just for tonight

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You walked near the training center of the hospital, in which Anakin practically put your arms over his shoulders and dragged you all the way there since you didn't know how to walk.

You held your grip onto the silver bar "so what exactly am I supposed to be doing right now?"

He turned his back, letting out a slight hum noise as he rose his eyebrows, walking behind you to help guard you from behind.

He sighed "the first step you need to learn before heading back to training is learning how to walk. It always takes baby steps to lead to your goals" he encouraged, feeling his voice vibrate your ears.

He slowly held onto the sides of your waist, encouraging you to step forward "and in order to do just that, you have to take those baby steps. So try it out" he said softly.

The first step you took felt like you put your foot over the top of a 3 story building, almost getting to your fall as you felt a tight grip on your waist "it's ok, I got you" Anakin said as you both chuckled, wobbling your way to the end of the bar.

"Good" he happily said, "now let's try that one more time, shall we?"

You blushed as you grinned, facing towards the handsome sweetheart "we shall, Anakin" you looked down at him as you smiled.

He missed how sweet your smile was towards him, the last time he saw it was just before you left for your first mission alone, taking in the moment of almost losing you as you had now woken up from the thought of not knowing who Anakin was or where he came from.

After you walked across the bar, you took a break from feeling tired of walking for the first time in 7 months, trying your hardest to bend your arm backward while trying to drink from your bottle of water, as Anakin singlehandedly used the Force to help you out with it.

Once it was night time, you were put in a wheel-chair by Anakin as he strolled you through the hallways, approaching up to your quarters, opening and closing the door behind him.

He sighed, looking down at you, seeing his upside down hang as you smiled up at him, he pulled his head up "well, it's time for you to get some rest for now."

He walked around your position, getting on his heels to pick you off the chair, gently but slowly placing you on your bed, pulling the covers over your arms.

Anakin grinned saying "goodnight" to you as he turned around, walking out the door, suddenly stopping to hear you try to speak;

"Hey Anakin-" you said which made him turn his back facing you.

"Yes y/n" he asked softly.

You lowly hummed "I know that I just met you today, but can you sleep next to me? Just for tonight?"

He gave you a sweet grin "of course I will" he whispered, slowly sitting on to flip his legs over your mattress, slowly turning your figure to the right side of the wall as he did the same, not wanting to face away from you.

Still remembering you as the same y/n he met from the start.

•𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now