😈🌹You're Mine🌹😈

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ms keisha has been dead for 5 years now. but we shan't forget the joy and laughter she brought us in our darkest hours. we will forever cherish ms. keisha (erwin killed ms keisha ;-;)

ok anywayyyyy this is a yandere lime, yare yare daze (jojo reference :D)


You smirked and leaned closer to your wonderful boyfriend, Mike. This sucky day was about to end. It really was boring just doing experiments on Eren all day and hearing Hanji do a fan-girl squeal every time you and Mike held hands. 

"C'mon Mikeyyy, let's go swing through the forest in our ODM!" You pleaded, tugging on his arm. Erwin watched you two and chuckled dryly. He was never too fond of you both being together, but he didn't exactly have a say in the matter.

[10 minutes later...]

{Erwin's PoV}

How could he...? That tall dog-looking fucker knew I loved her long before he did. Well...I guess he's going to pay for that now, isn't he? Ha, maybe he should've thought twice before messing with his commanding officer. I finished attaching the heavy gear to my hips and walked swiftly out of my office.

"Heyyyy, so Erwin, I was wondering if you could....oh I don't know..." I heard Hanji run up beside me, so I stopped and turned to their pleading eyes. "Maybe you could raise the science budget at the next military meeting?" 

"No, fuck off." I harshly ordered them. Their eyes went dull, but they only sighed and nodded as jogged down the hallway over to Levi.

"How come he's so GRUMPY?" Hanji ranted to Levi, who just tch'd.

"Maybe he wants to be left alone. Besides, he endures a lot of stress as the commander." Levi explained in a monotone voice. I ignored them both as I exited the building and approached the forest with the huge pine trees, perfect for staying out of reach of the Titans.

As quickly as I could, I swung up towards the path, letting the wind blow past my ears as I flew down the pathway. After about two minutes, the sound of two other ODM gears firing was audible in earshot. Heh heh, perfect. All I had to do now was take out Mike without (Y/N) noticing, then knock (Y/N) out and bring her back to the office. I reached down and fiddled with the small bottle of chloroform and the rag in my pocket. Mike may have been humanity's second strongest soldier, but with that strong nose of his, the chloroform will knock him out instantly. 

After all, it's much easier to end someone's life when they're unconscious.

"Wooooohooooo!!" My ears perked up at the sound of (Y/N) howling like a maniac. Well, that is one thing I love about her. I smirked as I spotted Mike swinging not far behind (Y/N). I could see his head turn slightly, as if trying to look behind him. Shit, he must've smelled me! I furrowed my brows and swung closer to him. All at once, I poured half the bottle onto the rag and held it up to his face just as he was about to yell. I snickered evilly in his ear, grabbed onto him, and slammed him against a tree. He grunted and began to become more limp as he looked into my eyes. 

"B-Bastard." Mike's muffled voice muttered from behind the rag. I smiled and pulled a blade out of the ODM. 

"Sorry what was that? Your voice is awfully muffled." I asked with a tiny smirk, knowing I had won. Mike was about to die, and he knew it. "Perhaps..." I slammed the long blade through the middle of his chest and laughed evilly. "You should've thought twice before pursuing (Y/N). You knew I loved her first." I expected a reaction from him, but his pupils only dilated and his entire body became heavier than it already was. 

Erwin Smith x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now