i remember this place

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Your arms were around his shoulders, partially standing on your tippy toes "what is this place anyways" you said turning your head to look around at the grass and the lake "this place looks familiar" you said as you smiled.

"We're in Naboo" Anakin said, helping you walk up to the grass covered in daisies and flowers, sitting down to lie down next to you as you were in a criss cross position, you gasped "wait a minute, I have been here before" you chuckled.

"I recognize these flowers, like I've thought about them before, and with this guy, he—yet again he looks so much like you."

"I remember being in a place like this too" he responded, looking up at the sky "and being here with a girl too."

You shrugged "well what was she like" you asked curiously.

You then remembered something vivid, something that had flown past your mind, the feeling of Anakin's hand play with your cheek, the same feeling you had felt when you were meditating in your room that one early morning.

"She was—very beautiful, soft, and just so-" he then paused, as you felt his heart stop through the Force.

"What else happened" you asked, titling your head to see his sigh as he threw his head back, hanging it down "so loveable" he said, you slightly gasped, looking down to see his hand fold around yours.

He then moved it close to his face "and you know what the funny part is" he said, licking his lips to prepare himself "what is it" you chuckled, moving your hair out of your face as you looked up at him.

You felt his lips brush onto your hand, feeling it connect into a small peck "she looked a lot like you" he kissed your hand, feeling his smirk on your hand as you chuckled, looking away from him as you hid your face.

"And she was a real sweetheart too" he finished, smiling at you from below.

Anakin helped you walk up to the wooden bridge, seeing the swans glide onto the glittery light blue lake from below you.

You tried to hold still as you hung your arms over the wall, throwing the flowers you picked on the lake "I think I remember this place too" you said "like I've been on a date with this guy besides Lucas" you turned your head to Anakin.

You looked back at the swans "and the weird part about it was that, I was actually having a lot more fun than I expected with him than Lucas—no offense."

Anakin shook his head "none taken" he grinned.

You threw your last flower in the lake, you sighed "but sadly, I have a feeling Lucas doesn't exactly like me the same way he did when we first met."

Anakin shrugged, lowering his face "well then maybe he's not the one for you. Maybe there's someone else in this world that would probably treat you better than him, or maybe even—treat you as their soulmate" he turned his head, his blue eyes shining in the bright sunlight, noticing his head getting closer to yours.

You felt your eyes starting to close on its own "are you saying that—you could treat me as your soulmate" you asked, slightly opening your lips.

"Even if I did, would you give into that thought" he asked, titling his head to the side.

You felt your breaths shuddering against each other, breathing into the oxygen you both now shared with. You bit your lip, feeling the tension in your stomach turning into knots as butterflies started to form.

"Maybe" you whispered, feeling his soft lips pressed up against yours, breathing out the tension you both have now built amongst yourselves, you felt your lips slightly twist as you moved your head to your other side.

Cupping your hands over his cheeks, feeling his hand behind your neck and around your waist to keep you steady. You then came to a realization.

You didn't know what came over you, kissing Anakin. Even while kissing Lucas just this morning.

You still felt loyal to him.

You quickly released yourself from him as soon as possible, the oxygen you shared with him had suddenly faded away, now taking in the fresh air that was freely moving outside.

You forgot to breath as you tried to control it, your breath shuddering.

You touched your bottom lip, questioning if what you felt from Anakin was real or just a faze.

You saw him controlling his breathing as he was panting, noticing himself feeling anxious through the Force, seeing a shimmering sheen of sweat all over his face and neck, including his Adam's apple sticking out.

You were starting to lose your balance, feeling your feet stand onto the ground as you almost fell, you slightly yelped feeling Anakin's hands suddenly hold onto your waist, holding you upward.

"It's okay I got you" he said, looking down at you as you looked up at him.

"Can I go back inside now" you asked politely, hanging your head.

He nodded "of course" helping you off the bridge.

His voice became strangled, pulling his blanket over you "goodnight" he said, feeling his breath run past down your back as you slightly moved into your comfortable position.

You felt wide awake but you also felt the need to sleep at the same time. 

You grinned, starting to gently rest your head into a comfortable position on the bed, suddenly starting to fall asleep.

But before you did, you heard him murmur something, you couldn't quite here what it was considering you felt the vibration of his voice on your neck.

You slightly chuckled, thinking of him saying 'I loathe you.'

I 'loathe' you too.

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