grinned as his rosy cheeks hit against the light with a slight shimmering shadow being plastered onto them, as he closed the door behind him quietly.

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