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[8 years ago...]

"I'm sorry for the short notice sir, but she's asking for you." The nurse hurried along the halls of Trost District Medical Center, alongside Squad Leader Erwin Smith. He crossed his fingers with high hopes, but with each step, the hope faded. He knew what was going to take place.

"She's right in there." Erwin turned the corner into the room, his heart hurt at the sight of his best friend on her death bed. Her face was pale and her body was weak in her final moments. She used whatever was left of her strength to reach out to Erwin. In response, he hurried over to her bedside and kneeled beside her. She managed to smile and turn her head to face him.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Erwin returned a soft smile.

"Like I'm being crushed by a Titan." Y/N joked, but Erwin didn't laugh. He felt tremendous guilt for Y/N's sickness. Every doctor had no idea what was wrong, not even Dr. Jaeger, who was said to be the best of the best. No one could explain why she was feeling weak and fatigued, why she could barely move, or why her immune system was weakened. No one had any reason as to why the nausea never went away, and why she had headaches almost 24/7. The mystery was what Erwin hated most about it.

"I'm sorry." Y/N croaked out with a cough, causing Erwin to snap out of his thoughts. He reached his hand up to gently hold Y/N's clammy hand.

"For what?" Erwin asked in a confused tone.

"Putting you...th-through all of this s-stress." Y/N explained, though she was becoming weaker by the moment. "You worry so much about me...the dark circles under your eyes become more obvious everyday."

"No no, I don't care about that. I-I only care for you." Erwin's voice cracked, he knew why she was apologizing. It was her way of being nice, instead of saying 'Hey, sorry for putting the guilt of my death on you, have a nice day.'

"Well, as you say..." Y/N inhaled deeply and brought her right fist to her chest weakly. Erwin's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen. "Shinzou...wo sasageyo..." All at once, her fist fell open, a sharp breath left her body, and the hand holding Erwin's relaxed.

He had to resist the urge to scream out as he was dragged away by two nurses.

[850, MP prison]

"Haha!" A drunk military officer chuckled as he slammed his foot against the prisoner's chest. The other three laughed and continued to beat Erwin. Yes, the questioning was over, but now they just beat him for the fun of it. He groaned when he received a sharp kick to the face.

"Oh, is he out?" The younger officer asked while shaking Erwin with his foot. "That's no fun."

"Bring him back to his cell." The officers dragged the blonde back to his tiny prison cell, threw him in, and slammed the door shut, laughing as they walked away. Though Erwin did nothing wrong, the public seemed to think him and the entire Scouting Regiment were murderers. They demanded execution for all Scouts, starting with the commander. And, of course, the MP hated him, so beating him for no reason satisfied them greatly.

After an hour of unconsciousness, Erwin awoke. His unswollen eye fluttered open, the dark cell was definitely something to adjust to. He grunted at the pain in his face and torso. He hadn't really eaten or deeply slept, making him slightly delusional.

Erwin Smith x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now