strangely bold and surprisingly confident

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You went back inside your quarters to rest for the night, lying down on your bed just thinking about what had just happened. How sweet the kiss was, how soft his lips were. You were hungry for the feeling again, as you went into a deep sleep.

But something kept you up for the next 20 minutes, the thought of Lucas stuck with you as you felt a sudden weakness, needing to tell him what had happened while you were alone with Anakin.

You knocked quietly against his door, you waited for a moment or two as he opened it up, seeing you in your nightclothes.

He yawned, as he whispered "hi y/n, what're doing it's past curfew. We're not suppose to be up after 10 pm—"

"We need to talk. Something happened a couple hours ago and you have the right to know."

Your facial expressions were worrying Lucas as he let you inside his quarters, locking the door behind him "what's going on?" He asked.

You felt your heart beating rapidly, he noticed through the Force as he rested his hand on your back, slowly turning you around, he noticed that your eyebrows slanted away from each other. "Please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried about you y/n—"

"We kissed! Anakin and I—he kissed me and I let it happen."

He paused as he began to chuckle "you're not saying you have feelings for him are you? It's not the Jedi way."

"Oh please like we didn't do anything against the Jedi Order either." He became silent for a quick second "you're right. But do you feel something for him?"

You let out a sharp exhale, hanging your head, feeling Lucas' shock and pain through the Force. "I'm sorry Lucas, it's been starting to build up just before I went to bed" you said.

But luckily to your surprise, he accepted it respectfully. Softly getting ahold of your hands.

"It's ok. You deserve someone who cares about you as much as you would for them" he then gave you a kiss on the hands and leaned in to leave his last kiss on your cheek "good night y/n."

"Thank you Lucas. Good night to you too" you gave him a short hug as you walked out the door.

You woke up to the sun slightly waking itself up, looking at the clock which showed that it was 5 am in the morning.

You got up to go and take a shower, getting dress to prepare yourself to head back to the training center.

You paused to see Anakin right across from your door, who turned to finally notice you outside your door. He began to walk up to you, stretching out his fingers "look y/n I just wanted to say, about what I did yesterday. It was wrong and it's against the Order and I shouldn't have done that."

"I liked it, I enjoyed what happened yesterday. But I just didn't want you to know that because I was too nervous and shocked to even say anything afterwards."

"But what about Lucas? What would he say if he ever found out?" He asked worryingly, holding onto your arms.

"I sorted everything out with him. He's fine with us if I'm fine with it."

Anakin widened his eyes, folding his arms together "wow, just like that?"

"Yeah" you said "even I was surprised too. I didn't realize he would accept it right away."

You said your goodbyes to him as you left to go to the training center for the day.

After training was over, you felt a pattern of the same reaction during the end of it. Heavy panting, aching feet, sore legs, sweat dampening your whole body, and of course your least favorite part; the messy hair you'd put up afterwards.

"Not bad l/n. Even for a bruised arm I'm still impressed by your hard work, even while going easy on you today" Master Windu said.

"It's all thanks to your training, and the Force" you smiled.

He grinned at you "you should go get some rest. Especially your arm, you must not damage what defines you as a Jedi. Your arms are—"

"Just as important as the mind." You finished it off for him.

He chuckled as he put his lightsaber in his pocket "I'm proud of you y/n, You're becoming stronger than the rest of us all together."

You bowed down to him, thanking him for his responses as you entered out of the training center, walking towards the Jedi Archives.

You sat down on a chair and opened up a book, which focuses on the emotions a Jedi should experience, but more in depth.

You skipped the first few pages that only read the basics, you need to always be at peace, and be mindful of what emotions you let out, letting out the wrong ones could lead you to the dark side.

You stopped at one page, which mainly focuses on attachments. It said that an emotional, romantic, or sexual attachment is strictly forbidden in the Jedi Order.

It also mentioned that becoming attached to a person would make it harder for you to detach yourself from that person, especially if you're in denial of not loving that person when you show that you do.

"What're you reading my dear" Obi Wan spoke, you looked up at his bush beard hanging off his chin.

You closed your book "Obi Wan, what're you doing here?" You asked nervously as you began to chuckle.

He pulled a chair and sat right next to you "I should be asking you the same question" he chuckled, his eyes squinted as the light shined against it.

He pointed at your book "what's that you're reading" he asked once again.

Your expression was blank as you suddenly blinked for the first time in a matter of seconds, "oh this" you shook the book side by side "I just needed a little reminder."

"That's very smart of you to do y/n" he noticed, as he cleared his throat "does it have to do with Anakin?"

You shook your head, curling your lower lip forward "Anakin? Why Anakin? I'd expect you to ask of Lucas" you furrowed your eyebrows at him.

He lightly shrugged "I was going to ask if Lucas. I tried to read his thoughts but I found nothing that was against the Order, he didn't feel some sort of romantic connection towards you, which I would be very grateful of if I were you."

You stuttered in shock, noticing how nosy Obi Wan was "sounds like me" you said.

Obi Wan hummed "but then I thought about it, and I recently noticed how Anakin was towards you. He was—strangely bold and surprisingly confident. I felt it inside of him. That bond he felt from you, yet the bond was cut loose since you never felt the same way, as expected of the two of you."

You widened your eyes, so it's true. He does feel something for me.

•𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now