🖤It's Good To Be Crazy💙

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kinda fluffy, kinda angsty. a mix ig

now for the picture lemme just explain something...all i wanna do is take erwin into my arms and administer first aid to his face, then give him a loving kiss on his head <3 ;-;


"But that's your best fucking friend sir!" I exclaimed angrily. These past few days were so hectic and crazy, I could've sworn I was starting to hear things.

"Look, whether he's my best friend or not, he's being accused of murder and treason! I can't go against the crown, not this time." My commanding officer, Nile Dok, explained just as angrily as I. In response, I only groaned in an annoyed tone and stormed out of his office. If I had known the Military Police regiment was this shitty, I would've joined the Garrison or something.

"Hey Lieutenant (L/N)!" One of the recruits called to me as I marched down to the basement of the MP headquarters, where the prison cells were. Nile had given me an order to 'interrogate' the arrested commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith. From prior knowledge, Erwin was Nile's best friend in the Cadet Corps. This order to question him was useless, but I couldn't do anything about it. Unless I wanted to lose my job. Half of me wanted to. (A/N: nope not a dead marco joke. dont come at me ;-;)

"Ah, Lieutenant, I've been waiting for you." One of the officers, Captain Bradford, said to me as I approached the tiny prison cell. "The blonde bastard's in here." 

"Let's hope he's innocent." I muttered under my breath. Despite not having met this man, I supported a lot of his theories and ideas. I followed up on the expeditions he led. In other words, I looked up to him more than I did to Nile, my own commander.

For some reason, I was a bit hesitant in doing this. But why? I was able to do it to that idiot pastor in the Trost barracks. Maybe...because Erwin was the guy I admired. Beating him up and pulling nails doesn't seem like something nice. Or maybe I'm just deluded. Or maybe because his blue eyes were staring up at me, begging me to just let him go.

"S-So, you ready to confess? You'll make it a lot easier on yourself. " I mustered up the courage to say after a few minutes. He smirked and shook his head.

"Why would I confess to something I didn't do?" He asked sarcastically. So he was snarkier in real life. I raised my foot to kick his face, but I couldn't. He was innocent, I knew that too. He was the last person that would even take a chance on committing treason. Even if he did, the government needed to be put in its place anyway. Well, here goes my job. 

"What are you waiting for? Just kick him!" Bradford yelled to me, which snapped me from my thought process. I sighed heavily.

"I'm not doing it." I lowered my foot and turned to Bradford. He raised an eyebrow and clenched his fist.

"That was an order Lieutenant! Do it now or be suspended for insubordination!!" He shouted in my face. In anger, he brought his fist down repeatedly on Erwin's face. With a pained groan, the blonde fell over and just accepted the blows. It's not like he could fight back, his only hand was cuffed above him. "See, it's...easy!!!" Bradford's pause was to kick Erwin in the stomach. 

"I don't take unjust orders from a corrupt bastard. Sorry bud." I shrugged and smirked with a raised eyebrow. He grumbled and stripped me of my weapons, which consisted of my knife, extra ammo, and a shard of glass. I don't know how the glass got there, but okay. 

Thirty minutes later, I was laying on the floor beside Erwin in cuffs. I wasn't being suspended for insubordination. Since it wasn't my first offense, I was getting fired. But since I also tried to lunge at Nile from across his desk, I was being imprisoned for a month for assault on a superior. He wasn't my superior anymore though.

"So...w-what's your name...Lieutenant (L/N), right?" I heard Erwin's gentleman-like voice say to me from across the room. I was laying on the ground with my hands tied together behind me, my back was facing him. I slightly moved just my head, only enough for him to see half of my face. [A/N: no that wasn't a dead marco joke >:c]

"It's not lieutenant anymore. Just call me (N/N)." I barely whispered. I didn't want to talk because my throat hurt. When I tried to lunge at Nile, he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me down on the floor to restrain me, bruising my neck in the process. Then, in his anger, he ordered for me to be "taught a lesson." That's the term we use in the MP for taken to a tiny room, tied up, and beat until you were unconscious. I was also stripped of my ODM belts, uniform jacket, and leather sash. My hair was now messier than Erwin's, not that I cared.

In response, Erwin softly coughed. He sustained some injuries during his interrogation too. His eye was bruised, his face was bloody, and his cheek was swollen. His white shirt was wrinkled and covered in blood. I felt so bad, I just wanted to break us both outta here. But they confiscated all my shit. 

"Well *cough*, since you're not in the MP anymore...would you like to join the Scout Regiment?" He asked weakly. I turned fully to him with widened eyes. As much as they could widen. I had black eyes on both sides, and a fat lip. Erwin stared at me with a tiny smile. I nodded and scooted closer over to him. 

"You don't mind that I'm crazy?" I asked with a sarcastic grin. He sickly chuckled and shook his head. It probably still hurt to breathe from the visible bruises on his lungs. That bastard Bradford had a hard kick, especially with the boots. 

"Sometimes (N/N), it's good to be crazy." 

[two days later...]

"HAHA FUCK YOU, YOUR WIFE, AND YOUR KIDS!!!!" I screamed at Nile as I walked backwards with Erwin by my side. I raised both my middle fingers with my thumb extended. "YOUR WIFE WAS A BITCH ANYWAYS! YOUR KIDS ARE ANNOYING LITTLE SHITS! FUCK! YOU!" Erwin laid a hand on my shoulder and smiled down at me. The kind of smile that was more of a warning than polite.

"His wife was going to be mine. You might want to watch your mouth before I send you back to that prison." He whispered condescendingly. I slowly nodded and turned back around. But I just had to...

"YOUR HAIR LOOKS LIKE SHIT!!" I hollered. Erwin grabbed my shoulder tighter and pulled me back to his side. "OKAY, okay, I get it! My god..."

"Look, you're funny and pretty and all, but there's a time and place for everything."

"Aww, you think I'm pwettyyyy?" His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a bright red.

"J-Just...stop talking." That was all he said for the rest of the trip to the Survey Corps HQ. 



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