💙🏳️‍🌈How Could You Not🏳️‍🌈💙

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so this was requested a while back by @ArminArlert_lover . thank you for the request, and I apologize it took so long to write :)

reader is FTM here 😜 (Y/B/N means "your birth name")


"But that's what I don't understand. How could they just authorize such a stupid program?" Mike's voice was just an echo in my head. I was spaced out drying my upper body by the lockers. I guess Mike was in the shower rooms too, and I just didn't realize it.

"Are you listening Y/N?" He snapped next to my ear, snapping me out of my spaced-out daze. I blinked and smiled cluelessly.

"Yeah, sorry. Just had my mind elsewhere..." I replied as I waited for him to turn his back. I needed to put my underwear and pants on, but not in front of him. Finally, he turned to his locker to search for something. I took that chance to quickly slide my underwear up and pull my pants up to my hips.

"Ohh you had your mind on your posh boyfriend." He snickered. I laughed and shook my head.

"He's not posh, he's just likes things fancy." I chuckled as I slid my shirt on. My chest area was never that big, making it a little easier to hide the truth.

"That's the definition of posh kid. See ya around." He smiled before walking out, fully dressed now. I slightly waved and finished getting dressed before slamming my locker shut and walking out. 

Now to my date with my handsome boyfriend Erwin.

[*spongebob narrator voice* Two hours later...]

I laughed and walked hand in hand with Erwin, listening to some story about cotton candy.

"It was invented by a dentist, you know that right?" He chuckled at me. I shrugged my shoulders, watching his annoyingly playful expression.

"Who knows? Maybe it's just a conspiracy that a dentist made it." I jokingly provoked him further. Erwin only laughed and shook his head. 

"You know I really do love you, right? You always love a good debate." He complimented me, watching as my face turned bright red.

"You're too sweet." I responded as we reached my apartment. I sighed and looked up at the building. Not the worst, but not good either. 

"Do you want to, um, come in?" I asked, and Erwin nodded with a cheeky smile.

"Sure." I took my key out of my pocket and unlocked the hallway door, slightly squinting at the bright light. We climbed the first flight of stairs to my apartment. I turned the key to unlock it and entered my home. I sighed in uneasiness at my middle school yearbook sitting open on my table. He could NOT see that.

"Im always impressed as to how clean you are. Captain Levi would be impressed too." Erwin sweetly said as he looked around. I nodded and dropped my key, which I usually clumsily did. But this time I dropped it in the floor vent. 

"Shit!" I angrily exclaimed as I got down on all fours, trying to also grab the screwdriver on the counter. Thankfully, Erwin grabbed it and handed it to me.

"Ah, a yearbook huh?" I widened my eyes at his statement, but stayed silent. Well, here goes our relationship. I swallowed hard and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Who's this crossed out?" Erwin ran his finger over my 8th grade picture in the yearbook, inquisitively raising an eyebrow at it. "You must've really hated this girl, calling her an ugly bitch..." I took a deep breath and stood up. I slowly strolled over to the table with tears welling up in my eyes.

"Yeah, I did hate her. And...I think she hated me too."

"Hmm. Eighth grade is when the bullies are the worst."

"Mhm. But sometimes those bullies arent other people." I grabbed an eraser from the counter top and handed it to him. He looked at me suspiciously, not knowing what to do. I motioned at the yearbook.

"Go ahead, erase the x's over the name. See who bullied me in 8th grade."

"Okay..." He muttered as he rubbed the eraser over the x's, I shut my eyes again, letting some lonesome tears fall down my cheeks. Slowly, the lines disappeared, showing Erwin who I used to be.

"Y/B/N...L/N?" He looked at me with furrowed brows. "Your sister bullied you? That's tough..." I scoffed and hung my head low.

"No, dumbass, take a closer look at the face." My voice cracked as I said this, which did not go unnoticed by Erwin. He reached a hand out and gently rubbed my shoulder before looking back down at the picture. He studied it for a few moments before his breathing hitched. And now here's the screaming match part...


"Yeah I know. Go ahead, break up with me. Its not like it's anything new." I scoffed and wiped my tears. Erwin finally looked up at me, with a... smile?

"You're not ugly and you're not a bitch." He gently lovingly grabbed my hand and pulled my shocked form closer to him. I stared up at him as he ran his thumb across my cheek.

"In fact, you're the most wonderful and angelic person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing." He sweetly said, pulling me into a tight hug and soothingly rubbing my back in long gentle strokes.

"But I lied to you. That doesn't make me wonderful." I choked out through my tears. He chuckled and shook his head before resting his chin on my head. He remained silent for a minute before finally speaking up.

"Well...I might be a little mad about the lying part, but I still love you unconditionally. Nothing will ever change that." I smiled and hugged Erwin tighter.

"You really thought that was my sister?" I teased him, he laughed and ruffled my hair a bit.

"I honestly did. How stupid of me to not know it was you." He leaned down and pecked my lips gently. I bit my lip playfully and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Just...please don't tell the others. They won't react the same way you have."

"You have my word. It stays between us, love."


if I got anything wrong, just let me know. Transgender oneshots are a bit harder for me to write because im not trans myself💙 but I still hope you enjoyed it😄

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