first day of training

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You woke up for the first time in your new bed, a rush of joy filled your heart as you got excited for your first day of training as a Jedi Knight.

From your past years as a padawan learner, you've heard numerous rumors about how hard training was for Jedi Knight, but you always seemed to focus on what's happening in the moment.

You flipped your legs over your bed, getting up to take a shower, and put on your new Jedi robes.

You brushed your hair in the mirror, decrying your lightsaber into your pocket as you walked out the door heading over to the training center for Jedi Knights.

You noticed Master Windu was taking off his robes and hanging them up to start the day. "Hello Master Windu" you greeted to him.

"Good morning l/n" he said to you.

You ignited your lightsaber to his as you started with your training as a Jedi Knight.

After training had finished, your forehead had been pouring out your sweat, you were completely drenched as your knees shook uncontrollably.

"You did excellent l/n, loved the hard work you put into today." Master Windu complimented you, putting on his robes as he left you all alone in the room.

You walked out of the training center, noticing the same droid from yesterday, except only standing in the hallway waiting for someone.

Could it be Anakin? You asked the Force.

You walked up to the droid as he happily beeped recognizing your face "hello artoo" you said, rubbing his smooth head.

"He thinks you're very pretty" Anakin said softly, you looked up to see him looking down at you due to how tall he was compared to your height.

"I just might have to agree" he lowered his voice so that only you could hear him, smiling at you.

You began to chuckle up at him nervously "wow that's very kind of you Anakin." And there they were, his eyes. His bright blue eyes, you took a long breath-taking moment to just stare at his eyes, as he stared into yours.

Obi Wan spoke from behind you as you broke the stare "y/n" he said "Anakin, the council needs to meet with the both of you, there's a mission you have both been assigned."

Artoo beeped excitedly "of course artoo you can come too" Anakin chuckled loudly.

"This is where the fun begins!" He began to walk with artoo to the Council Chambers.

You stood next to Anakin as artoo stood next to you, Mace Windu began finishing up his announcement.

"You will be needing to destroy a group of droids that have been trying to break into the gate of Bail Organa's building in Alderaan. Lucas will also be joining you both on this mission as well."

Your eyes widened as you saw him walking inside, noticing Master Windu approaching up to him with a polite bow.

You felt Anakin's frustration through the Force does he not like Lucas?

'You're asking too many questions' Anakin spoke to you through the Force.

You didn't even bother to ask why as you stood there, listening to what Mace Windu had to say.

"Lucas will be plotting the ship 10 meters to the right of his building, hiding behind a long bush so that the droids won't notice anyone there. Then he will take photos of the droids and transfer them into pictures.

He will put them inside a folder and then go to the Jedi Archives and place them inside the stack of folders folders of where we believe the droids have come from. Count Dooku and whom we suspect is where these droids came from. That's when you-" he point at you specifically.

"Anakin, and Obi Wan will defeat the droids off and head to the spaceship back to Coruscant, but only after he's done getting a good shot at at least one of the droids, considering they all look alike."

You began to look at each and every one of you individually, noticing Lucas' hand secretly patting you on the back. You felt a range of disturbance in Anakin through the Force, becoming even more concerned for him.

"So are we clear" he asked.

You all nodded together "yes Master Windu."

After you were just about to head down the stairs of the halls, Lucas grabbed onto your wrist as you turned around, giving you a soft peck on the cheek.

"See you at the ship" he whispered in your ear as you both chuckled quietly. Your shoulders slightly touching your cheeks as you tried to hide your cheeks from blushing.

You then noticed Anakin's glare from far away, but you shrugged it off anyways.

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