Part 1: Ellen's Intro

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This is my first story and I really don't know too much about how to write these sort of stuff so please suggest stuff I can do to write better 😅. Note: this won't be the exact replica of which characters are brought back but enjoy ✌🏼

Ellen's POV (June 2020):


I wake up to my alarm at 6:00 and sit up and look around my room. It was one of my dreams again... the one about meeting Patty. I don't know why I'm thinking about him after all these years, he's the one who left me...

The room is messy since the kids decided to play in our room last night. I get up carefully, trying not to step on the toys, and head toward my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower before going to meet up with Krista today.

I step into my shower after taking off my black shortsleeved shirt and my usual sweatpants. I apply my lavender shampoo to my hair and rinse myself as a memory comes to my brain. Lavender.. his favorite scent.

I shake the thought off as I finish my shower and throw on a long sleeved green shirt and a comfortable pair of black pants. I go back in the room again and looked at my husband, Chris, sleep.

I feel like our bond got further and further away the last couple of years. Me working on Greys and him doing who knows what. I sigh and go downstairs and eat my breakfast straight out of a box of cereal from the pantry. I check the time and grab my phone, keys and mask before heading out to the garage. I turn on my car, The Tesla Model S, and drive it through the LA streets.

It's a cloudy day, not too hot and not too cold. I smile as I notice that there isn't paparazzi waiting for me near the set and I park my car in the set parking lot. I walk toward Krista's office and then opens the Walnut colored door that leads into Kristas office. I look around her office, taking a deep breath in as I smell the coffee scent coming from her coffee. Krista's office contains a couch, desk and three chairs. Her desk is scattered with papers and scripts on top of it and she's sitting in the chair, looking at the script.

"Hey Ellen, come sit" Krista says as I sit down on the chair facing towards her. I smile and look at her and say, "So what did you want to talk about?"

She tells me how she wants to somehow involve Covid and for Meredith, the character I act on Grey's anatomy, to be in a coma and have visits from people who left/died. I think about who has left the show since the beginning. Well there's T.R. who I'm still in good contact with so we could probably bring back him. Chyler is probably shooting her role in Supergirl but I'm sure we could try and bring her in, as well as Eric. We could probably bring Jess, Sara, and Sarah back, the fans would love that. And try to convince Sandra to come back for a stop. Maybe even Justin if I try hard enough although it hasn't even been a year since he left. And that leads to.... him.

Should I ask to bring him back? The fans would love it and I mean... I would too. I just want to do what's best for the fans right? I tell her everyone I've been thinking about who could come back, including Patrick, and Krista nods, and goes back to working on the script.

I get up and walk out of her office and go to my trailer and I unlock it and step inside. My trailer is pretty big, bigger than everyone else's since I am the star of the show. My full sized bed is on the left side of the room and there's pictures of me and my kids spread out on the walls. I have a black leather loveseat near the door, and a few white cupboards with my jewelry on top of them in the room. I sit on my couch and get my phone out and call my agent, Lucy.

Lucy: hey Ellen, what's up?

Ellen: hey Lucy, I was just calling to see if you can find... Patrick's new number?

There's a moment of silence before she talks back.

Lucy: yea sure, hold on a minute

Ellen: ok sure thanks

My heart is pounding in my chest while I wait for Lucy to tell me Patty's new number. Is this really the right choice? Am I sure about this? Before I have time to go back on my words, Lucy tells me his number and I write it down with a pen on a nearby post it note.

Ellen: Thanks Lucy, have a good day

I hang up and stare at the blue post it note. Thoughts race across my mind and my now slightly shaky hand dials his number. I stare at my phone for a long while before finally pressing the call button. It rings once. And then twice. And then a man's voice that I haven't heard in years speaks up

... : Hello?

I know it's a cliffhanger and Idk when I'll update cuz I'm pretty sure no ones going to read this anyway 😅. But yea I hope you enjoyed and um leave suggestions ✌🏽

Oh and here's the look that Ellen is wearing for this part

Oh and here's the look that Ellen is wearing for this part

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