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requested by: @mk_korri  thank you for requesting! :)

vaguely based off of greek mythology


On the small island of Paradis, there were a few religions that were popular among the people. A majority of the citizens followed these few religions. However, there was one that was looked down upon. One reason behind this is it was seen as "unrealistic." It didn't seem to fit history quite well, but when did anything ever fit history? Well, this religion was called "mythology," and it was unlike anything seen before.

"Hmm, that makes sense." Erwin mumbled to himself as he flipped through the pages of an old book. Nothing pleased Erwin more than a book on a Saturday night. Especially this book, which seemed to match his line of thinking. A painting of the beautiful goddess, Y/N, was displayed on the page. She certainly was an alluring woman, even in pictures. Even the most powerful of gods turned to mush when she walked in a room.

A knock on his office door made him slightly flinch. Quickly, he grabbed a nearby throw pillow and shoved the book under it, then sat down at his desk to make it look like he was doing paperwork.

"Come in!" He called out to the visitor. The door creaked open to reveal Mike peeking in through the crack. Erwin furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "You can come in, Mike."

"Lies, lies. I smell nothing but lies." Mike entered the room slyly and shut the door behind him. Erwin, as confused as ever, folded his hands on the table. Did Mike know his secret?

"What are you going on about now?" Erwin asked. Mike sighed and sat down in the chair across from Erwin.

"Well, two Scouts on my squad are dating. One of them is cheating and keeps denying it."

"That's what you came here for? Please, I'm busy right now." 

"You don't care!!" Mike yelled, then stormed out. Erwin rolled his eyes. While Mike was always involved in some sort of drama or gossip, it got very annoying. Happy that Mike didn't see through his blatant lie, Erwin returned to the couch and dug behind the pillow, retrieving his book. But at this point, he was too tired to keep reading. With all the paperwork and stress of being a commander, he really had no extra energy. 

After brushing his teeth and changing into more comfortable clothing, Erwin laid in his bed and let out a heavy sigh. It felt nice to sink into bed after such a long day. A long life, really. His dreams were the only thing that pleased him. As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind fell into a deep slumber. Little did he know, his goddess had a message for him...


Erwin's eyes slowly fluttered open. He glanced around the landscape with half-lidded eyes. The sky above him was a clear blue, with no clouds in sight. The breeze gently swayed the flowers surrounding his body. Confused, he sat up and further examined his surroundings. 

"Am I dead?" Erwin pressed his hands against the ground, discovering this felt weirdly real. He swallowed hard and looked around. In the distance, there was a large oak tree, with leaves of the brightest green looming over a crystal pond. Underneath, a woman stood. She wore a white dress made of satin, her skin was as smooth as the roses at her feet. Erwin furrowed his brows, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her before.

"Come to me." The woman spoke in a polite tone. Not breaking his line of sight, Erwin ambled over to the pond's edge. He recognized the depth of the pond, but stood still. He heard the familiar woman chuckle and move her hands upwards. Suddenly, the water swirled over his body, dragging him across the surface and placing him on the opposite side. Despite being moved by water, Erwin was completely dry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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