Count the Dookus (part finale)

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"Oh look who it is, Anakin Skywalker and his worthless Master that is Obi Wan Kenobi" Count Dooku giggled, slowly approaching up to them as Ventress stood beside him, putting her lightsabers by her side.

Anakin growled at Dooku, looking at your figure that laid lifeless from a distance, running up to it gasping your name "y/n" he fell to his knees, holding onto your figure.

He checked your pulse, turning to Obi Wan "she's still breathing, only unconscious."

Obi Wan glared at him, looking back at Count Dooku who giggled as Ventress snarled at him "Ventress" he said breathlessly, shocked to see her once again.

"Hello, Kenobi" she said, as Dooku giggled.

He sighed "you won't get away with this Count Dooku" he said, as Anakin stood next to him, both of them ignited their lightsabers as Dooku finally did the same.

His saber flaming the shade of red, they all held theirs up as they all posed in defense, Obi Wan aiming for Count Dooku as Anakin aimed for Ventress.

But before Ventress attacked Anakin, Dooku spoke to her about something "Ventress my dear."

"Yes Master" she said hoarsely, turning her body to face her Master.

"Begin the transformation" he demanded politely to her.

Anakin and Obi Wan froze up in confusion, looking at each other as they saw reincarnations of Count Dooku form up around the room in a wide circle, Ventress also becoming the reincarnation herself.

"What kind of madness have we brought upon ourselves Master?" Anakin whispered to Obi Wan.

"Don't worry about that my Padawan, this will soon be brought to an end."

"Count the Dooku's my little friends, let's see who survives this challenge" he giggled walking around them as Obi Wan and Anakin both attacked Count Dooku and his clones.

Once Anakin and Obi Wan defeated all of the Count Dooku's clones, Obi Wan seemed to struggle with defeating Count Dooku himself.

Anakin tried to use the Force to manipulate Count Dooku's mind, approaching up from behind as he cut off his limbs, taking in his loud screams and winces.

Both Obi Wan and Anakin turned off their lightsabers, putting it inside their pockets as they looked at Dooku's legless body, lying down on the ground in continuous pain.

Obi Wan panted, trying to control his breathing "do you think he'll be okay Anakin" he asked.

"Oh I wouldn't be too focused on worrying about him more than y/n" He said, as they both looked at your unconscious body, lying down on the cold flat cement.

"You're so right, my padawan. I hope that girl will be okay" Obi Wan said as he watched Anakin pick up your figure off the ground.

Throwing it over his shoulder, while showing the back of your legs as he and Kenobi ran out of Dooku's building, reaching for their ship as they flew back to Coruscant.

Once they flew back, they showed Mace Windu your lifeless body. His breath becoming  still as they noticed his tears running down his cheeks, Anakin handed the body to him as he put it inside the medical center, giving you a hospitalized examination.

After the examination was over, Doctor Maroth approached up to Master Windu holding a clipboard of information on your unconscious body.

He pointed his finger at a drawn out detailed picture of your skull, with PowerPoints arrowed at certain directions and places around your brain.

"I've noticed that she has slight internal damage in her respiratory system around her lungs and near her bronchiole area, leading to the air being sucked out of her system causing her to fall unconscious to the ground."

Master Windu nodded, understand the information carefully "and have you noticed anything else that might've damaged her body?"

Doctor Maroth hummed "the doctors have also discovered an unknown injury near her skull just hours before her lungs had been damaged—"

"Wait, what do you mean hours before" he asked flatly, putting his hands on his hips.

"We've made an estimate that there was a slight bruise near her hippocampus hours before her bronchioles had been damaged by the force-choke."

Mace Windu had noticed that Senator Caroline had been living in her other apartment on Coruscant, scheduling a meet up with her in the communication center.

He, Anakin and the Council, had set up a hologram in the center of the table, it opened up with Senator Caroline on the blue screen standing with her hands by her side.

"Thank you Senator for meeting up with the Council and I" Mace Windu bowed down to her as she did the same to him.

"Thank you Master Windu for setting up this meeting, it's time we discussed about the attempted assassination attack on y/n." She nodded.

After they discussed about the situation, having the Council including Anakin involved, Master Windu turned off his connection to the hologram, turning towards Anakin with full trust in him.

"Skywalker, since you have y/n's full trust in you, I have decided to put you in charge of her in her hospital bed. The doctor has said that she might be encoding the process of a memory loss."

Anakin blinked in confusion, squinting his eyes "what did you say?"

Mace Windu approached up to him as the Council's eyes wandered over towards Anakin.

"Yes young Skywalker. As far as I can sadly tell, once y/n wakes up, she could have a high chance of experiencing memory loss in her brain, not being able to function old information as well as the new information she will be able to take in."

Anakin's eyes wandered to the ground, holding in his breath by how scared he was of not being able to remember you.

"But luckily, she still has a chance of remembering her skills and her training as well as the Council, even you yourself. But there could still be a chance that she might remember most of the people she's met in her life, but might just forget one or even two people."

Anakin nodded, looking back up at Windu "you're right. Thank you for telling me everything Master Windu, I will do everything that I can to help her remember everything again."

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