you didn't have enough time

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But whatever it was that he was feeling besides a romantic attachment towards you, you couldn't let the Council or the Jedi know.

Especially your Master since he's been seeing you at the same level of strength through the Force as much as Anakin, which was already surprisingly a lot to take in as his Jedi Knight.

On day 2 of being on duty, after you helped almost every youngling in the room, almost memorizing each of their names, you noticed on the clock that their session was over for the day.

"Alright younglings" you said, giving them a sweet smile "you're session is now complete for the day, you are now dismissed" you excused them, as they all bowed down to you saying thank you to both you and Anakin.

As you and Anakin turned your backs, waking to the exit door, you noticed that Luke and Leia purposely stayed inside the room.

You turned your back towards them "come on guys you're dismissed" you said, as they both looked at each other, walking up to the both of you, giving you both a hug on your knees from your tall figures, Luke holding onto your knee as Leia held onto Anakin's.

You and Anakin both looked at each other, confused by what you had both witnessed from the two younglings.

They both threw their heads up at the both of you "thank you" they both said. You and Anakin chuckled, patting their small backs as their tiny figures ran out the door.

With their padawan braids jumping on their shoulders.

You sighed at Anakin "well I should be going off too" you said.

You turned your back as you felt Anakin's hand turn you around with your wrist, quickly facing towards him "don't leave" he said.

You noticed he turned on his shields as he hung his head low.

You heard him take in a sharp inhale, feeling his nerves cool down to a shivering level of cold through the Force "what's wrong Anakin" you worried, cupping your hands over his cheeks.

You felt anxious for him, he knew you cared for him, but was scared that it wouldn't be as much as he had hoped for "y/n there's something I need to tell you" he said, holding your hands down, folded onto his.

There was a slight pause as you felt a slow rush of confidence building up inside him, especially in his stomach. He felt bold enough to tell you what he had been feeling around you for the past couple of days "y/n" a voice spoke.

You turned your back, noticing Obi Wan's figure standing behind you as you immediately let go of Anakin's touch "the Council needs you immediately, it's about Senator Caroline."

"Did you say that the assassination threats have, increased" Obi Wan asked as he started to begin his conversation with you.

"Yes Obi Wan, you are correct. Count Dooku and the Separatists have seemingly been scaring the Senator with these threats, threatening to capture her and have her head removed by force."

You took in a sharp inhale, worried for the Senator "since the Council has trusted the two of you on missions together, we decided that we should let y/n on this mission, without the need of Obi Wan's supervision."

Obi Wan took his hand out, his eyes widening "are you sure Master Windu? This mission is seems very risky for Y/n to be left alone with. Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

Mace Windu nodded "I'm certain she won't fail the Council let alone the pressure she will be weighed with during this mission. She'll have the beginning of next week to fly to Kamino. There she will have a place to stay in the Senator's apartment with a room for herself."

The sun had already set, you yawned deeply as you walked down the hallway, reminiscing the cold nervousness you felt within Anakin earlier today, how soft his cheeks were as you gently held onto them.

Wondering if he was feeling mentally okay, not afraid to show your care for him.

As you almost began to open your door, you felt a grab on your wrist. You turned to see Anakin's face, the same worried face he made in the afternoon in the veranda.

"Do you need something Anakin" you tiredly asked softly.

There was a slight pause in the interaction within the two of you, you sighed as you turned around, walking back to open your door as you felt his hold on your wrist again.

You turned to hear what he had to say "y/n wait" he immediately said as you opened your eyes, hearing his loud voice.

You saw his face shaking, trying to stay still, you became woke, feeling his nervousness now turn into fear.

You felt what he was going to say could've been against the Order, even though you both took many risks at doing so.

You waited for what he had to say "goodnight y/n" he said, giving you a faint grin.

"Goodnight" you said back, slowly turning your back against him as you opened the door, closing it behind you.

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