🖤Don't Leave Me🖤

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right at the time of erwins d___h, which means im gonna cry while writing this.

this is very sad and in 2nd person pov


"You all must be out of your minds!!" Eren yelled at you and the others who stood beside you. "It's not me or the commander that will save humanity! It's Armin!!" Eren turned to Mikasa, who had tears streaming down her cheek. "Right Mikasa?! Tell them!"

"Hey! Shut up all of you! Levi, just do it already!" You screamed while kneeling next to Erwin's body. You had his left hand in yours as you turned back to the overly-emotional teenager. "Do I look like I give a shit about Armin's promise to you?!"

"Screw you!" Eren shouted furiously. You only spit in his direction as a reply.

[30 minutes earlier...]

"What if there's another way?" You suggested to the captain and commander, who sat on a wooden crate just outside the district of Shiganshina. He looked up at you with a sad smile.

"Such as?" He asked. Now, you were at a loss for words. If there was another way that didn't include certain death, you would present it in a heartbeat. Charging the Beast Titan while he threw boulders was probably one of the stupidest ideas Erwin has ever come up with, but it was out of your control. Besides, if he somehow survived, he'd still get to see the basement, and spend his days with you.

"There's no option here. I wish there was, I really do. But...I think the charge should distract the Beast Titan enough for Levi to swoop in and kill it." Erwin explained. You were on the verge of tears, but you held them in, not wanting to seem weak. The thought of your fiancé dying and leaving you behind in this cruel world haunted you every night. Now it was a reality. You knew he wouldn't make it, yet he ignored your objections.

"I'll be by your side." You spoke up. Erwin's head shot up and he started at you with a shocked expression.

"No, you stay with Levi. Help him take down-"

"No! I'm staying with you because if I don't, you'll just get yourself killed." Your voice was now breaking up and tears burned your eyes. You wiped them away as quickly as possible and looked back at his blue eyes. The emotion suddenly wiped from his eyes.

"That's an order (Y/N). Stay with Levi." He firmly instructed you. Your eyes widened, but you soon hung your head. In your secret relationship, he was always open to your ideas. But if he wanted you to do something, as a soldier, you were his subordinate. You had no choice but to do as he asked. With your head still hung low, you walked away, a tear fell from your face.

"You're a selfish bastard Erwin." You mumbled when you walked past him. He said nothing, for he knew you were right.

[The Rooftop...]

"Everyone back up so he doesn't eat any of you!" Levi yelled at the small group that stood on the rooftop. You and Hanji rounded everyone up and ordered them over to a nearby building, where it was safe and there was no risk of Titan Erwin eating one of you instead of Bertholdt. Levi was chosen to inject him because he could easily get away since he was so strong and agile. 

After about two minutes, something wasn't right. No lightning bolts struck the ground, no new Titan form appeared. 'What the hell is Levi doing?'  You asked yourself silently. Promptly, you decided to see what was going on. With your ODM gear, you swung over to Levi and Erwin, a bit angry to see that he wasn't injected yet. 

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