resting week

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You woke up from your sleep, flipping your legs over your covers and headed towards the shower to start your day off. And just as usual, you put on your Jedi clothes and walked out the door, only to hear an announcement coming from the speaker;

"As of the start of today, you will all be taking the week off. The training center will not be opened until Sunday of next week. You will be taking this week off to focus on your mentality and be free to go on vacation to relax your mind off of stress. If you have anymore questions, the Council will be more than glad to answer them in the Jedi Chambers which will be open until this afternoon."

The microphone then turned off, you mentally squealed at the idea of spending the week off by doing everything besides training.

You noticed a beeping sound coming from behind as you turned your back, noticing artoo running around in circles "artoo" you exclaimed.

He beeped as you gave him a hug, he then beeped as you immediately responded, noticing what you'd done "oh my apologies artoo. I almost forgot your kiss" you then kissed him on the forehead, standing up to notice Anakin's smirk from behind you.

"He isn't just excited about seeing you."

You knitted your eyebrows as you chuckled "well what else does he have in mind?"

"He's going on a little trip with me to Naboo for the amount of days the Council has given us all."

You nodded "that's good to know." You rubbed the back of your neck damn it! I wish I was coming too.

Anakin chuckled noticing your thoughts through the Force "I was actually hoping you would come with me." He smirked looking down at you.

You smiled, "I thought you'd never ask" you said softly.

After you packed up your things in your suitcase for the week, Anakin helped you put your stuff in the back of the ship, leading the way to an apartment he owned in Naboo.

Once you reached the doorstep, you saw him put his hand in the center of the smooth wooden door in which it quickly but smoothly opened as you saw it split in half, opening it up looking at it from up and down.

Completely confused by what you just saw.

Inside the apartment included simple needs such as a couch, kitchen, tables, chairs, the bathroom, and of course—the bedroom.

Once you reached for the bedroom there was an open space outside the room from a distance. Where the sun was exposing its tired light, making it aesthetically appealing.

He sighed, turning his head towards you "it's not much but it's better than nothing."

"I like it. Actually, I love it" you said, also turning to look at him as he lightly chuckled.

Once you walked inside his room, you both began unpacking your clothes putting it inside his closet since he gave you his permission.

Throughout the first four days of your vacation, you and Anakin began cooking many of your favorite dishes in the kitchen while listening to some tunes. As you were you both began to slow dance around the kitchen, but not long enough to notice that the food was overcooked.

After that you both went outside to swim in his small pool, having countless scares from him sneaking up behind you with a large splash, turning you around as you rested your back on his arm that was gently gliding you on the water.

Once you dried off you tried playing a board game with Anakin and artoo, in which you and Anakin groaned at how artoo surprisingly kept on winning in each round.

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