Count the Dookus (part 1)

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Anakin closed the spaceship to look at you in worry "are you sure you'll have to go today" he asked softly.

You looked down at him "yes Anakin" you chuckled.

Anakin wrapped his hands around your shoulders "but you'll be all alone" leaning near your ear "you won't have your Knight and shining armor to keep you company" he chuckled noticing you blush, pushing him back.

"Oh right, which reminds me" you said, as Anakin's eyebrows flattened in confusion "I've noticed you've been feeling anxious lately, is there something we need to talk about" you asked, cupping your hands over his cheeks.

He sighed, "I've just been worried that's all" he said, holding his hands over your wrists that stood up below his cheeks.

"Was it you teleporting me to Naboo? Taking me on vacation? What were you so worried about that could possibly make me think of you as someone different from what I already know you as?"

"It's not that, I don't want us to fight on your last day here before your first day on the mission. Don't worry about it my dear, my anxiety has nothing to do our relationship and I'll make sure that it won't interfere in it" he smiled at you, you smiling back at him as you couldn't resist, but still left with confusion.

"I'll come back safely, I promise." You eyed down smiling at him as he nodded.

"Ok" he said in a whisper level, pulling you into a soft hug, you purposely dropped your bags, wrapping your arms around his neck, standing on your tippy-toes to reach for his height.

He then released you from your hug as you stood on your feet properly, turning your back to freely walking towards the building, approaching towards your quarters to unpack your stuff, putting it back inside your closet.

You arrived past the quiet stairs of the hallway, noticing Obi Wan holding the bag you'll be using for your mission, filled with a blanket, pillow, pairs of clothes, and an extra lightsaber.

You grinned as you approached up to him who was near the exiting door, taking the bag from his hands "thank you Obi Wan for your hard work as always. Thanks to you, I'll know how to be safe from any harm."

He giggled "the council hopes that you'll succeed on this mission. Now, be safe and make sure you don't do anything foolish" he pulled you into a hug, your head buried into his chest.

You patted his back pulling away from the hug, walking up towards your Master, giving him a hug as well "may the Force be with you my Jedi Knight" he curved a smile on the side of your back.

You released from his hug, "may the Force be with you too Master" you grinned up at him, turning your back to reach for the door, opening and closing it behind you.

Fives, Rex, and Cody helped you with your bags, using their strengths to putting it inside the back of your ship.

Rex walked up to you, "the clones are praying 'ou'll do your best to save Senator Caroline" he smiled down at you.

You nodded "I appreciate the hope. Tell them I said thanks for the support" you grinned.

"Of course sir" he said back, as him and the two clones walked back, taking in you walking inside your ship, flying your way to the rainy planet of Kamino.

You landed your ship a long distance away from Senator Caroline's apartment, approaching up to it with your hands held onto your bags.

You saw her walk out of her apartment with her hand-maidens and Captain Typho.

Senator Caroline and her hand-maidens slowly bowed down to you as you did the same for them. She leaned in to surround her arms around your back "hello Master l/n, it's such a pleasure to be meeting with you on this mission."

"It's a pleasure to be meeting with you Senator Caroline" you gave her a welcoming grin.

She put her hand around your back "come—inside we have a separate bedroom for you to sleep in" she said politely, walking you towards the opening of her apartment.

She gave you your lunch and your dinner during your stay in her apartment, you thanked her for the food as you excused yourself for a few minutes.

"If you'll excuse me for just one moment" you said politely.

"Not at all" she said, picking up her fork as she stuck more food onto it, slowly chewing it up with her mouth closed.

You began looking around each room in her apartment. Once you did you went back inside your room, opening up your hologram to spread the update on your mission.

Master Windu popped up on your hologram "yes y/n"he said through the screen.

"I've just spent the last couple of hours with the Senator, I've also check each and everyone one of her rooms to notice if there are any suspects around in the area."

"Have you found any of the seperatists? Count Dooku perhaps?"

"Coast is clear as far as it seems" you said, hearing the background noise of the murmurs coming from the Jedi Council.

Master Windu turned his back at the Council, facing towards you.

He raised his voice for you to hear clearly "y/n listen to me very carefully. Make sure to keep your eyes on the Senator at all times, be aware of any moving objects around you, including any buildings if necessary."

"Yes master" you said sharply.

You saw him take a deep breath "good luck y/n. May the Force be with you." His hologram then closed as the blue screen sucked back inside of your hologram.

You turned off your connection with him,  closing your curtains to make sure nobody see's you putting your hologram somewhere near your closet.

You began walking with the Senator down her stairs, noticing a small object move from one street light to another, holding onto an extremely small camera, small enough for you to not be able to see clearly.

You stuttered, holding onto the Senator's back "Senator Caroline, why not you show me around your apartment, to try to get use to everything around here."

Her blonde hair slightly bounced as she walked down the stairs "later" she said politely with no eye contact, walking near the exiting door of her apartment "but right now I will need to speak with the chancellor in Alderaan—"

"Oh but it'll only take a few minutes" you tried to encourage.

"No" she shouted, offended by your ignorance "the chancellor needs me, I can't be late for our meeting."

Once you turned your head towards the window you noticed the same small object, only to notice that it changed into a weird spheric shape standing on the top of a street light, feeling a weird pull through the Force from it.

You began to examine the droid, only to notice a few seconds later that it was part of the Separatists, yet it was neatly camouflaged into the color of the street light.

The droid then blast close to the Senator's head as you pushed her back "Senator" you shouted, hitting the blasts against your lightsaber in different directions.

You used the pull of the Force to knock it unconscious, as Captain Typho rushed the Senator to a hiding place, taking care of of the other sets of droids that broke through her window, blasting at you as you cleared off all of the droids using self-defense.

One of the droids managed to blast near your forehead, hitting your skull as you fell to the ground, blacking out.

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