anytime soon

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Obi Wan sighed, looking around the room to see if Anakin was there "oh but not to worry, you won't be thinking about that any time soon" he patted you on the back as you plastered a fake smile.

"Master Windu mentions that you're mindful of your surroundings."

There was a slight pause, Obi Wan then got up from his seat and began to walk away from you, but you caught his attention "Obi Wan" you yelled out his name, but not loud enough to cause a scene.

He turned his back to meet his eyes with yours "thank you" you grinned.

He gave you his sweet welcoming grin "of course, may the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you too" you said back, putting the book back into its rightful spot.

After you closed the door behind you outside the halls from the Jedi Archives, you heard a voice talking to you through the Force, noticing the masculine accent from a certain someone 'meet me in my quarters, I want to show you something' Anakin said.

After you stood behind the doorstep you gave it a little knock. You waited for a good couple of moments, looking around your surroundings noticing that you were the only one there. You yelped, immediately feeling a physical pull inside the room.

You heard Anakin's chuckle muffled by his face in your hair, giving you a slight peck on the head.

You turned your head towards him "you scared me."

He then walked you up to his bookshelf that was just beside his bed, noticing a spheric object standing in the center of it.

You took the time to stare through the object, noticing how each of its features were neatly presented.

You then noticed Anakin's big arms wrapped around your waist, resting his warm cheek on your shoulder "open it up" he said in your ear.

You noticed a slight crack from the side of it, launching it in half as a blue-tinted computerized portal of the planets stood in the air, all alined in order.

You shuddered "wow. Anakin, all of this looks beautiful."

You felt his lips grow into a grin, he spoke softly to your ears as butterflies fluttered in your stomach "choose which planet you'd like to go to first."

You took it into thought, thinking deeply about which planet you'd like to experience first, focusing on planet Naboo "I wanna go to Naboo."

"Grab on it" he said. You were confused at first, but you did what he said as you leaned in to grab onto the planet, noticing your figure off off in the air for a split-second as you got onto your feet.

The stars stood proudly as you noticed the blue glow from the lake, surrounding by a long oval of different sets of flowers, creating the warm happy shade.

The white butterflies flew around the area, as the grass bloomed in a light green. But over the lake was a wooden trail.

You walked up to the trail, resting your arms on the log as you noticed the swans dancing in the water near the ponds.

"Anakin, this is—you didn't have to do this for me, you know that right?" You looked up at him.

He picked a flower from a tree, "I only do it for the people I deeply care for" he smiled.

You chuckled, hiding your cheeks that suddenly turned rosy.

He used his hands to turn your face towards him, gently cupping onto your cheeks "don't hide them" he said softly "they make you look beautiful."

He looked deeply into your eyes as you did the same for him. Noticing how his eyes matched with the color of the lake that lit up in the night.

You noticed how his lips were soft and gentle to the touch, that each kiss would feel as exquisite as the last one.

The two of you began to shudder, feeling each other's hot breaths as if they were the last you could inhale, slowly leaning in closer and closer until you felt your soft lips connect with each other.

He then got ahold of your soft cheeks, trailing his lips across the side of your cheek as he released himself from you. Leaning in to wrap his robes around you into a warm hug.

After your teleported back into his quarters, you said your goodbyes to him as he left one last kiss on the cheek before you left.

"See you tomorrow" he whispered in your ear.

After you went inside your quarters, without Anakin's presence nearby only made you needy of him more than you already were. Everything felt so wrong yet it felt right in the moment, everything was peaceful, loving, and so sweet.

But all you could do in the moment you were in right now is hope that nothing bad would happen between the two of you. 

•𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now