🖤You'll Be Alright💙

787 16 6

the above image describes me to the maximum

TW: mentions of r*pe, mentions of s*xual violence


Erwin smiled gently at Y/N as he carried their dinner plates to the table. Y/N had their head down, but they still gave him a tiny grin. He set their plate of steaming rice stir-fry in front of them. Y/N was a nurse at the nearby hospital, so it was common for them to be tired. But Erwin noticed something was very off about them. They were now always tired, didn't really eat, and was very withdrawn. This started a few days ago, and Erwin was eager to find out why.

"Thank you." Y/N quietly said before daintily picking up their fork. Instead of taking a huge first bite like they usually did, they poked at a chunk of chicken.

"You alright?" Erwin inquired, "You seem odd lately." Y/N swallowed with gritted teeth and nodded.

"Yeah." The way Y/N said yeah wasn't very convincing to him. He knew it'd be a bad idea to push his luck, but he was yearning to get to the bottom of this.

"Did something happen at work?" He continued. Y/N jerked their head up and quickly shook their head. Their hair whipped in front of their face as they did.

"No, why would you think that?" Y/N worriedly asked. Erwin knew immediately that they were lying. "Why do you keep asking me if I'm okay? I'm clearly fine."

"If you call barely eating and sulking 'fine,' then you need a dictionary." Erwin sarcastically quipped. He couldn't help but snicker at his own joke. But Y/N didn't even smile.

"If you get me a dictionary, I'll throw it at your fucking head." Y/N snapped, banged their hands on the table, and stood up from their chair. Erwin furrowed his brows.

"Baby, it was a joke!" He exclaimed as they began to storm away. He sighed and quickly followed them. He reached out to try and stop Y/N as they turned around, but whilst they did, they didn't see the couch in the way. With a yelp, Y/N stumbled into the couch and fell straight to the floor  on their back. They wheezed as the air was forced out of their lungs. Y/N's head also snapped back and smacked against the floor.

"Y/N!" Erwin's eyes widened as he bent down to help them. Y/N had pure fear in their eyes as they pushed back and shook their head.

"Get away from me!" Tears formed in their eyes, making Erwin even more concerned.  

It's my fault that Y/N fell, they probably hate me. His mind raced with many negative thoughts, but he ignored them when he noticed Y/N was on the verge of sobbing. His heart ached, he wanted nothing more than to comfort them and apologize, but they seemed to be scared of him for some reason. 

Once Y/N came their senses, they lifted a hand up to their head and felt the tender spot that had hit the floor. They winced, knowing that would definitely leave a bruise. They looked to Erwin with teary eyes, seeing the concern and hurt in his ocean eyes. 

"Y/N?" Erwin tried once again to reach out to them, but they only flinched and backed away. He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it again.

"I'm sorry, I-" Y/N stumbled.

"Don't be sorry." Erwin reassured them with a smile, though he didn't know why Y/N was sorry. 

Until he noticed a scratch on their shoulder.

[Four days earlier (warning: s*xual violence scenario)]

Y/N happily hummed to themself as they wrote their patient report. Another person helped only made Y/N love their job as a nurse more. They were friends with most of the people on their shift, which made it fun to work at the hospital. They were like a family to Y/N, they all trusted each other with their lives.

Erwin Smith x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now